User manual / Bedienungsanleitung
Made in Germany
Page / Seite 13
5.6 Fine adjustment of the tracking force
Set the correct tracking force of your cartridge according to the manufacturers instructions.
To set the correct tracking force, we recommend the digital cartridge weight „Weight Watcher touch“
from Clearaudio
(Art. No. AC163, also available at; Pic. 19).
After completing all settings, please make sure that the signal cable forms a smooth loop to the rear.
Pic. 19: Adjustment of the tracking force
Pic. 20: Adjustment of the linear tracking
Pic. 21: Adjustment of the linear tracking
5.7 Setting the tangential
Reposition the Clearaudio linear gauge through the existing hole on the turntable spindle and align
it so it points toward the tonearm base.
Use the lift to lower the stylus at the left hand end of the Clearaudio linear gauge, moving the
gauge so that the diamond sits exactly on the reference line (see Pic. 20, red line).
Lift the cartridge up again and then position it at the right hand end of the gauge.
Important note:
To avoid any damage, never move the cartridge while it is lowered in the linear gauge!