5 - 2
E F - 1 M I N T E R F A C E
Echoes, hollow sound,
Improper nulls and/or delays
introduced by digital signal processing,
A-to-D and D-to-A conversion and
other network-related processing.
Adjust the unit(s) for the best possible null.
This will help to minimize the effects.
Adjust the sidetone nulls on the party-line
stations and beltpacks.
Levels don’t match from
one end to the other.
1. Additional level adjustments may be
available on the modems.
2. Clear-Com/RTS jumper is set
1. Always begin a setup with these set to
their nominal levels.
2. Reset jumper.
Excessive noise or poor
frequency response.
Various causes related to modems and
the network rather than to the
party-line equipment.
Know the performance parameters of the
transmission system.
Level adjustment controls
seem to work backwards.
DB-15 is not wired correctly.
Check and correct wiring.