Cleanica 360 Air Purifier
1. Ensure the appliance is powered off and
unplugged before cleaning.
2. Wipe the outer surfaces of the appliance with a
damp, clean cloth.
Cigarette smoke consists of numerous complex
chemical compounds. For air purifiers, purifying
air containing cigarette smoke is essentially
divided into solid components of smoke and
gaseous components of smoke. The solid smoke
particles are filtered out by the HEPA filter. The
gaseous components are partly absorbed by the
activated carbon filter and partly degraded by the
photocatalytic filter.
The appliance should be placed as close as
possible to the smoke source.
• The appliance should not be placed on the floor
(placing the appliance on a table is
recommended for cigarette smokers). For best
results, place on a table near the smoke source
• Filtering a large amount of cigarette smoke will
shorten the lifespan of the .appliance’s filters and
new filters will be required more often.
Purifying Air Containing Cigarette Smoke
Air purifiers are able to filter all common pollens
from the air. The pollen remains in the HEPA filter.
While an air purifier can remove pollen from the air,
it cannot remove pollen that is already deposited
on surfaces, such as beds, walls, and furniture. In
order for the air purifier to remain fully effective
against pollen and reduce the pollen concentration
in the air significantly, steps should be taken to
reduce the pollen on surfaces in the room:
• Carry out a basic cleaning of the room before
using the appliance.
• Do not use dust cloths for cleaning. Instead,
use a damp cloth to clean surfaces at least
once a week.
• Vacuum upholstered furniture at least once a
week. Use a vacuum cleaner suitable for allergy
• During the day, leave the appliance running at
the lowest fan speed level.
• Place the appliance on a table instead of on the
• Turn the appliance off when you sleep.
• The suggested time to ventilate a room is
between 6:00 and 8:00 am in cities and around
7:00 pm in rural areas. When ventilating the
room, set the appliance’s fan speed to the
highest level.
Purifying Air Containing Pollen
Cleaning & Maintenance