Fuel Storage
Fuel may be placed in the log storage recess underneath the European variant. The logs should be
stacked in such a way that they do not touch the heat shield at the top of the recess.
Important! - Fuel must not be stored underneath the Traditional or Pedestal variants.
Commissioning and Handover
Upon completion of the installation, allow a suitable period of time for any fire cement and mortar to
dry out. A small fire may then be lit and checked to ensure the smoke and fumes are taken from the
stove up the chimney and emitted safely to atmosphere. Do not run the stove at full output for at least
24 hours.
On completion of the installation and commissioning, ensure that the operating instructions and
operating tools for the stove are left with the customer. Ensure to advise the customer on the correct
use of the appliance with the fuels likely to be used on the stove and warn them to use only the
recommended fuels for the stove.
Advise the user on what to do should smoke or fumes be emitted from the stove. The user should be
warned to use a fireguard to BS 6539 in the presence of children, aged and/or infirm persons.
log storage recess
The log store recess in European stoves has been designed and tested to satisfy
the requirements of BS EN 13240 with both the ashpan and multi-fuel grate
in place. Under no circumstances should a Euro stove be used without the
ashpan or multi-fuel grate in place. Euro stoves must not be converted to
dedicated wood burning appliances (i.e. no ashpan or multi-fuel grate).