7800 Greensand Filter Installation & Startup Guide
Page 9
Rev 120214
Add a small amount of silicone grease or vegetable cooking oil to the tank threads and screw on
7800 control valve carefully. Do not use pipe-joint compound, Teflon tape, or Vaseline or other
petroleum greases to lubricate tank threads.
See how the by-pass is connected. Note that Items 2 in Fig 5 below are the pipe connectors and
the other end is what gets attached to the control valve. Items 3 are the red clips that hold the
pipe connectors to the by-pass valve.
Your 7800 is usually shipped in the by-pass position, as
in Figure 4.
Fig 5 7800 By-Pass and Pipe Connectors
Lubricate the by-pass valve o-rings with some vegetable oil or silicone grease and connect the
bypass assembly to the 7800 control by sliding the bypass valve firmly into the body of the 7800.
Once bypass is in far enough, you will be able to insert the red connector clips.
Next lubricate the end-connectors (#2 in Fig 5) with some silicone grease or vegetable cooking
oil and insert them into the bypass valve and then insert the red clips (#3).
Note that the 7800 is usually shipped in the bypass position. There is a bypass valve knob on
both the inlet and the outlet (Fig 5). You can easily tell if it is in bypass because the two knobs
will be in line with each other (Fig 4). If the valve is in the Service position (Fig 5) the knobs will
be parallel to each other. Make sure both sides are in the by-pass position.
Do NOT remove the red clips in order to put the bypass valve in either bypass or service, it is not
necessary nor desired to remove the red clips on the bypass valve hand knobs (Fig 5, which are
the knobs you will turn to move the bypass valves).
Now install your water pipes to the 7800 bypass end connectors. Make sure inlet is installed to
the 'In" pipe connector on the bypass valve and outlet is on the “Out” connector.