Fleck 5600-SXT Softener Installation & Startup Guide
Page 17
Rev 072514
System Not Backwashing Adequately
The other second main problem that may occur is if you do not have enough backwash flow rate to properly
clean the water softener. You can verify the backwash flow rate by running the drain line into a bucket and
timing it when the Fleck 5600-SXT is in Cycle 1 or backwash. A 1.0 or 1.5 cubic foot system should have 5
gallons per minute and a 2.5 cubic foot system should have 10 gallons per minute of backwash.
System Not Programmed Correctly – PROGRAM SETTINGS
In some cases, the Fleck 5600-SXT may not be programmed correctly. Verify the correct programming by
following the steps 21-33 earlier in the start-up guide.
Brine Tank Not Filling With Enough Water
Sometimes if the brine tank is not filling adequately, it is possible that the float assembly in the tank is set too
low. You would want the float to be several inches above the air check valve inside the tank. This will allow
for enough water to be added to the tank before shutting the brine fill cycle. If necessary, pull the float
assembly rod up to the appropriate height, and cut the rod at that height, leaving while keeping the rubber
washers the adequate space to hold the float in place.
Filter Tank Does Not Sit Level on the Floor
Your black filter tank base is not glued to the bottom of your tank. Occasionally tank bases will become
crooked during shipment. If you find that that your tank does not sit level on the floor, you can easily adjust it
by holding the empty tank and rapping it on a concrete or solid floor once or twice in order to level it.