Flying forwards and backwards
To fly forwards, push the right control
stick forwards (up).
To fly backwards, push the right
control stick backwards (down).
If the helicopter rotates whilst in operation
If the helicopter rotates anticlockwise,
push the right trim button [ R ] to adjust.
If the helicopter rotates clockwise,
push the left trim button [ L ] to adjust.
Push the light button (19) to switch the light on/off.
Demo flight
If the autopilot button (22) is pressed, the helicopter will perform a flying sequence.
First it flies forwards, then backwards, to the left and finally to the right.
Push the right control stick to cancel the autopilot.
Once the helicopter is hovering
steadily, push the control stick to
the left to make the helicopter turn
Once the helicopter is hovering
steadily, push the control stick to
the right to make the helicopter
turn clockwise.
Turning clockwise and anticlockwise