1. Only lower the front part until the solvent (paint thinner)
just covers the paint connector.
. Use an appropriate brush and solvent to dislodge any
clogged paint.
. Do not dip the whole spray gun in the solvent because:
a. the leather gasket will dry out;
b. the oil on the areas prone to wear will dissolve and they
will wear out sooner resulting in heavier manoeuvring;
c. solvent residue could clog the narrow air channels inside the gun.
. Dry the outside of the spray gun with cloth moistened with solvent.
5. Lubricate the spray gun daily. Apply fine machine oil to:
a. paint needle packing;
b. air valve packing;
c. packing no. 10 on the exploded view picture;
d. trigger pin bearing;
. Apply Vaseline to the side spring (no.8 on the explode view).
Never use lubricants that contain silicone. This can lead to defects in the finish.
WARNING! Only use the hands when you first screw on the components of the
spray gun. That way, you do not risk attaching them crooked. If you are not using
hand power: check that you have the correct part, remove the screw, aim again,
and try again. Never use force when screwing together.
Air nozzle, paint nozzle and needle system
1. All nozzles and needles are precision made. Be careful with them.
. Do not change anything on the spray gun with the possible exception of part
no.5. The finish might worsen.
. Immerse all nozzles in solvent to dissolve any left over paint. Then blow them
clean using the air line.
. Do not poke any of the holes with metal objects. If really have to poke in one of
the holes, use a material that is softer than brass.
5. Adjust the needle on the paint valve so that the air stream comes before the
paint when the trigger is pressed.