The Logbuster-4 is fully assembled except for the
transportation wheels.
Position the wheels and washers (supplied) into
position, insert the axle pin from the outside and
secure with the split pin provided, in the manner
shown in Fig.2
NOTE: The logsplitter may be lifted at the splitting
wedge end, using the brace, shown in Fig.3, which
will raise the pump end on to its wheels, allowing
the unit to be transported to a suitable position.
If possible have a truck or similar available to stack the split
logs into for easy transportation to a location where the logs
are to be stacked.
Prepare the logs for splitting in a tidy pile as close as possible
to the splitter, only stack those logs that are ready for splitting,
i.e. correct length and diameter. DO NOT attempt to split
green logs, dry, seasoned logs split more easily.
Turn the release lever - A, Fig.2 fully anti clockwise, to retract the
ram and when it has retracted fully, turn it fully clockwise.
Position the log to be split so that it fits neatly on the log supports
If the log tends to wobble, it must be repositioned by turning
until it becomes stable.
With the log in place and ensuring all precautions referred to previously have been
observed, pump the handles which will extend the ram and proceed to split the log.
When the log has split, turn the release lever - A, anticlockwise to retract the ram and
free the log.
If the log has not split, turn it through 180º and try again.
If the log has jammed on the splitting wedge, lever it off, standing well clear, DO NOT
use you hands to remove a jammed log, as this could be extremely hazardous.
Note: It can sometimes be difficult to split small logs, especially if the wood is particularly
hard or knotty, larger logs with regular fibres are quick and easy to split. Any logs found
difficult to split, are best discarded to prevent damage to the machine caused by oil seal
failure etc.