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4. Locate the door lower hinge pin into the
hole in the lower panel, then place the top
panel on top of the two side panels as
shown in Fig 2, locating the door top hinge
pin in the hole in the upper panel as you
do so.
Secure the panel to the sides with screws,
nuts & washers in the holes shown arrowed
in Fig 2.
5. Position the structure so that the front of it
hangs over the edge of your workbench so
that you can easily bolt on the front right
hand leg, as indicated in Fig 3.
6. Before you can bolt on the front left hand
leg, the door closing plate must first be
bolted to it. This is also indicated in Fig.3.
Bolt on the retaining plate using the centre
hole only at (A), then offer up
the leg to the box and fit the
bolts at the top and bottom (B),
and finally on to the right hand
side panel (C).
7. With the two front legs bolted
on, turn the structure so that it is
lying on one side.
Place the back panel in
position and hold in place by
entering a screw through the
centre hole only on the top and
bottom panels, and securing
with a washer and nut from
inside the box.
8. Bolt on the rear leg.
9. Turn the structure over onto its opposite side and bolt on the other leg.
10. Stand the structure on its feet and rock it to ensure that no particular part
is under strain, and so that it stands evenly. Check the angle which the top
and bottom panels make with ther side panels using the door as a
template....(it should be right angles). If not adjust the structure by hand,
so that it is square, then proceed to tighten all the securing nuts.
11. Finally place the structure on its feet and test for stability, adjust the bolts,
as necessary, and secure by tightening the nuts.