This jack is for lifting ONLY..DO NOT move a load using the jack as a dolly
Always inspect the jack before use. Ensure that all parts are in good condition and
operating smoothly, the wheels are sound and that no cracks or distortion is apparent.
If in doubt
do not use
. Have the parts replaced or consult your CLARKE dealer.
Ensure jack is on a firm solid base, and there is no possibility of it slipping when under load.
Ensure the load is taken by the
saddle and that the point of lift on the load, is of
sufficient strength to support the full load adequately.
Always ensure that the load is stabilised or supported in such a way that it will not shift
during lifting or lowering operations.
Always use supports to stabilise the load once lifted.
work on or under a load unless it is
fully and adequately supported.
rely upon the jack to hold the load in position.
Never push a load off the jack.
Ensure that all personnel are well clear of a load being raised, or lowered.
NEVER exceed the rated load for the jack (see ‘Specifications’).
10. Do not use if an oil leak is apparent...Consult your Clarke dealer.
NOTE: Where included, the carrying handle should be attached by clipping it over the two
large nuts at the main arm pivot...see illustration on front cover.
Ensure the load is chocked and stable and on firm level ground, before manoeuvring the
jack so that the saddle is directly beneath the lifting point. Consult the vehicle handbook to
determine the correct lifting points.
In order to raise or lower the jack, turn the release valve, using the handle, to open or close it.
Place the handle over the end of the valve and turn clockwise or anticlockwise, as required.
Place the end of the handle over the release valve and turn it fully clockwise to close the valve.
Place the handle in the jacking attachment and pump the handle so that the saddle
rises to the jacking point. Model CTJ2QM, is a quick lift type, and one or two pumps of
the handle will bring the saddle to the lifting point.
Ensure the saddle is central about the lifting point, and that there are no obstacles to
prevent a clean lift, also, all personnel are well away from the area, before continuing
to pump the handle to raise the vehicle.
Place axle stands directly beneath suitable support points, then replace the end of the
jack handle over the release valve once more, and VERY CAREFULLY turn the handle
anticlockwise to lower the load on to the axle stands. Ensure the axle stands are
centred about the support point and perfectly stable before full weight is taken.
Remove the jack from the vehicle.
NOTE: The jack will move slightly during operation. It is important therefore that the
immediate vicinity is clean and completely free from debris.
Take the weight of the vehicle on the jack and continue to jack up to clear the axle stands.
With the axle stands removed, VERY CAREFULLY turn the handle anticlockwise to lower
the load. Ensure this operation is carried out under complete control. DO NOT allow the
load to drop suddenly as this could damage internal components.