Parts & Service: 020 8988 7400 / E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
1. Bolt the main frame to the axle
frame using M8 x 65mm bolts &
nuts supplied.
2. Bolt the support stand to the main
frame using M8 x 65mm bolts and
3. Slide the flat washers onto the
axles, followed by a wheel and a
second flat washer.
4. Insert the split pins in to the holes in
each axle. Bend the ends of the
split pins backward to secure
5. With the help of an assistant if
required, set the cradle and lower
drum assembly in position on the
main frame.
6. Secure the two bearing housings
to the main frame using M8 x 60
bolts & nuts.
Note that one bearing housing
includes the drive spindle and spur
gear to drive the mixer. This assembly
must be fitted to the end of the mixer
where the motor assembly will be
fitted this will be the end of the mixer
with the wheels.