Page 22
-150, 150H, 300HV Operator's Manual
How to Clean an Area of Carpet
See Figure 8A
Do not use water that is hotter
than 120°F (48°C).
To clean an area of carpet, follow this procedure:
1. Start the pump for the solution and the motor for the
vacuum on the extractor.
2. Begin at the right-hand corner of the carpet.
3. Hold the floor tool at the angle that gives the best
vacuum seal between the tool and the carpet.
4. Apply pressure to the lever for solution release. Pull
the tool toward you at a slow, steady speed. To
remove as much solution as possible, release the
lever before you stop moving backward. Push tool
away over the same area while moving tool to next
position. (Repeat process)
5. To clean the edge of a room, move the tool along the
baseboard until the edge of all the carpet is cleaned.
6. To clean a small area of carpet, clean the carpet in
sections three feet square. As you make more
passes, repeat one inch of the area already cleaned.
7. To remove more liquid from the carpet, make passes
over the area already cleaned, but do not apply
pressure to the lever for the solution.
How To Clean A Larger Area Of Carpet
See Fig. 8B
To clean a larger area of carpet, follow this procedure:
1. Begin at the right-hand corner of the carpet.
2. Make a pass halfway along the edge of the carpet.
Pull the tool backward at a steady speed.
3. Move to the edge of the carpet. Make another pass
next to your first pass.
4. As you make more passes, repeat one inch of the
area already cleaned. If you use a power brush tool,
repeat one inch of the area already cleaned by the
brush. Make each pass four inches different in length
to prevent making a line in the center of the carpet.
5. Make more passes until half of the carpet is cleaned.
To remove more liquid from the carpet, make passes
over the area already cleaned, but do not apply
pressure to the lever for the solution.
6. Move to the right-hand corner of the part of the carpet
not yet cleaned.
7. Make a pass halfway along the edge of the carpet.
8. As you make passes, repeat one inch of the area
already cleaned.
9. Make more passes until all of the room is cleaned.
Clarke will not be held liable for damage
to the carpet, or poor results because of
the operator's lack of ability.
Figure 8A
Figure 8B
Vacuum only,
after cleaning
each area for
water removal
Area 1 See figure 8
après nettoyage
de chaque zone
pour une
maximum de
Zone 1 Voir figure 8
Superficie 1. Vea la Figura 8
Para eliminar la
mayor cantidad
de agua posible
sólo realice la
después de
limpiar cada