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A consumable electrode is connected to a high amperage low voltage
supply which creates an electric arc between the electrode and the
Benefits over TIG welding include, less experience needed, torch kit or
shielding gas are not required.
• Arc welding cables are supplied with this machine.
To prepare the unit for ARC welding, it is important that you follow the
procedure below.
1. Making sure that the ON/OFF switch, located on the rear panel is in the OFF
position, connect the welding leads as follows:
• Welding rod holder lead to the +ve terminal.
• Work clamp lead to the -ve terminal.
2. Select the appropriate welding rod and insert it into the welding rod holder.
• The size (diameter) of the welding rod should be approximately the
same as the thickness of metal to be welded.
3. Attach the work clamp to the workpiece as close as possible to the area
being welded. Clean with a wire brush where necessary to ensure the
connection is as clean as possible.
4. Set the required current using the
current selector.
• With practice you will gain a feel
for the correct current setting for
different welding rod thicknesses.
• The following table gives a useful
Rod Size
1-2 mm
2.5 mm
70 - 100
2-5 mm
3.2 mm
100 - 125
Fig 1