Parts & Service: 020 8988 7400 / E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
1. Lay the cover on the ground next to the frame. Make sure that the ends
with the black straps are alongside the front door/back panels (16/17) and
the tube sleeves are facing upwards.
2. Stretch the roof cover (15) over the shed frame and make sure it is centred
on the frame. Use a ladder if necessary.
3. If small adjustments are needed, two people should pull the roof cover
from the same side so that it does not twist.
4. Remove the fittings (12, 13, 14) and 3-way cross rail clamps (10) to loosen
the bottom cross rail connectors (4/5). Slide the cross rail connectors (4/5)
through the tube sleeves on one side of the roof cover (15). Re-insert the
clamps (10) and fittings (12,13,14) and tighten gently.