W-1100 Clarity Extra
Part 15 of FCC Rules
Interference Information
Some telephone equipment generates and
uses radio-frequency energy and, if not
installed and used properly, may cause
interference to radio and telephone recep-
Your Walker Clarity has been tested and
found to meet the standard for a Class B
computing device, as specified in Subpart
J of Part 15 of the FCC rules. These
specifications are designed to provide
reasonable protection against such inter-
ference in residential installation.
If your Walker Clarity causes interference
to radio or television reception when it’s in
use, you might correct the interference
with any one or both of these measures:
1. Where it can be done safely, reorient
the receiving television or radio antenna.
2. To the extend possible, relocate the
television, radio or other receiver with
respect to the telephone equipment.