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8. Wait 15 seconds, and then press the
9. Install other alarms similarly.
To tamperproof the alarm:
1. Break off the small pillar on the base.
2. To remove the alarm once installed, it is now necessary to
use a small screwdriver, to release the catch (push catch
towards the ceiling) and then twist off the alarm.
3. If necessary it is possible to further secure or tamperproof
the alarm by using a No.2 or No.4 3/32 to 7/64 in (2 to 3
mm) diameter - not supplied self-tapping screw 1/4 to 5/16
in (6 to 8 mm) long to firmly lock the alarm and its
mounting plate together.
Testing the CO detector
Test the system frequently to ensure its continued and safe
To test the detector:
Press and hold the
The green LED flashes and the sounder ramps up to full
sound, indicating that the detector is operating correctly.
Testing recommendations
Immediately after the system is installed or upgraded
Once weekly thereafter
After prolonged absence from the dwelling (e.g. after
extended vacation)
After any significant home repairs or remodeling work
Silencing (Hush)
When the alarm sounds, after sensing CO, pressing the
Test/Hush button immediately silences the alarm (the red LED
continues to flash). If CO is still present the red LED and
sounder activate again after 4 minutes. The alarm can only be
silenced once during a CO incident. At levels > 250 ppm CO
the alarm cannot be silenced.
CO detector monitoring
The CO alarm self-checks (monitors) itself and give a status
update every 50 seconds if there are any problems.
The status of the alarm can also be checked on demand by
using the test button. Table 4 shows the status response to
both the self-check and on demand testing.
: If the alarms indicate a fault, pressing the Test button
silences the beeps for a 24-hour period. This is for your
convenience and can only be done once.