BIRM Series Filter
Installation Operation Maintenance Manual
BIRM WS1 NOV 2007 \page 7
Manganese from precipitating. In normal circumstances the Chloride level in the
raw water should be less than 100 ppm and ideally below 50 ppm.
B a c k w a s h :
W h i l e t h e B i r m s y s t e m i s d e s i g n e d t o o p e r a t e and
backwash at twice flow rate, it essential that there is sufficient pressure and
volume of water at the recommended backwash flow. It may be necessary to fit a larger
backwash flow button, or even a higher flow valve on larger systems if the pressure
is low, just to achieve the required cleaning of the filter bed. Alternatively a longer
backwash may be needed to achieve the same effect.