CN56X0B-X Reader User Manual
EV1 cards , the UID of the card
will be read out automatically, and will be shown in the right window.
6.2.8 LED&Buzzer Controller(By external)
1) By default, Red LED, Green LED and Buzzer are controlled inside, in this case, Red LED will be
light (until power off ) and Buzzer will be beep (one time) when reader is powered on, also, once
read card successfully, the buzzer will be beep (one time), and green LED will be light (one time).
2) If “LED&Buzzer Controller(By external)” is checked, Red LED, Green LED and Buzzer are
controlled by three external wires, purple wire controls buzzer, yellow wire controls green LED
and orange wire controls red LED, in this case, once wire (purple, yellow or orange) connect to
low level (GND), features will be enable (Red/Green LED lights, or Buzzer beeps) they will
continues until wire (purple, yellow or orange) is disconnect from GND
6.3 CN56X0B-X-XX output 7bytes with Wiegand 56
The length of Wiegand56 output
1) CN56X0B-X-XX can completely output 7bytes in Wiegand56 mode without parity bit
2) For Wiegand58, it output 7bytes with two parity bit.
6.4 Format for Wiegand58, Wiegand26, Wiegand32, Wiegand 32e,
Wiegand34, Wiegand40, Wiegand42, Wiegand50, Wiegand56
6.4.1 Wiegand58 Format
1) MSB is even parity bit, LSB is odd parity bit.
2) The bits for calculating even parity are within the first 28 bits, but don’t use the bits from
21 to 24. Actually it uses 24 bits for even parity.
3) The bits for calculating odd parity are within the last 28 bits, but don’t use the last 8 bits
within these 28 bits. Actually it uses 20 bits for odd parity.
For example:
Data Hex: 00 00 00 89 D4 1B 81
Data Binary:00000000 00000000 00000000 10001001 11010100 00011011 10000001
MSB: 1 from 00000000 00000000 00000000 1000 (Red part don’t use)
LSB: 1 from 1001 11010100 00011011 10000001 (Red part don’t use)
Output: 1 00000000 00000000 00000000 10001001 11010100 00011011 10000001 1