City Theatrical Follow Spot Yoke
Getting Started with the CTI Follow Spot Yoke for Source Four LED Series 3
Congratulations on the purchase of your City Theatrical Follow Spot Yoke for Source Four
LED Series 3. The City Theatrical Follow Spot Yoke is a professional quality device that can
provide smooth pan and tilt operation to your Source Four LED Series 3. A heavy steel yoke
gives mass and prevents vibration, and ball bearings on the pan and tilt create extremely
smooth movement, even on very long throws.
The 1504
City Theatrical Follow Spot Yoke can be configured for use with the Source Four™
Series 3 LED fixture. All lenses from XDLT 5º to 50º can be used. A track allows the lighting
fixture and any accessories to be perfectly balanced for ease of operation.
Mounting Brackets
Tee Slot Extrusion, one set
of two pieces, 10” long.
Shoulder Screw,
3/8” x ½”, 5/16”-18 thread,
3/16” Allen key.
Tilt Hand wheel
Pan Bearing
Pan Lock Knob
Light fixture facing this direction