SRP-145N_English_Black_SR135A_090330.doc SIZE: 140x75mm
SCALE 2:1 2009/3/30
[ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [
0. 555555556
Note : [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] is inactive immediately after and during
numerical input.
[ SCI ] Scientific Key
Converts the displayed number into a power of ten and back.
(Ex.) : 12.3456 [ x ] 10 [ = ]
[ SCI ]
1.23456 02
[ SCI ]
[ SCI ]
1.23456 02
[ DRG ] Angle unit conversion key
Press to change the angle unit as DEG (Degrees), RAD (Radian), or
GRAD (Gradient).
[ 2ndF ] [
], [ 2ndF ] [
] Sexagesimal Notation / Decimal
Notation Conversion Keys
To change from sexagesimal (base 60) notation (degree, minute,
second) to decimal notation (degree) press [ 2ndF ] [
]. To
change from decimal notation to sexagesimal notation, enter the
number in decimal form and then press [ 2ndF ] [
[ sin ], [ cos ], [ tan ] Sine, Cosine, Tangent Keys
Calculate the trigonometric functions of the displayed value.
[ 2ndF ] [ sin
], [ 2ndF ] [ cos
], [ 2ndF ] [ tan
] Inverse Sine,
Inverse Cosine, Inverse Tangent Keys
Calculate the inverse trigonometric functions of the displayed value.
[ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ sin ], [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ cos ], [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ]
[ tan ] Hyperbolic Keys
Calculate the hyperbolic functions of the displayed value.
[ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ 2ndF ] [ sin
], [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ 2ndF ]
[ cos
], [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ 2ndF ] [ tan
] Inverse Hyperbolic Keys
Calculate inverse hyperbolic functions of the displayed value.
[ log ], [ 2ndF ] [ 10
] Common Logarithm And Common
Antilogarithm Keys
Calculate the common logarithm of the displayed value. To calculate
the common antilogarithm of the displayed value, press [ 2ndF ] [ 10
[ ln ], [ 2ndF ] [ e
] Natural Logarithm And Natural Antilogarithm
To calculate the neutral logarithm of the displayed value, press [ ln ].
To calculate the natural antilogarithm of the displayed value, press
[ 2ndF ] [ e