Citel QV-M1 Brochure Download Page 1

LED “Readerboards” keep Meridian 1 call center agents informed and alerted.
Our unique PBX Interface, Q-View


, makes boards easy to program.

Tri-Color ACD Display

MCK’s Tri-Color ACD Display

broadcasts queue and agent

statistics generated by Nortel

Networks’ Meridian 1 PBX and

communicates important

information via text

messaging. With simple 

user programming, MCK's

QView™ interface can broad-

cast chosen statistics to select

displays and alert agents to

service needs and excessive

customer wait times.

Optional ACD Messenger™

software adds PC-based text

messaging and message


Informed agents require less

supervision and respond more

quickly to opportunities and



•  Improved Agent Productivity

Signs broadcast queue statistics and agent 

status information from all queues in real
time. Agents can plan their time and
respond to changes.

•  Easier Readability

Bright two and four inch LED characters
can be read from more than 50 feet. Two
lines of type on the four inch signs permit
use of column headings to add clarity.


At-A-Glance Comprehension

Queue information can be reported by
name (instead of Q1, Q2). Unique QView 
interface facilitates creation of text 
headings ("Sales," "Service," etc.) for
labeling queues.

• Minimal Hardware Investment

QView, the wall display interface module,
connects directly to a Meridian 1 digital
port. The user connects a digital phone 
to QView to program wall displays (stats
and text) and uses the phone’s keys to
respond to prompts. No PC required.

•  Increased Sense of Urgency

The supervisor can set thresholds for 
any field. Wall displays will change colors,
display text messages when thresholds 
are exceeded. On-board relays can acti-
vate audible alarms, flashing lights or
other devices supplied by the user. Agents
respond quickly to queue overloads or
drops in service.

•  Smart Expandability

Call center management can daisy chain
multiple displays from a single interface
and program different LED displays to
show specific queues. They can enable
and disable fields to broadcast only the
relevant data to selected groups. Unused
categories can be eliminated.


Pricing and technology are not sustainable
advantages. The true battlefront is
customer service. Successful companies
respond to customer needs and solidify

Communicating conditions to customer
contact center agents in real time is key.
When call waiting time or other targeted
measures exceed acceptable thresholds,
everyone must know and respond immedi-
ately. Informed agents are more per-
ceptive, self-disciplined and attuned 
to company goals.

Companies building or upgrading call
centers based on the Meridian 1 PBX have 
a variety of communication options. If the
goal is simply to inform agents with the
most critical queue statistics and concise
text messages, MCK’s dependable Tri-Color
ACD Displays deliver the information agents
need without adding unnecessary bells and
whistles that add more cost than value.

MCK's unique QView


interface simplifies

programming and adds flexibility.  In
minutes, a supervisor can assign chosen
statistics to selected displays and set
thresholds to alert agents to critical drops
in service. QView plugs directly into a
Meridian 1 port and emulates a 2616 
supervisor's set.

The supervisor plugs a display model
Meridian phone into QView to program
what agents will see (no PC necessary). 
The user can order stats for daisy-chained
boards individually or broadcast the same
information to all signs. Automatic color
changes and optional text messages alert
agents when a category's status exceeds
user-determined limits.

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