Cisco uBR905 Router Hardware Installation Guide
OL-0598-01 (9/2000)
Chapter 3
Installing the Cisco uBR905 Router
Verifying Installation
Step 8
Give the subscriber the Cisco-provided subscriber publications, along with any literature your company
provides, including instructions on how to contact your customer service department.
Verifying Installation
Use the following procedure to verify Internet connectivity between the PCs connected to the router’s
Ethernet ports and the Internet access provided by the CMTS. See Chapter 4, “Troubleshooting,” if any
problems occur.
Step 1
From a PC connected to the Cisco uBR905 router, start the Internet browser program installed on the
Step 2
Enter a URL of your choice in your web browser. If a URL is not known, use http://www.cisco.com to
connect to Cisco’s CCO web site.
Step 3
Watch the appropriate Ethernet LED on the front of the router blink as data is transmitted on the link.
If the selected web page comes up in the Internet browser screen, the network connection is successfully
established and this particular Ethernet port is operational.
Step 4
Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 for each PC connected to the Cisco uBR905 router.
Step 5
Disconnect the cable system input by unscrewing the cable F-connector at the back of the router.
Step 6
Using an in-line attenuator, add 3 to 6 dB of attenuation between the router and the coaxial cable input.
The addition of 3 to 6 dB of attenuation simulates the variation found in a cable
network over time and in relation to temperature. If you install a router at a time
of year when the temperature is cooler, this step might not be necessary.
If you install a cable access router at a time of year when the temperature is
warmer, this step might assist you in determining how the cable access router will
function over time. If the router does not function properly with the addition of
attenuation, you should replace and reconfigure the coaxial cables at the
subscriber site.
Step 7
Reconnect the cable system to the router and recheck the network connection at one of the PCs. Reload
the previous web page or another URL to verify that you can still access the Internet.
Step 8
Disconnect the cable system again by unscrewing the cable connector at the back of the router.
Step 9
Remove the in-line attenuator from the back of the router.
Step 10
Reconnect the cable system to the router and recheck the network connection at the PC as in Step 7.