Cisco SG300
The ELAN Video Over IP solution requires a layer 3 Managed switch in order for
HDMI distribution to be achieved reliably and with no loss in performance.
The following guide is a step-by-step instruction on how to connect and configure
your Cisco SG300 Layer 3 Managed network switch.
The following features need to be enabled on the Cisco network switch:-
1. Layer 3 mode
2. Jumbo Frame
3. IGMP Snooping/Video Over IP
4. POE (if utilised)
Feature explanation:
Video Over IP (one-to-many or many-to-many distribution) is group communication where information is addressed to a
group of network devices simultaneously (ELAN Video Over IP products).
Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames with more than 1500 bytes of payload. Conventionally, jumbo frames can carry up
to 9000 bytes of payload and must be activated in order to send large packets of data for HDMI distribution.
IGMP management & snooping is the process of listening to Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) network traffic.
The feature allows a network switch to listen in on the IGMP conversation between hosts, routers & receivers (Video
Over IP Transmitter, network switch and Video Over IP Receiver). By listening to this flow of traffic the switch maintains
a map of which links need which IP Video Over IP streams. (which ELAN Video Over IP products are active and where
the signal is being distributed to).
Cisco feature requirements