PA-8T-232 Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configuration
Chapter 5 Configuring the PA-8T-232 Interfaces
Configuring the EIA/TIA-232 Interfaces
If you need to shut down additional interfaces, enter the interface serial command (followed by
the interface address of the interface) for each of the interfaces on your port adapter. Use the no
shutdown command to enable the interface.
Step 4
Write the new configuration to NVRAM as follows:
Router# copy running-config startup-config
The system displays an OK message when the configuration has been stored in NVRAM.
Step 5
Verify that new interfaces are now in the correct state (shutdown) using the show interfaces serial
command (followed by the interface address of the interface) to display the specific interface.
provides examples.
Table 5-2
Examples of the show interfaces Command
Catalyst RSM/VIP2 in Catalyst 5000
family switches
show interfaces serial, followed
by slot/port
The example is for interface 0 on a port
adapter in port adapter slot 1.
Router# show interfaces serial 1/0
Serial 1/0 is administratively down,
line protocol is down
[Additional display text omitted from
this example]
Catalyst 6000 family FlexWAN module
in Catalyst 6000 family switches
show interfaces serial, followed
by mod_num/bay/port
The example is for interface 0 on a port
adapter in port adapter bay of a Catalyst 6000
family FlexWAN module in slot 3.
Router# show interfaces serial 3/0/0
Serial 3/0/0 is administratively down,
line protocol is down
[Additional display text omitted from
this example]
Cisco 7120 series routers
show interfaces serial, followed
by slot/port
The example is for interface 0 on a
port adapter in port adapter slot 3.
Router# show interfaces serial 3/0
Serial 3/0 is administratively down,
line protocol is down
[Additional display text omitted from
this example]