Cisco ONS 15200 Installation, Setup, and Test Manual
Chapter 4 Turn Up and Test
Step 14
Remove the fiber jumper cable from the A side and verify that the Active LED on the A side goes out
and the B-side switches from Standby to Active. Complete Step
Step 15
Replace the jumper on the A side and verify that the A green Standby LED is illuminated and that the B
Active LED remains illuminated. Complete Step
Procedure: Test the Bit Error Rate (Single SCU)
Continue with the following steps, if applicable, to test the bit error rate for a single SCU.
Step 16
Test the A-side protected channel:
Remove the jumper cable from the B-side input and verify that the A side is Active.
Reconnect the B-side jumper cable. Verify that the A-side Active LED and the B-side Standby LED
are illuminated.
Clear all errors on the test set and run the BER test error-free for 15 minutes. Complete Step
Step 17
Test the B-side protected channel or unprotected channel:
Remove the jumper cable from the A-side input. For a protected SCU or an uprotected SCU
configured as 0/100, verify that the B side is Active. For an unprotected SCU configured as 100/0,
verify that neither the A side or B side is Active.
Reconnect the A-side jumper cable. F or a protected SCU, verify that the B-side Active LED and
the A-side Standby LED are illuminated. For an unprotected SCU configured as 0/100, the B-side
Active will be illuminated with no Standby, and for an unprotected SCU configured as 100/0, the
A-side Active will be illuminated with no Standby.
Clear all errors on the test set and run the BER test error-free for 15 minutes. Complete Step
. The turn up and test for a single ONS 15201 SCU is complete.
Step 18
Reset the original switchmode settings (
Procedure: Test the Bit Error Rate (Multiple SCUs at a Site)
Continue with the following steps to test the bit error rate for multiple SCUs at a site.
Step 19
Configure the SCUs for testing:
Connect the signal generator transmit fiber to the client INPUT port of the bottom SCU.
Connect the receive of the signal generator to the bottom SCU client-side OUTPUT port.
Daisy-chain client INPUT and OUTPUT ports of all other SCUs together as shown in