Configuring MAC Address Security on Service
Instances and EVC Port Channels
The MAC Address Security on Service Instances and EVC Port Channels feature addresses port security
with service instances by providing the capability to control and filter MAC address learning behavior at the
granularity of a per-service instance. When a violation requires a shutdown, only the customer who is assigned
to a given service instance is affected and--not all customers who are using the port. MAC address limiting
is a type of MAC security and is also referred to as a MAC security component or element.
Prerequisites for MAC Address Security on Service Instances and EVC Port Channels, page 37
Information About MAC Address Security on Service Instances and EVC Port Channels, page 38
Prerequisites for MAC Address Security on Service Instances
and EVC Port Channels
An understanding of service instances and bridge domains.
An understanding of the concepts of MAC address limiting and how it is used for MAC security.
An understanding of how port channels and EtherChannels work in a network.
Layer 2 Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 4200 Series