Step 3
Reboot the NCS 1002.
Step 4
Verify the hardware module and inventory data. For more information, see
Verifying the Status of Hardware Modules,
Console and Node are Not Responsive
Console problems occur when the NCS 1002 becomes unresponsive to an input at the console port. If the
console is not responsive, it means that a high priority process prevents the console driver from responding
to input.
Step 1
Verify cable connectivity.
Step 2
Verify that the power supply is on.
Step 3
Verify the NCS 1002 LED status. If all LEDs are down, it might be an issue with the power supply.
Step 4
Verify that the CPU is inserted properly.
Step 5
Reboot the NCS 1002.
Verifying the Status of Hardware Modules
You can verify the state of the hardware modules in the following scenarios:
• Node is not reachable.
• Node recovers from a problem.
• Node had a power cycle.
• Node reboot.
• Node upgrade.
• Node settles down after the Cisco IOS XR has continuously reloaded.
Step 1
show platform
When you execute this command from the Cisco IOS XR EXEC mode, the status of the Cisco IOS XR is displayed.
Verify that the node state is Operational and the admin state is UP.
show platform
Wed Nov 11 01:22:28.953 UTC
Node name
Node type
Node state
Admin state
Config state
a) If the Cisco IOS XR is not operational, no output is shown in the result. In this case, verify the state of service domain
router (SDR) on the node using the
show sdr
Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco NCS 1002, IOS XR Release 6.3.x
General Troubleshooting
Console and Node are Not Responsive