Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 3 Provisioning PXM1E Communication Links
General PXM1E Configuration Procedures
DSPPNPORTS EndPoint Grand Total = 3/54000
Per-port status summary
PortId LogicalId IF status Admin status ILMI state #Conns
1.35 16845603 up up NotApplicable 0
1.36 16845604 up up NotApplicable 0
1.37 16845605 up up NotApplicable 0
1.38 16845606 up up NotApplicable 0
4.1 16851713 up up NotApplicable 1
1:2.1:3 16845571 up up NotApplicable 0
1:2.3:1 16845569 up up Disable 1
Step 5
To select the port signaling protocol, enter the following command:
mgx8830a.1.PXM.a >
<portid> [-univer {uni30|uni31|uni40|
[-nniver {iisp30|iisp31|pnni10|
}] [-unitype {public|private}] [-addrplan
{both|aesa|e164}] [-side {user|network}] [-vpi <vpi>] [-sigvci <signalling-vci>] [-rccvci
<routing-vci>] [-cntlvc <
>][-passalongcap {enable|disable}] [-hopcntgen
{enable|disable}] [-vpivcialloc {enable|disable}] [-svcroutingpri <svcroutingPriority>]
The only required parameter for this command is the <portid> parameter, but the command serves no
purpose if you do not enter at least one option with it. If you include some options with the command
and omit others, the omitted option remains set to the last configured value.
shows the components required in the <portid> parameter, which is used with many
lists and describes the options and parameters for the cnfpnportsig command.
With some commands, you can refer to a port using only the interface number, while other
commands require you to enter a complete port identification number, which includes the slot,
bay, line, and interface numbers. When entering controller related commands at the PXM1E
switch prompt (such as PNNI signaling commands), you always need to specify the complete
port identification number. When entering interface related commands at the PXM1E switch
prompt, you can enter only the interface number, because the interface number is unique on the
PXM1E card and identifies the bay and line for the port.
Table 3-11
Port Identification Parameters
Enter the logical slot number for the card that hosts the port you are configuring.
Replace <bay> with 2 to indicate that the line is connected to a back card in the lower
bay. Remember that the bay number is always 2 for a PXM1E.
Replace <line> with the number that corresponds to the back card port to which the line
is connected.
An ATM port is also called an interface. Port or interface numbers are defined when a
port is created with the addport or addimaport commands. You can view configured
ATM ports with the dspports command.