Required Information
IP Address:
Specifies the IP address of the RADIUS accounting
server that the source context will communicate with
to provide subscriber accounting functions.
Multiple addresses are needed if multiple RADIUS
servers will be configured.
RADIUS accounting servers are configured within
the source context. Multiple servers can be configured
and each assigned a priority.
RADIUS Accounting server
Shared Secret:
The shared secret is a string between 1 and 15
characters (alpha and/or numeric) that specifies the
key that is exchanged between the RADIUS
accounting server and the source context.
A shared secret is needed for each configured
RADIUS server.
UDP Port Number:
Specifies the port used by the source context and the
RADIUS Accounting server for communications. The
UDP port number can be any integer value between
1 and 65535. The default value is 1813.
Specifies the name by which the source context will
be identified in the Access-Request message(s) it
sends to the RADIUS server. The name must be
between 1 and 32 alpha and/or numeric characters
and is case sensitive.
RADIUS attribute NAS Identifier
Specifies the IP address of the source context's AAA
interface. A secondary IP address interface can
optionally be configured.
Default Subscriber Configuration
Specifies the name of the egress context on the system
that facilitates the PDN ports.
For this configuration, the IP context name
should be identical to the name of the
destination context.
"Default" subscriber's IP context name
Destination Context Configuration
The following table lists the information that is required to configure the destination context.
L2TP Network Server
L2TP Network Server
Destination Context Configuration