Cisco 12404 Internet Router Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A Technical Specifications
Product Architecture
LED Types
describes the types of system status light emitting diodes (LED) used
on the GRP.
Asynchronous Serial Ports
Two asynchronous serial ports on the GRP, the console and auxiliary ports, allow
you to connect external devices to monitor and manage the system.
The consoleport is an Electronics Industries Association/Telecommunications
Industry Association (EIA/TIA)-232 receptacle (RS-232 female) that provides a
data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) interface for connecting a console
Table A-6
System Status LED Types, Description, and Power Source
Description and Power Source
Activity LEDs (one per PCMCIA slot) light when the slot is accessed. The
LEDs receive power from the switched slot voltage.
4 RJ-45
Ethernet port LEDs are used in conjunction with the RJ-45 Ethernet
connector. The LEDs indicate link activity, collision detection, data
transmission, and data reception.
When the MII Ethernet port is in use, the LEDs are disabled.
2 RJ-45 or MII
Ethernet port select LEDs when on, identify which one of the two Ethernet
connections you selected. When the RJ-45 port is selected, its LED is on
and the MII LED is off. When the MII port is selected, its LED is on and
the RJ-45 LED is off.
Alphanumeric displays
These alphanumeric LED displays are controlled directly by the MBus and
provide information about the system status during the boot process.
Alphanumeric displays are organized as two rows of four characters each.
The displays’ content is controlled by the MBus module software. Both
rows of the display are powered by the MBus module.
After the boot process, the LEDs are controlled by Cisco IOS software
through the MBus, and display messages designated by Cisco IOS
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