(The iWAG retrieves both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, but will assign the IPv4 or IPv6 address to the
subscriber based on the FSOL. )
(The iWAG retrieves only the IPv4 address for the subscriber. )
(The iWAG retrieves only the IPv6 address for the subscriber. )
Configuration Examples for Dual-Stack PMIPv6
Example: Configuring an Access List Traffic Classmap for Dual-Stack PMIPv6
ip access-list extended ACL_OUT_INTERNET
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_OUT_INTERNET2
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_OUT_OPENGARDEN
permit ip any any
permit udp any any
ip access-list extended ACL_IN_INTERNET
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_IN_INTERNET2
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended ACL_IN_OPENGARDEN
permit ip any any
permit udp any any
ipv6 access-list IPV6_ACL_INTERNET
permit ipv6 any any
ipv6 access-list IPV6_ACL_INTERNET2
permit ipv6 any any
ipv6 access-list IPV6_ACL_OPENGARDEN
permit ipv6 any any
Example: Configuring a Classmap for Dual-Stack PMIPv6
class-map type traffic match-any TC_OPENGARDEN
#defines the traffic rule used in the service
using ACL.
match access-group output name ACL_OUT_OPENGARDEN
match access-group input name ACL_IN_OPENGARDEN
class-map type traffic match-any TC_INTERNET2
match access-group output name ACL_OUT_INTERNET2
match access-group input name ACL_IN_INTERNET2
class-map type traffic match-any TC_INTERNET
match access-group output name ACL_OUT_INTERNET
match access-group input name ACL_IN_INTERNET
class-map type traffic match-any TC_INTERNET_IPV6
match access-group output name IPV6_ACL_INTERNET
match access-group input name IPV6_ACL_INTERNET
class-map type traffic match-any TC_INTERNET_IPV6_2
match access-group output name IPV6_ACL_INTERNET2
Intelligent Wireless Access Gateway Configuration Guide
Dual Stack Support for PMIPv6 and GTP
Configuration Examples for Dual-Stack PMIPv6