To remove the card, push it in until it releases for it to pop out. Place it in an antistatic bag to protect it from static
After the card is installed, close the guard door and fasten the captive screw using a Phillips screwdriver to keep the
door in place.
Connecting to a Console Port
You can enter Cisco IOS commands and parameters through the CLI. Use one of these options to access the CLI:
USB Mini-Type B Console Port, page 34
If you connect or disconnect the console cable with power applied to the switch or any device on the
network, an electrical arc can occur. This could cause an explosion in hazardous location installations. Be sure that
power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding.
Statement 1080
RJ-45 Console Port
Connect the RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter cable to the 9-pin serial port on the PC (see
Connect the other end of the cable to the switch console port.
Start the terminal-emulation program on the PC or the terminal.
The program, frequently a PC application such as HyperTerminal or PuTTy, makes communication between the
switch and your PC or terminal possible.