User Management
End User
Use the search boxes and the find button to locate the user you have added (i.e. doe for the last name).
Click on the user ID (i.e.
The End User Configuration window appears.
Device Associations
Use the search fields and the find button to locate the device with which you want to associate to the
user. Select the device, then click
Save Selected/Changes
. The user is now associated with the
Click the
button next to the "Back to User Related" link in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Step 3
Proceed to
Performing Final End User Configuration Steps, on page 200
Performing Final End User Configuration Steps
If you are not already on the End User Configuration page, choose
User Management
End User
to perform
some final configuration tasks. Use the Search fields and the Find button to locate the user (i.e. John Doe),
then click on the user ID to get to the End User Configuration window for the user.
In the
End User
configuration window, do the following:
Step 1
In the Directory Number Associations pane of the screen, set the primary extension from the drop-down list.
Step 2
In the Permissions Information pane, use the User Group buttons to add this user to any user groups.
For example, you may want to add the user to a group that has been defined as a Standard CCM End User
Group. To view all configured user groups, choose
User Management
User Group
Step 3
Cisco Desktop Collaboration Experience DX650 Administration Guide, Release 10.1(1)
Performing Final End User Configuration Steps