Command or Action
(Optional) Verifies your entries.
show running-config
show running-config
Step 9
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
copy running-config startup-config
copy running-config
Step 10
Related Topics
PIM Stub Routing, on page 116
Example: Enabling PIM Stub Routing, on page 156
Configuring a Rendezvous Point
You must have a rendezvous point (RP), if the interface is in sparse-dense mode and if you want to handle
the group as a sparse group. You can use several methods, as described in these sections:
Manual assignment
For information about this procedure, see
Manually Assigning an RP to Multicast Groups (CLI), on
page 127
As a standalone, Cisco-proprietary protocol separate from PIMv1
For information about these procedures, see the following sections:
Setting Up Auto-RP in a New Internetwork (CLI), on page 129
Adding Auto-RP to an Existing Sparse-Mode Cloud (CLI), on page 131
Preventing Join Messages to False RPs (CLI), on page 134
Filtering Incoming RP Announcement Messages (CLI), on page 134
Using a standards track protocol in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
For information about this procedure, see
Configuring PIMv2 BSR, on page 136
You can use Auto-RP, BSR, or a combination of both, depending on the PIM version that you are running
and the types of routers in your network. For information about working with different PIM versions in
your network, see
PIMv1 and PIMv2 Interoperability, on page 114
IP Multicast Routing Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3650 Switches)
Configuring PIM
Configuring a Rendezvous Point