Command or Action
, check the ARP body for invalid and unexpected IP addresses. Addresses
include,, and all IP multicast addresses. Sender IP
addresses are checked in all ARP requests and responses, and target IP addresses
are checked only in ARP responses.
You must specify at least one of the keywords. Each command overrides the configuration
of the previous command; that is, if a command enables src and dst mac validations,
and a second command enables IP validation only, the src and dst mac validations are
disabled as a result of the second command.
Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 3
Verify your settings.
show ip arp inspection vlan
Step 4
(Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
copy running-config
Step 5
Monitoring DAI
To monitor DAI, use the following commands:
Clears dynamic ARP inspection statistics.
clear ip arp inspection statistics
Displays statistics for forwarded, dropped, MAC
validation failure, IP validation failure, ACL permitted
and denied, and DHCP permitted and denied packets
for the specified VLAN. If no VLANs are specified
or if a range is specified, displays information only
for VLANs with dynamic ARP inspection enabled
show ip arp inspection statistics
vlan vlan-range
Clears the dynamic ARP inspection log buffer.
clear ip arp inspection log
Displays the configuration and contents of the
dynamic ARP inspection log buffer.
show ip arp inspection log
For the
show ip arp inspection statistics
command, the switch increments the number of forwarded packets
for each ARP request and response packet on a trusted dynamic ARP inspection port. The switch increments
the number of ACL or DHCP permitted packets for each packet that is denied by source MAC, destination
MAC, or IP validation checks, and the switch increments the appropriate.
Catalyst 2960-XR Switch Security Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1
Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection
Monitoring DAI