Configuring Internal Content Service Steering
To configure and activate a single CSS service for redirecting all of a subscriber's IP traffic to an internal
in-line service:
Step 1
Define an IP ACL as described in
Defining IP Access Lists for Internal CSS, on page 254
Step 2
Apply an ACL to an individual subscriber as described in
Applying an ACL to an Individual Subscriber
(Optional), on page 255
Step 3
Apply a single ACL to multiple subscribers as described in
Applying an ACL to Multiple Subscribers (Optional),
on page 255
Step 4
Apply an ACL to multiple subscribers via APNs as described in
Applying an ACL to Multiple Subscriber via
APNs, on page 199
Step 5
Save your configuration to flash memory, an external memory device, and/or a network location using the Exec mode
command save configuration. For additional information on how to verify and save configuration files, refer to the
Administration Guide
and the
Command Line Interface Reference
Commands used in the configuration examples in this section provide base functionality to the extent that the most
common or likely commands and/or keyword options are presented. In many cases, other optional commands and/or
keyword options are available. Refer to the
Command Line Interface Reference
for complete information regarding all
commands. Not all commands or keywords/variables may be supported or available. Availability varies on the platform
type and installed license(s).
Defining IP Access Lists for Internal CSS
IP ACLs specify what type of subscriber traffic and which direction (uplink, downlink, or both) traffic is
redirected. The IP ACL must be specified in the context in which subscriber authentication is performed.
To minimize the risk of data loss, do not make configuration changes to ACLs while the system is
facilitating subscriber sessions.
Use the following configuration example to define an IP ACL for internal CSS; start in the Exec mode of the
context context_name
ip access-list acl_name
redirect css service service_name keywords options
must be an ACL service name.
For information on the keywords and options available with the
redirect css service
command, see the
ACL Configuration Mode Commands
chapter in the
Command Line Interface Reference
ASR 5500 System Administration Guide, StarOS Release 21.5
Content Service Steering
Configuring Internal Content Service Steering