It should be possible to route this address internally and preferably also externally if, for example, one
needs external support. Strict filters should be in place to prevent unwanted units from contacting it, cf.
Chapter 1. The access points must obtain access only via UDP on ports 5246/5247 (CAPWAP) or
12222/12223 (LWAPP). In addition, the RADIUS server must have access to this address on UDP
ports 1812 and 1813. If one has WCS, MSE and/or LA and they are located in another network, they
must also be able to communicate with the WLC’s address using SNMP.
Management Interface Netmask: Self-explanatory
Management Interface Default Router: Self-explanatory
Management Interface VLAN Identifier (0 = untagged): ID of the VLAN in which the Management
address is located.
Management Interface Port Num [1 to 4]: For a stand-alone controller, an SFP port must be
selected. This is normally Port 1.
Management Interface DHCP Server IP Address: The IP address of the DHCP server used by the
AP Transport Mode [layer2][LAYER3]: LAYER3
This determines which layer the LWAPP/CAPWAP traffic is to be located in. If this question is asked,
you must choose LAYER3. This is compulsory for WiSM. It is also compulsory for software version 5.2
and newer in autonomous controllers.
AP Manager Interface IP Address: (not applicable to the WLC 5500 Series)
When using a 4400 Series controller, this is the address with which the access points communicate
after they have established contact with the controller via the Management address. It should be
located in the same subnet as the Management address. Since only the access points need to
communicate with this address, the filter only needs to be opened for UDP ports 12222/12223 and
5246/5247 from the subnet in which the access points are located.
AP Manager Interface DHCP Server: As for the Management address.
Virtual Gateway IP Address:
This is used if Layer 3 security is being used (e.g. in a web portal) or if there are several controllers
(mobility managers). It is a virtual address accessible from, for example, the clients which are to
access a web page requiring login. The default setting is “”.
Mobility/RF Group Name:
Create a name which describes the wireless system in use. The name should be short. For example,
the organisation’s name, such as “uninett”, “ntnu” or something similar, could be used.
Almost all the remaining options can be filled in at random, since they will be corrected anyway
through the web interface.
One exception:
Enter Country Code: NO (to obtain the correct radio frequencies)