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Configure DMP IP Address and Account



Plug HDMI cable into Display/TV & then into DMP 

2. Plug Ethernet cable into DMP and then into network wall outlet (Requires DHCP) 

3. Plug DMP into the power source 

4. Turn on the Display/TV 

5. Turn on the DMP & you should see a Cisco Welcome Screen for only 30 Seconds (if missed, restart 


6. Take note of the DMP IP Address (write it down, take a picture, utilize your superior memory bank, 


By default, the Cisco DMP is set to DHCP. Please make sure that your network has DHCP enabled for the 
initial setup on the DMPs. If your network does not support DHCP, you can plug the DMP into a standard 
router to get the initial IP Address. 


Setup Cisco's DMP Admin



Enter the DMP IP Address from Cisco Welcome Screen (ex. - 

2. When you go to your DMP IP Address, you will be asked to enter Username and Password 

(Username = admin, Password =default) 

a. The DMP may ask you to create a new password to access the device. If your DMP prompts 

for this, enter a new password and write it down. It is easier to use this same password when 

setting up all DMPs on your network. Also, you will need this password later on in the setup 


Click on left navigation links, update settings below: 


Select Network 


Set Dynamic IP Addressing to Disabled (Only leave this option set to 

enabled if you have reserved the DHCP address for your device. If the 

DMP's IP changes, its communication with CCHD with be severed.) 

2. Enter appropriate network configuration data in the field below. (skip this 

step is a DHCP IP has been reserved and the DHCP drop down is set to 


3. Click Apply at the bottom of the configuration page 

3. To make changes permanent, click Save Configuration and Restart DMP at the bottom of the 

configuration page 

DMP IP Addresses are unique to your player and cannot be used more than once. 

