V Sag, V Swell, and I Overcurrent Registers
The registers for voltage sag, voltage swell, and overcurrent are displayed in the
V Sag
V Swell
, and
I Overcurrent Register
sections. These sections display the level and duration values of the correspond-
ing registers in both hexadecimal and decimal format. Each register can be modified by typing a value in
the corresponding decimal or
field. Refer to the CS5490 data sheet for detailed descriptions of these
Register Checksum, SerialCtrl Registers
Register Checksum
SerialCtrl Register
boxes provide control and status of critical serial port
communication parameters and the register checksum. The
SerialCtrl Register
section provides control
over RX pin, baud rate, and enabling checksum protection for serial communication. The
Register Check-
section provides the calculated checksum of the critical registers inside the CS5490. The register
checksum updates automatically after single or continuous conversion has been performed. The
registers are displayed in hexadecimal form. Please note that if the opto-couplers are se-
lected as the isolation (J18, J20), the maximum baud rate is 2400.
The baud rate field applies only to UART serial communication and can be changed by the pull-down field.
It is recommended to set the baud rate to the highest setting possible. The default setting of 600 baud will
cause some GUI functions to overflow the communication buffer and not function correctly.
Calibration Window
The Calibration Window is used to display and write to the CS5490 offset and gain calibration registers.
The user is also able to initiate the CS5490's calibration sequences that are used to set the calibration
values. AC offset, DC offset, and gain calibrations can be performed on the voltage channel, current chan-
nel, or both channels simultaneously. The user should refer to the CS5490 data sheet for more details on
calibration (see Figure 17).
Figure 17. Calibration Window