2000- 2005 Cirronet
M-2450-0000 Rev B
7.4 Script Commands
cp <arg> Selects the COM port to use
br <arg> Selects the baud rate to use
do Asserts DTR
df De-asserts DTR
ro Asserts RTS
rf De-asserts
cm Sends configuration escape sequence
oo Obey CTS/RTS
of Do not obey CTS/RTS
sc <cmd(arg)>
Send WIT910 format configuration command
wt <arg> Pause for arg milliseconds
An example script file is shown below:
br 115200
wt 200
wt 200
wt 200
sc m!
This script file sets the baud rate of the PC COM that WinCOM is using to 115,200
kbps, de-asserts DTR, waits 200 milliseconds, asserts DTR, waits 200 milliseconds,
sends the configuration mode escape sequence, waits 200 milliseconds and then sends
the m! command to the radio. What this script file does is set the PC COM port baud
rate to 115.2 kbps, puts the radio in config mode and the issues the command to
display all of the radio parameters that have been changed from factory default. Note
that this script file leaves the radio in config mode. Cycling power or toggling DTR
will return the radio to data mode.
WinCOM prompts you to select the desired .wcr file. Opening the script file causes it
to executed immediately.