2.6 External Timed Program
Select External Timed Program tab to operate with 20 user define steps program.
It can define Voltage, Current, running time and Output ON/OFF for each step.
User can setting running cycle for the Timed Program. External Timed Program is
completely controlled by PC, PC counts the time and changes voltage and current
of power supply.
It has an External Timed Program Description space for user to enter description
for the setting. The description will be saved when user select to save setting into
CSV file.
Double click on the cell that you would like to set value.
For example Step 2 voltage.
Slide the bar to configure the value.
- Set time for this step to be running. The time range is between
0 to 9hours 59 minutes 59 seconds. You can click up/down button
to change value or directly input value. If the time value is set to 0, this step
will be skipped.