general guarantee
these conditions regulate Rheavendors Industries S.p.A.’s
obligations with reference to guarantee and repair; any other term
or condition, either verbal or written, is not applicable, including
those in the purchaser’s purchase orders, if not explicitly accepted
and signed by Rheavendors Industries S.p.A.; if the guarantee
terms here below should be held not to be valid and/or lawful in
the Country where the product is sold, they will not be effective
whereas all the other clauses will remain valid and applicable;
the mechanical and electronic components of the machine are
guaranteed for twelve months, starting from the sales date certified
by the fiscal receipt;
the guarantee shall be understood as the free replacement or
repair of any part of the machine that – at the manufacturer’s
unquestionable discretion – should prove to be originally
defective due to manufacturing defects; the cost of sending the
manufacturer machines, defective pieces and spare parts will be
totally charged to the user’s account; the manufacturer reserves
the right to use new or reconditioned components for repair; if
replaced, original components will be guaranteed for 12 months;
the parts replaced under guarantee will become the property of
RhevVendors Services S.p.A. (request for “Form PO 19.01/2b”
Materials under guarantee – Authorisation to return);
in case of irreparable failure or if a failure of the same origin is
repeated, the manufacturer may – at its unquestionable discretion
– replace the machine with another one, the model of which is
either the same or an equivalent one; the guarantee of the new
machine will be extended up to the original term of guarantee of
the replaced machine;
all the parts that should prove to be defective due to negligence or
carelessness (non-observance of the instructions for the operation
of the machine), incorrect installation or maintenance by
unauthorised personnel, transport damage or any circumstance –
anyway – not due to the manufacturing defects of the machine are
not covered by guarantee; the installation and connection with
supply plants as well as the maintenance operations mentioned by
the installation manual are also excluded from any performance
under guarantee; the guarantee will not cover payment systems
either; whether installed on the machine or supplied as an
accessory, they are subject to their manufacturer’s guarantee
whereas Rheavendors Industries S.p.A. will just act as a broker;
all changes made to the machine and not agreed with the
manufacturer in writing will involve the immediate termination of
the guarantee period and anyway fall under the Customer’s total
the guarantee is excluded in all cases of improper use of the
Rheavendors Industries S.p.A. will disclaim all responsibility for any
damage that may be directly or indirectly caused to people,
animals or things as a result of:
improper use of the vending machine; incorrect installation;
improper energy or water supply; serious maintenance deficiency;
actions or changes not explicitly authorised; use of non original
spare parts;
in case of failure, Rheavendors Industries S.p.A. is obliged neither
to compensate any economic damage due a forced stop of the
machine nor to extend the guarantee period;
if the machine should be transferred to a centre designated by the
manufacturer for overhaul or repair, the relative transportation
risks and costs will be charged to the user’s account. The freight
charges of machines, defective pieces and spare parts are always
understood as charged to the user’s account;
MAN1010119 rel. 01 dated 30.01.2014
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