Q.: I cannot find my favorite radio station that I was
always able to receive before. What can I do?
A.: Select MUSIC TYPE while in radio mode. Select
CLEAR to disable all PTY filters, and try to SEEK for your
Q.: The radio does not display the information for the
disc I inserted. How do I access this information
A.: The radio will search the internal Gracenote
recognition technology database on the hard drive for the
inserted disc. If the database is out of date, or the
database does not contain the particular disc, the infor-
mation cannot be displayed. Contact a DaimlerChrysler
dealership or website http://www.chrysler.com/mygig/
for available updates.
Q.: The radio is playing songs from the HDD, it jumps to
the first song in the list. Why does it do that?
A.: After the radio is done copying or ripping music to
the HDD, it needs to rebuild the current playlist. After the
playlist was rebuild, the radio starts to play the first song
in the current playlist.