Chrysler 160 Workshop Manual Download Page 30

Summary of Contents for 160

Page 1: ...ENGLISH 9 70 WORKSHOP MANUAL CHRYSLER 160 CHRYSLER 160 G T CHRYSLER 180 21381 M 0970 ...

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Page 3: ...heel shafts G SUSPENSION GO General G1 Front suspension G2 Rear suspension G3 Wheels G4 Tyres H STEERING HO General H1 Steering H3 Adjustment of vehicle trim Adjustment of front wheel set geometry J BRAKES J O General J 2 Tont brakes discs J3 Rear brakes drums J4 Rear brakes di scs J5 Brake control system servo brakes K BODY ELI CTRICAL SYSTEM K1 Wiring diagram K2 Inner electrical instruments K3 I...

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Page 5: ...ications II Tightening torque values Ill Specific tooltng IV Unit aaintenance and adjustaent procedures V Unit reaoval and re fitting procedures VI Removed unit dismantling and re asseably procedures Inclusive of Inspection after re asse bl y VII Recondt ti on ng procedure Acceptance crt terl a for recoverable coaponents The lnforaatlon classification reference or section syabol appears In the box...

Page 6: ...first box wtll contain the word ADDITIVE followed by a nu ber Indicating the order of classification In cases where several ADDITIVES correspond to the sa1e original page the second box will contain the page number and an indication of the number of pages of the ADDITIVE concemed Exaaple _ _ __ _ Section number 1 Original page number ADDITIVE Order of classification for ADDITIVE Page Page No Nu11b...

Page 7: ...e Operations to be carried out before delivery Operations to be carried out for free overhaul Certified and recommended ma i ntenance operations Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 9: ...l cation Fig 2 Engine No VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION G 001 Fig 3 Gear box No G 002 Fig 4 Dtfferentfal No Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE I GENERAl 1 G 003 G 004 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 10: ... kg I e at front 572 kg 585 kg at rear 493 kg 495 kg Total authorized loaded weight 1 490 kg t e at front I at rear Total authorized loaded weight 2 190 kg rl th tral ler RECOMMENDATIONS FOR VEHICLE JACKING To Jack up vehicle support ft on following pofnts only locations for Jacking In lower door sfll area behind front wheels and ahead of rear wheels CHRYSLER 160GT 180 lan Trans Auto Trans 1 095 k...

Page 11: ...lves 35 mm for exhaust valves S h TTING PROCEDURE Put vehicle into gear 4th release hand brake and move a wheel to rotate engine In order to set valves of a given cylinder In a balanced position so that play between valve stem and bearing bush of opposite cylinder can be adjusted Example to adjust rocking levers for cylinder No 1 set cylinder No 4 In balanced position rocking levers for cylinder N...

Page 12: ... 1odel Check that glove box fs c1osl ng properly and that lock operates correctly Check proper operation of clutch and brake pedal stops side lights nu ber plate light lnstruunt cluster lighting dipped headlights headlights if need be adjust headlights headlight Indicator light on Instrument cluster Ignition and starting switch anti joy ride device oil warning li ht ater temperature Indicator fuel...

Page 13: ...on and i ts attachment to tank Operations on outside of car Inflate tyres to required pressure inclusive of spare wheel tyre required pressure Saloon Front 1 7 bar Rear 1 9 bar Verify and check that bolts are correctly tightened on all wheels Check and If necessary adjust hand brake setting Lift front and ba lance front wheels if ne essary Start engine Check proper operation of choke Check al tema...

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Page 15: ...orque values AO III Specific tooling AO V Removal and re fi t ting of engine AO V Replacement of an engi ne side m ounting AO VI Dismantli ng and re assem bly of engine Reprint o r translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 CiT 180 ...

Page 16: ...CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 W 1317 Reprint or translation even partial Is stridly prohibited without written perminion from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 17: ... 341 Engine Trade naae CHRYSLER 160 CHRYSLER 180 Bore 83 40 II 87 70 Ill Stroke 75 II 75 II Cubic capacity 1639 c c 1812 c c Stroke Bore ratio 0 899 0 855 Coapresslon ratio 9 2 0 1 9 2 0 1 Reco unded fuel Super Super IG nt1um II octane lnd tx 98 98 For countries with low octane Index Co1pressl on rath 8 2 8 2 Reco11ended petrol ordinary ordinary Mtnl1u1 octane Index 90 91 90 91 Fiscal power French...

Page 18: ...ear point a cross ember fl tted between side umbers carries a 1 sllentbloc vulcanized on a tab this tab rhich Fig 2 G 005 protrudes from the s lentbloc directly supports the gear box extension Fig 2 Note The side 1ountlngs attached to the cylinder block have different fastening distances between centres G 006 CHRYSLER 160 160 180 Reprint or translation even partial Is strictly prohibited without w...

Page 19: ...cylinder block 9 Starting 1otor to cylinder block 5 Diaphrag to crankshaft 8 Pressure swftch 3 5 1 daM Anti vibration pad to cylinder block 1 5 Guiding pad to cylinder block 1 5 011 pu1p to cylinder block 1 25 later pu1p to tt1 ng gear cover 1 25 Petrol pump to front cover 2 Crankshaft pulley 9 Teaperature tapping 1 5 Gear wheel to ca1shaft 1 5 Water outlet to cylinder head 1 25 Filter cartridge s...

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Page 21: ...ting rig Camshaft handling tool Fig 1 A Crown sector Engine flywheel brazed to bush ID N Fig 2 A 50 x 38 x 5 channel or 45 x 45 square tube __ __1_3SO_ _ i I J___ _ 5_j Spal e Pal t Ref No 15525 F 20782 s 20833 M 21601 s 31174 G to be made by user to be made by user to be made by user to be made by user B Rubber pads Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permis...

Page 22: ...ig 3 Fig 4 0 0 N CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 0 j SPECIFIC TOOLING Q 4 0 0____________ G 008 G 009 00 I I I A Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 23: ...icle on lifting raep Place protection covers on fenders and front seat Disconnect and r111ove battery Drain cooling circuit fr011 radiator recover water antifreeze mixture Use chalk to mark position of articulation 11 nkage on bonnet and recnove sue Remove air filter ass bly with carburettor air In1et connection and oil fuu recovery syst Fig 3 Fig 1 4234 1 Fig 2 Disconnect accelerator cable and sh...

Page 24: ...r head on L H front si de Fig 5 Fig 5 4238 Fig 6 4239 Drai n cyl inder bl ock using plug locatad on R H side under exhaust manifol d fl t retai ning bar en both fender flanges and cl ear engine using a rope running behind crank shaft pulley Fig 6 R aise li fting ramp U nscrew md remove lower fastening nut from each engine moun ti ng Unscre w both low er nuts fastening exhaust flange to mani fold a...

Page 25: ...guiding It to re ove It fro engine Fig 9 0 0 N 1130 730 3 r Y 1034 compartment Fig 8 Important the engine must never be ude to rest on the ground on its oil su p In order not to da age the oil pu11p the clearance between the botto11 of the su p and the oil pump strainer Is Indeed low the engine 1ust be 1ade to rest on a wooden supporting rig 1ade in the workshop as shown on Ftg 9 G ooa Reprint or ...

Page 26: ...ct both air conditioner hoses to dash panel Re connect servo brake hose to aanlfold Re fit radiator fitted with both hoses not 011fttfng cool air suc on tube supporting bracket wl th R H upper nut Re connect radiator hoses to water puap and water outlet box Run petro1 puap supp1y tube through rfngs fl tted on Inlet anlfold wamfng hoses and re connect sa e Re connect the following electric hamess w...

Page 27: ...ulley to be rotated and for proper guiding of the previously centred clutch plate grooves and of the gear box input shaft Fig 10 4241 THIHD Ml THOD Applicable to all m odels 5 The engine drive uni t may be re11oved and extracted from underneath on condition however that the sling is fitted differently around the engine The sling 1ust on the one hand hook on the lifting plate and on the other hand ...

Page 28: 1 Speclflc tooling running a rope under crankshaft pulley Ratse 1Ifti ng ra11p and r ove nut fasten ng sfl entb1oc to cross ber R ove 1ountlng on block Stlentbloc 1ay then be easily dismantled froe supporting bracket CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 Reprint or tronalation even partial Ia strictly prohibited without written permiuion from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 29: ...means of 3 nylstop nuts and spacers to be recovered distributor and H V harness protection to do this only loosen both 7 screws fastened on R H side of cylinder head and remove protection remove both hamess retaining tabs attached with cyl inder head cover and remove distributor cap with protection and harness assembly Disconnect vacuum tube on carburettor side Remove clamp retaini ng distri butor...

Page 30: ... In botto of wrench or a 12 long agnet section Fig 4 3881 Fig 5 through hole Insert a 3 Allen spanner In piston hexagonal hole Fig 4 3882 tum spanner to right to free shoe fro effect of sprl ng Disconnect oil fuu rt cycllng syst hoses on cylinder head cover side and carburettor side R ove cylinder head front cover fastened by aeans of 2 THI 7 x 1 00 20 scrns 4 THM 7 x 1 00 30 scrtws 2 THill 7 x 1 ...

Page 31: ...4 DISMANTLING THE TIMING GEAR Remove auto atic adjuster which has been previously released Fig 7 3 Remove adjuster body which Is fastened to cyll nder block by 111ans of 2 THM 6 x 1 00 30 screws together with Its sole plate Remove spacer fitted on crankshaft pinion Remove oil pump fastened to cylinder block by uans of 2 THM 8 x 1 25 80 screiS R ove otl pu11p ass111bly with Its chain clearing it fr...

Page 32: ...t Prior to reQoving pistons carbon deposits must be elimi nated fromopening of cy1i nders Remove bearings and set them aside in approprl ate order then re fit caps in position on connecting rods without locking the screws Turn cyl inder block over vertically engine flywheel uppermost Fig 9 3886 si de sealing tubes R emove bearing caps E xtract crankshaft R emove al l bearings and set them aside ln...

Page 33: ... gaskets and seals before they are re fitted are listed in the proc edure Check gasket bearing faces and rub them with emery cloth or face them if necessary lubri cate nuts bol ts and screws before use Fig 11 3888 5 Fig 12 3889 Systematically fit new screw or nut retainers Note T he timing ge r cover sealing rl g may be used again If its lip is in good condition crup Jlously follow the procedure g...

Page 34: ...e these packing seals are supplied pre forud and to the appropriate length Use grease to fit bearing half rings to central bearing cheeks Fig 16 with anti friction atertal facing outwards Wipe all crankplns and crankshaft journals and fit crankshaft si ultaneously on Its five bearings previously the crankshaft must have been flushed and blown with co1pressed air Fig 14 3891 Fig 15 3892 Re fit bear...

Page 35: ...crushed wire wf th graduated scale used for packing Fig 17 Important this check must be carried out without oil being present afterwards fragments of crushed wire must be removed and journals and crankpins must be wi ped over again Smear each crankshaft bearing with oil Re fit caps and tighten cap screws to torque Fig 17 3894 7 Fig 18 3895 CH CKIN G CRANK IA l T SIDE PLAY For these checking operat...

Page 36: ...011lttlng the bearing ring Tlghten to torque Note the flywheel wtll be prevented froa tumfng by aeans of the starting aotor crown wheel locking tool held by a 10 x 1 25 screw fastened to the cylinder block FITTING THE CONNEGrmG RCID PISTON ASSEMBLIES rn THE CYLINDmS Re ove crown wheel locking tool and set cylinder block In noraal horizontal position Fig 20 3897 Fig 21 3898 Clean all connecting rod...

Page 37: ...f 11ark B Asseasbly References G 011 9 Fig 25 3900 Tum cyltnder block upside down and fit connecting rod caps Fig 25 Assembling cap to body must be done freely by hand In correct direction Half bearing notches must face one another and must be turned towards oil filter side Tighten connecting rod nuts to torque take care wl th dl rectl on of nuts Manually check that connecting rod assembll es can ...

Page 38: ... daN final tightening to 9 111 daN RE FITTnl G THE TIMING GEAR Tum cylinder block over vertically flyrheel dornrards RE ASSEMBLING THE ENGINE Fig 28 3902 Fit crankshaft key in its housing and fit crank shaft pinion in position setting its bore edge chamfer to first crankshaft journal joining radius Fig 28 in this manner the double row of teeth which Is intended for the camshaft control double chai...

Page 39: ...oting it around Its own axis Fig 30 Place driving w heel at camshaft end between distributor control screw and fixing plate Fit chain on crankshaft pinion and place camshaft wheel Inside of chain whilst setting reference mark In appropriate direction after tightening chain in direction of engine rotation tight strand In opposite position to hydraulic adjuster Check posl tl on of referent e arks F ...

Page 40: ...nd fit it Into place on Fig 34 3908 Fig 35 3909 crankshaft pinion Fig 34 Place pump In position on cylinder block making use of Its locations to set it correctly Manually check chain tension Insert an additional spacer between cylinder block and pump supports to verify w hether an additional spacer would cause chain tension to be excessive Fig 35 Note Chain tension ust not be excessive Spacers hav...

Page 41: ...tainers In position Note front and rear corner retainers are different front retainers are longer and elbgwed at 90 rear retainers are elbowed at 114 Allow 22 THM 7 x 1 00 18 screws previously smeared wf th a drop of screw thread 1ight loctlte compound to set and tighten to torque Fasten oil drain plug fl tted with fts seal In position and tighten ft to torque RE FITTING THE WATER PUMP Tum engine ...

Page 42: ...ox on cyli nder head with 1 paper gasket by means of 2 THM 7 x 1 00 25 screws thermostat and water ou tlet box cover 2 TH 1 7 x 1 00 20 screws with a cardboard gasket under cover carbureHor inserti ng a thermal spacer placed between 2 paper gaskets under base with four 8 x 1 25 nuts for 341 eng ine and two 8 x 1 25 nuts for 361 engine Re connect all hoses water pump to water header Inl et manifold...

Page 43: ... to carburettor Fit oil fu e filter on T junction and fit hose connecting it with a r f lter in1et connect on Fasten fan on releasable hub on 341 engine not oaftting to fit 3 spacers three 6 nuts Re fit engine lifting lug to cylinder head by aeans of 2 THill 8 x 1 25 20 screws Fig 40 3914 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE AO ...

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Page 45: ...values A1 III Specific tcoli ng 1 VII Removal and re fitting of sealing caps on cylinder block cylinder head inlet manifold rocking lever spindles Reprint or translation even partial Ia atridly prohibited without written permiuion from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 180 ...

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Page 47: ... crankshaft central bearing 28 18 to 28 22 Tapping for crankshaft bearing setscrews M12 x 1 25 cylinder head setscrews M12 x 1 25 clutch housing setscrews M10 x 1 25 water drain plug M10 x 1 00 packing holder setscrews M6 x 1 00 Foundry cleaning plugs or stopping plugs chain adjuster line dla 8 3 to 8 5 coefficl ent 1 oil distributor dla 16 coefficient 2 oil delivery line to distributor dla 20 coe...

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Page 49: ...urplus of sealing compound caulking effects which aay lock some sea1ing caps in posItt on Pierce a 7111 dia hole In centre of each cap to be replaced Note see crankshaft sealing cap replacement procedure for sealing caps with a dtauter greater than 12 To loosen each cap push It in very sl lghtly wl th the appropriate fttttng tool assa bled to tool holder Successively place In each 7 1111 dta hole ...

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Page 51: ... assembly of connecting r od piston assembly A2 VI I nspection and assembl y of pist on r i ngs A2 VII Checki ng the connecting rods A2 VII Replacement of connecting rod screws A2 VII Replacement of starting mot or crown wheel A2 VII Replacement of crankshaft sealing caps Reprint or translation even partial Is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT ...

Page 52: ...CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 w 1318 Reprint or translation even partial Ia strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 53: ...h mechanism 6 THI1l 8 x 1 25 screws diaphragm for vehicles with automatic transmission Starting motor crown wheel Material Hardened steel Number of teeth 136 Outer diameter 292 Modu1e 2 116 Crankshaft bearing Material Trimetal Standard thickness red class blue class Piston 1 891 to 1 900 1 901 to 1 910 Material Aluminium alloy A2 r 1 The 4 pistons of the same engine must have the same eight with a...

Page 54: ...4 002 to 24 009 Fl tttng of bush in connecting rod 08 to 15 l laxl111ura admissible twist 2 max Parallelism of s11all and big end centre lines tolerance of 08 The 4 connecting rods of the same engine must have the same weight with a tolerance of 3 g Fastening of cap to body by means of 10 x 100 screws Side play of connecting rod on crankpin 10to 37 Connecting rod half bearings Material Tri etal St...

Page 55: ...rings 2 X 1 949 2 X 1 940 1 941 1 949 1 932 1 940 Crankshaft 51 959 51 951 51 959 51 951 PL AY 0 028 0 062 0 028 0 062 NO NCONGRUENT MATCHING CASES 1st Case 4th Case Con Rod 55 877 55 885 55 877 55 885 Bearings 2 X 1 949 2 X 1 940 2 X 1 949 2 X 1 940 Crankshaft 51 967 51 959 51 959 51 951 PLAY 0 012 0 046 0 020 0 054 CASES 2nd Case 5th Case Con Rod 55 885 55 893 55 885 55 893 Bearings 2 X 1 941 2 ...

Page 56: ...ase Cyl Block 60 836 60 846 60 836 60 846 Bearings 2 X 1 900 2 X 1 891 2 X 1 910 2 X 1 901 Crankshaft 56 977 56 967 56 987 56 977 PLAY 0 059 0 097 0 019 0 067 CASES 3rd Case 6th Case Cyl Block 60 836 60 846 60 826 60 836 Bearings 2 X 1 900 2 X 1 891 2 X 1 900 2 X 1 891 Crankshaft 56 987 56 977 56 977 56 967 PLAY 0 049 0 087 0 049 0 097 SUMMARY OF MATCHJNG PROCEDURES Connecting Rods Shaft assembly ...

Page 57: ...ue 160 663 160 661t 56 477 56 487 Red 160 666 160 667 0 50 56 467 56 477 Blue 160 669 160 670 56 227 56 237 Red 160 672 160 673 0 75 56 217 56 227 Blue 160 675 160 676 55 977 55 987 Red 160 678 160 679 1 00 55 967 55 977 Blue 160 681 160 682 A2 I 5 Bearings lower upper for crkshaft bearings Nos 2 and It 160 018 160 121t 160 614 160 634 160 662 160 665 160 668 160 671 160 674 160 677 160 680 160 68...

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Page 59: ...r half bearings must face oil filter side and piston reference mark must face front of engine on timing gear side Fig 2 RE A SEMBLY OPERATIONS Fit a circlip In one of piston grooves Raise temperature of pf stan to be assaab1ed either In heating oven or by i1111ersion in boiling water 100 C max Use a cloth to extract piston Oil gudgeon pin Insert It by hand In piston through connecting rod until it...

Page 60: ...ft in fr0111 groove to groove as shorn on Fig 4 to fit it finally under lower side of expansible ring setting its gap above expansible ring gap Proceed likewise to fit upper steel ring though setting Its gap at 180 2 Fitting the scraper ring Follow usual procedure using special pliers Important This ring has a T O P reference ark which must face top of piston otherwise excessive oil consumption wo...

Page 61: ...t procedure together with the appropriate drawi ngs for th is special tooling The paral lelism and twist can be checked on the bare connecting rod on an engineer s table w i th the connecting rod held by a m andrel and V blocks Figs 1 and 2 Checking procedure for squaring with assem hled piston Set piston connecting rod assem bl y on an engi neer1s table Fig 3 llli th this arrangement both plates ...

Page 62: ...nze or steel tool Fig 6 to clear crown wheel Turn fly heel over and set It flat Place new crown In position on flywheel With a torch fitted with a non oxidizing nozzl slowly and progressively apply heat around periphery of crown wheel Fig 7 Interrupt application of heat when c orn wheel starts to slip down onto fly heel and fl t It In itl final position striking it lightly with a bronze tool takin...

Page 63: ...extractor or 1 th a tap of the correspond ng df auter if It cannot be extracted with counter pi ercfng bf t RE FI l TING THE SEALJNG CAPS 1 If crankshaft has been reground ft must be cleaned by Immersion 2 In all cases ft must be flushed with paraffin and blown with compressed a r Fig 8 3924 3 Fig 9 3925 3 To re fit sealing caps use fitting tool Ref 21605 I Cla1p crankshaft fn a vice fitted with l...

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Page 65: ... Specific tooling A3 V Removal and re fitting of cyli nder head on car A3 VI Dismantling and re assembling the cylinder head A3 VII Refacing the valve seats Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 180 ...

Page 66: ...CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 G 075 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 67: ...000 Dlaaeter of Inlet valve seat housing 975 to 45 000 Inlet anlfold fastened by 8 M7 x 1 00 stud bolts later outlet elbow fastened by 2 M7 x 1 00 screws Cylinder head cover fastened by 9 M7 x 1 00 stud bolts Exhaust untfold fastened by 8 II 8 x 1 25 stud bolts Ca shaft bearing Inner dfa eters No 1 to 025 No 2 46 to 46 025 No 3 46 5 to 46 525 No 4 47 to 47 025 No 5 47 5 to 47 525 A3 I n m Valve gu...

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Page 69: ...distributor Resaove petrol pump with Its Insulating spacer and l ts two paper gaskets Unscrew both upper nuts fastening exhaust flange to manifold Raise 11 fti ng ramp Unscrew both lower nuts fastening exhaust flange to manifold release both exhaust pipe suspension rings and clear flange fro11 manifold Proceed as follows to unload hydraulic adjuster Remove adjuster plug on timing gear cover Figure...

Page 70: ...faces the front bearing reference S11ear cylinder head gasket with o l and fit It on cylinder block locating it by means of the 2 locating bushes Note the reference mark Dessusa top stamped on the gasket must be visible after the gasket has been fitted to the C l inder block Ascertain that piston N o 4 is at T D C Fit fully assembled cylinder head passing the end of the camshaft under the timing c...

Page 71: ...ting spacer between 2 paper gaskets cr1d re connect supply pipes Re ftt Ignition distributor taking previously arked references Into account Re ftt distributor and L V and H V harnesses Re connect spark plugs fastening H V harness shield to cylinder head Re connect the following hoses water pu1p to water header radiator upper to water outlet box at r condl ttoner to dash panel servo brake to heade...

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Page 73: ...927 1 Remove insulating spacer Remove inl et manifold fastened by means of six 7 x l Oil nuts Remove gasket Remove supporting plate previ usly fixerl to sling engine with 2 T4M 8 x l Z i 20 scrc vs if nuce sary Remove camshaft side rear cover fastened by 3 T1t1 7 x 1 00 20 screws Re li VC oasket Unlock both camshaft side tie piece setscrews LoJsen 8 rocking lever adjustment screw lock nu t and loo...

Page 74: ...e how each part is positioned Fig It In order to 1atch thaa again afterwards In the proper order use a dummy spindle to drive the spindle out Fig 4 A Inlet B Exhaust 3930 Fig 5 3931 Caution exhaust rocking lever spindles differ from the inlet rocking lever spindles insofar as they are fitted with 5 slots for fitting the cylinder head setscrews and with 5 lubricating holes instead of 9 Remove camsh...

Page 75: ...end of valve st8111 to protect seal teflon ring Fit seal on cap until It cous to stop against end of guide using fingers to hold white part teflon In order not to dislodge It Fig 7 Continue fitting seal on end of guide using grip Ref 20969 Duntil stop is reached Fig 8 Remove plastic cap Fit springs and upper cups and fit keys in valve stem grooves after using Facom U43 l valve lifting tool to comp...

Page 76: ...rp stroke In Its groove whll st keeping the rock ng 1 ever assemb1y compr essed wf th the other hand Fig 11 Fig 11 3937 Set the stoppi ng flats of each spi ndle correctly and fit the camshaf t side ti e piece in position fastening It by m eans of 2 T HM 7 x 1 00 14 screws Tigh ten both screws to torque and lock them Fl t camshaft si de cover paper gasket and fasten cover by means of 3 T HM 7 x 1 0...

Page 77: tool at least a turn at most five turns Figs 1 and 2 3938 Fig 2 Check aspect of seating area and carry out finishing operations if necessary 1 3939 For exhaust valve seats the width of the seating area will be reduced to a aaxiaum of 1 5 by using the upper tool holder of the 221 cutter on the upper part of the seat For inlet valve seats the width of the seating area will then be reduced to a a...

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Page 79: ... a rocking lever screw on car Removing and re fitting t he timing gear cover t o replace the timing chain or the automatic adjuster A4 VII Replacement of t he t iming gear cover bush and silentbloc Reprint or translation even partial Is strictly prohibited without written permjuion from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 80: ...CHRYSLER r 160 _160CiT_ 180 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 81: ... by a spring spacer on the other side bearing against a cylinder head bearing Both inlet or exhaust rocking lever spindles are fitted In the cylinder head In bores on either side of each camshaft bearing In the upper section The rotation of these two spindles is li lted by a s11all plate fastened to the rear section of the cylinder head and housed In a flat 1achlned on each spl ndl e lubricating h...

Page 82: Assa bly1 SPECIFIC TOOLING Tool holder 15522 C Ffttfng tool 20861 Z Bush 20904 Y Tool 21611 K Facoa U 1 Extractor TIMING GEAR CHRYSLER 160 160 180 Reprint or translation even partial Is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 83: as shown on Fig 1 use area beneath the spindle of the rocking lever concerned as a fulcrum and compress valve spring so that it can be made to slide on the spindle and can be freed from the pressure applied by the spring With this first rocking lever cleared the operator may then slide the other on the spindle to swivel it and to reach the screw concerned Fig 1 Reprint or translation even parti...

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Page 85: ... operator then has access to the autoJJatfc adjuster To replace a timing gear chain or an oil pump chain It Is first necessary to drain the ofl sump and to remove It so that the oil puap can be removed Both chatns can then be removed easfl y RE FITTING OPERATIONS Check condition of oil sump gasket and replace It If necessary Clean timing gear cover oint planes Use grease to fit paper gasket on cyl...

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Page 87: ... U se press to extract si 1entbloc with tool Ref 21611 K using bush Ref 20904 Vas a fu lcrum for instance or a section of tube allowing the sllentbloc to be cleared freel y Fig 3 The new silentbloc will be fitted into place from the machi ned face of the timing gear cover In this purpose its housing has a fitting chamfer 3942 Carefully place timi ng gear cover flat under press nose smear sllentblo...

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Page 89: B1 OIL SUMP B1 I Gas and oil fume recirculation system B2 OIL PUMP B2 I General specifications B2 II Tightening torque values B2 III Specific tooling B2 VI Disw ntling and re assembling the oil pump Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 90: ...CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or lran lation even partial i trictly prohibited without written permission fro m CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 91: ...quently the crankpins A vertical duct In the cylinder block l H front face directs the oil up to the first cylinder head setscrew hole Fr011 this point a channel takes the oil towards the inlet rocking lever spindle which In turn feeds the exhaust rocking lever spindle through the ca11shaft front joumal which on this occasion Is lubricated The rocking lever drilled spindles allow on each shaft for...

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Page 93: ...pass of this system allows the gases and oi 1 fumes to be drawn directly Into the inlet manifold through a calibrated end piece hen the butterfly valve is closed Af i1ter fitted before fu e carburettor is adi ng as a condenser and prevents frost ng effects from taki1g place On the 361 engine only this filter is complem ented by a valve which closes when the butterfly valve Is closed and tt1 s inhi...

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Page 95: ...o enable clutch housi ng reinforcement to be cleared for easter extract on Remove reinforcement from cylinder block and clutch housing Remove 22 oi 1 sump setscrews with retainers Clear oil sump after setting crankshaft fn t turn position after setting reference Fig 1 Valve is then accessible and may be inspected easily after cap has been removed The pump can be removed easily after unscrewing the...

Page 96: ... the base grooving adjust stop screw which ls sunk in base until lt comes to bear against end of shaft Fig 2 Locate driving sprocket at end of driving shaft so that the boss on its hub is facing outwards Use press to fit sprocket in u til a 1 mm spacer inserted between the sprocket and the pin screwed on the base slides fin ly Fig 3 Fig 1 3944 Fig 2 3945 Fit ball retaining spring ball pressure spr...

Page 97: ...trol tank and fuel gauge PE l WL PUMP AND Pl J S General specification3 General speGifications Carburettor adjustments Inlet manifold specification EXHAUST Description of exhaust system Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

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Page 99: ...e trunk along the rear seat back to run down again under the trunk floor a regulator is fitted on this tube at the petrol tank outlet to avoid any risk of petrol 1eaks through this duct It consists of a nylon body comprising an intemal partition and a float in its upper section the partition has an opening allowing the air to flow through this opening may be plugged by the float if petrol flows in...

Page 100: ... special wrench after draining the tank and disconnecting the electric wires Re fitting operatior s Use special wrench to re fit gauge Re connect vent tube and supp1y tube Insert filler tube In fender then slip rubber seal over it and fit it into place in fender Fig 2 4244 Fit tank In position between both side members inserting the vent tube through tht cross bar reinforcement Panhard bar Fasten ...

Page 101: ...mum without delivery whatever the number of cycles Mean delivery pressure at 3 000 r p m 167 millibar for a delivery of at least 45 1 tre hour The petrol pump supply pipe is made of a polyamid it runs in the tunnel and Is attached by means of tabs which are welded to the body Reprint or tran lation even partial strictly prohibited without written perminion from CHRYSLER FRANCE C2ti 1 CHRYSLER 1 0 ...

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Page 103: the fender flange by means of an end support ng bracket A rubber hose connects the f 1ter to the carburettor this hose is fitted with a side end piece which allows the oil fumes to be admitted In the carburettor this fits directly on the carburettor cover for the 361 engine and on an air inlet nozzle for the 341 engine the air inlet nozzle Is fastened to the carburettor by means of 4 stud bolts...

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Page 105: ...asting shapes on 361 engine a single well with a maximum diameter of 36 5 with 2 side stud bolts designed for fastening the single body carburettor on 341 engine two twin wells with a minimum diameter of 39 7 separated by a screen with a central balancing 1 5 mm deep groove 4 stud bolts for fastening the dual body carburettor In both cases the inlet manifold s fastened to the L H side face of the ...

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Page 107: ... be running above the diffe ren ti al housing Fig 1 I C5 r A rear secti on comprising an i let tube a rear silencer with acyl indric al section and an outlet tube discharg ing the gases longitudinally i n relation to the vehicle but offset to the left The front sedi on is connected to the mani fold by means of a double fl ange fastened by M8 x 1 25 nuts ar d w ashers and stud bo lts fitt ed on the...

Page 108: ...y of 1 TH 8b ket I teoed 1 25 screws The rear s to ec 1on 0 h rear silence 1S eld by a tab tcap f te cdootlet Me aod b lded the aod 0 to the bod Y a dell Ied reta1ner B Fo Y by means of 19 2 a screw Fig 2 Go015 A CHRYSLER lbO 160GT 180 nt 0 or trons l f a _ lon even parti I a IS stnctl y prohibited with out wntten permission f rom CHRYSLER FRA o N CE ...

Page 109: and re fitting the releasable fan on the 341 engine D2 VI DisQantling and re assembling the releasable fan on the 341 engine D2 VI Checking the releasable fan D3 HOS S D3 IV Procedure for removing ani re fitting hose fastening clips Corbin collars Reprint or translation even partial i strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 110: ...Fig 1 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 1 W 1314 Reprint or tronalation even partial Ia drictly prohibited without written permin ion from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 111: ...e the inlet antfold air conditioner radiator and carburettor w arming up hoses DO r RADIATCR R adiator capacity Total system capacity 9 5 11 tres 361 engine 1 0 litres 341 engine 50 Radiator cap calibrated at 500 millibar 75 Core Steel Fas tenino 4 points at f ront of vehicle on two si de panels FAN Ma terial Polypropylene 6 equidistant blades fas ten ed to sheet metal pulley on 361 engine and to ...

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Page 113: ...rl eoranc c measured with spacer is obtain t d Re ti ghten 3 nuts B If after air gap has been adju sterJ engagcmlll t is still unobtainabl8 with direct S1Jpply rc 1ac fan assemli1y Note ormal ai r Qap must be 25 to 35 mm mergency r epair If engagcment is unobtainable Loosen 3 adjustment screw lock nuts Tighten 3 screws but not excessively P e ti gh ten lock nuts Operation wil l lie continuous unti...

Page 114: ...or water inlet and water outlet hoses Remove radiator Remove fan blades air gap adjustment operations may be carried out from this stage Loosen and clear drive belt Removo screws fastening water pump to cylinder block Reaove water pump and releasable fan assembly RE FITTING O TIONS To re f t the water pump rel easab1e fan asserably proceed in reverse order CHRYSLER 160 160 180 Reprint or translati...

Page 115: On water pump body fasten pin holder Ref Z1615 P in replacement of brush holder Place water pump In position in fan Insert pump in fan fitting a 10 mm d a 30 to 40 mm length of rod between press nose and water pump shaft end Fig 1 A Correct locating 1 4125 During this operation Insert pin supplied with pin holder in pin holder bore in order to check the position of the brush In relation to t...

Page 116: direct supply at 2 engagement is obtained feed 3 engagement is not obtained remove check and clean brush holder clean slip ring If with direct supply at 3 engagement is obtained replace thenno switch engagement is not obtained there is a cut in the wire from the thermo switch to the brush holder Note cleaning the slip ring must be carried out with a c1ean c1oth and if rea11 y necessary it may b...

Page 117: ... to increJse collar diameter slil htly to enable it to slide in position over hose Fi IJ 3 A Fter asse1nb ly try to turn collar by hand if it turns it must be rephc ed N ote durino rar oval or re fitting operat ions take great ca re not to open collar more than nec essar y in order not to cxc ced its I iP l it of el asticity as this would prevent co ll ar from re tu rning to its initial diam eter ...

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Page 119: ... Description of alternator charging system Function of regulator and charge indicator lamp Belt tension adjustment Checking charging system on vehicle ltemoving and re fitting the a1terna tor on the vehicle Dismantling and re assembling the Ducellier alternator Dismantling and re assembling the Faris Rhone alternator IGNITION General specifications Advance curves Reprint or tron lotion even partia...

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Page 121: ...NERAL M ultipl e scale voltmeter 0 4 0 20 V for instance Revoluti on indicator Percussion screw driver 88 506 Templet 21610 W N ote the first three instruments above may be replaced by a carbon pile ammeter voltmeter Reprint or translation even p rtial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSlER FRANCE EO 1LIIl 1 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 123: motor Positive control solenoid type Fastened to cylinder block by means of 2 screws and 1 bolt Gear 9 teeth Gear Starting motor crown wheel reduction 9 ratio or approx 136 15 REJ OVING THE STARTING MCYI m Disconnect battery Disconnect starting motor wires STARTING Remove starting motor bolt and 2 screws Remove starting motor To re fit starting motor proceed in reverse order Reprint or tran lat...

Page 124: ... the following order fibre washer 1 flat washer ondufl ex washer 1 flat washer fibre washer Fig 1 Remove shell Remove mou1ded rubber between so1enoi d and shell and remove rubber bearing washer Apply lever pressure 3t end of fork shaft to drive shaft out Remove metal p n 1 Fig 1 then plastic pin 2 Remove fork and armature Field magnets are removed with a BH1 506 percussion screw driver RE ASSEMBLY...

Page 125: of templet Fig 3 Small side of templet must pass freely without touching upper part of gear Checking the gear in forward position Feed solenoid with a 12 volt supply Ch ck that in forward position gear Is not in contact with armature stop i U1 1argc side of temp1et check that upper face of gear is higher than ternplet face A Fig 4 To adjust setting use fork plastic pin the latter is fitted with...

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Page 127: ...evolutions engine revolutions 1 8 341 Engine 361 Engine Identi ficati on 81 ue Ref Mark Valid for field Red Ref Mark magnet resistance of Regu1ati ng vo1tage Condenser s sn 14 6 to 15 1 V Absorption and thermal compensation resistor Valid for field magnet resistance of 5 5n 341 engine 7D 361 engine Capacity 470 microfarad Connexion fitted between temlnal regulator and garth Note the original 341 e...

Page 128: ...operation two diodes included in the stator circuit between earth and the annature winding output rectify the alternating current produced by the alternator Another diode known as the insulating diode allows a charging indicator lamp to be fitted whilst preventing the battery from discharging through this lamp and preventing the field magnets from remaining permanently live when switched off l Adj...

Page 129: ...tor arranged betw een earth and th e exc itation circuit is designed o r educ e the ore at the contacts of thi s relay A lso the oper Ition of the relay is s ahiliz ecl by r eans of a thcmal compensation resistor connected in seri es w ith i ts winding Fu rthen orc a 470 m icrofarad conder ser fitted between t e rc ulator t erre inal and earth protects the charge inrli ca tor b m p 3 Clli G ICATOr...

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Page 131: ... presence of the indicator lamp however facilitates energizing Disconnect battery before removing alternator or regulator T ake care not to allow any oil or li quid in cooling air intakes The liquid could reach the slip rings and the alternator would no longer be energized Before connecting a charger to the battery disconnect the battery cable Never carry out any arc welding operation on a vehicle...

Page 132: ...current curve A Amps B Engine r p m 1s I 1j i I j i i I i li i I P i il I Ammeter Rheostat Vo1tmeter 1 CllliCKING rtL l rl i OH OUTPUT Check to be carried out after temperature of charging system units has been stabilized Stop engine Disconnect al temator wire G 036 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 Reprint or tran lation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANcfii ...

Page 133: ...move regul ator and EXC terminal short circuiting wire 8 Z1217 Z1218 Connect testing instruments as follows with separate instruments A Fig 3 with combined instrument B Fig 3 Checking the regulator calibration Start engine and accelerate it to 2 750 r p m Use variable resistor to set alternator output to 20 Afor 341 engine 15 Afor 361 engine The voltage reading on the voltmeter must then be betwee...

Page 134: ...nect coil supply OPERATION No 2 Field magnet check rotor Required tooling 1 hletrix ohmmeter A Fig 4 do not use magneto ohmmeter or HV Instruments or 1 electric bell made up of 1 15 W 12 Vbulb supplied by battery see operation No Check and replace if necessary see operation No 4 Replace Procedure With ohnnneter Remove a1temator Measure field magnet resistance between EXC term inal and brush holder...

Page 135: ...field magnet is cut rep1ac e i t Note the bulb may also remain unlit if the brushes are bearing poorly or not at all Check this by removing the brush holder Ftg 5 2896 Legend for Figs 5 and 6 A EXC terminal B terminal C Auxiliary terminal D Earth Fig 6 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE 0 5 2895 G 037 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 136: ...i111ately 2 V OP Kt ATION No 4 Diode check P emove diode holder s For Ducellier alternator dismantle diode holder l li th ohmmeter On insulating diode holder diode holder with a single diode check that resistance in one direction is from 15 to 30 and 400 k in the opposite di recti on as an indication on the Metrix 0hmmeter the pointer shows On rectifying diode holder diode holder with 2 diodes che...

Page 137: ...screw fastening altemator to cylinder block Fig 2 Loosen 2 screws fastening alternator to timing gear cover ranove driving belt i emove al temator from underneath vehicle r J FITTING F roceed in reverse order from removal procedure Fig 1 Fig 2 4056 Fig 3 Reprint or tran lation even partial is trictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE 1 4057 4058 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

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Page 139: ... the 3 components Z half housinqs stator Jemove alternator assP r bly bolts Remove brushes Rel lO VC insulati ng ciocle ho1rler Remove b2rrel and insul ating w asher under insul ating diode hol der Separate altern tor components O n fron t housing remove 3 bearing retaini ng plate setscrews and remove bearing To remove rear bearing use fork Ref 20895 L and a D ia 11 8 pin Fig 1 i B ASS2 MBLING THE...

Page 140: ... f itted with cl aw s to hold th e alternator turbi E and loosen the pulley L4 mm wrench Fig 2 2896 Remove nut w asher pulley turbine and rlriving pin Remove front bearin j retain ing plate 4 assembly screws 7 r m wrench Eemove 4 a1ternator 1ssemb 1y ti e rods E Fig 2 Separate al temator components s tri king end of rotor shaft slightly wi th q wooden mall et eparate rotor from rear housin stri ki...

Page 141: ...iti on di st ri butor set at lliJ _ il Vo ltage lZ V ark pl lgs C har noion N 6 Y Spark plug el ectrode r np 6 mm Gondenser Capac i ty 2 to 3 l iF Fnr 141 and JGl engi nes E3 r 1 A lrjni li on distributor rJ eqr el s A J lqniti Jn dis tributor r D r l 1 s pli nble to new di s tri bu tor _ c Appl ic able to distributor dftCr runni ng in 15 10 5 Fin 1 2 l v v v v A A L L 500 1000 v v 1 y 1500 2000 2...

Page 142: ...136 272 408 544 _ _ _ _ ____ Fig 2 G 039 A r 1 1 1 VACUUM CCJH RECTOR 15 1 ADVANCE CURVES 1 For 361 engine 10 A Dl stri butor degrees 1 o v f B Vacuum In mm of Hg c Vacuum in g em 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 I f v f i cV 1 lJ IL 1 f B I I 100 200 300 400 _c 136 272 408 544 Fig 3 CHRYSLER 160 160 GJ 180 I Repri t or tran lation __even partial is trictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANC...

Page 143: ... Tightening torque values Specific tooling Description of diaphragm clutch rtemoving and re fitting the clutch plate and mechfl lism Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 144: ...CHRYSLER 1bO 160 GT 180 W 1 320 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FR CE ...

Page 145: ...lutch mechanism for 361 engine DiJphragm ty e Dia 200 Outer di a Z53 mm T otal thickness 44 mm Transmissible torque at least equal to 13 m da N Outer rli of clutch plate 200 mm Inner uia of friction 130 mm Thickness of plate 8 1 3 mm under 375 da Nload Specifications of clutch mechani sm for 34 1 engine Diaphragm t ype Dia 215 Outer di a 274 mm Total thickness 46 mm Tran i sibl e torque at least e...

Page 146: ...ion B Released position C Excessively released position Point of no return exceeded The diaphragm cannot return to its initial position 0 The diaphragm is a tapered spring plate made of special steel which is fi tterl between a pressed sheet metal cover and a special friction cast iron pressure plate The pressure plate is rlriven by 3 flexible steel tabs connected to the cast iron cover With this ...

Page 147: ... plate hub offset to ards rea and mechanism in position Note Balancing R ef marks paint marks must f ce one another Fig 2 Taking fixing points into consideration these marks may be offset by 0 a maximum of 60 Locate plate in position with pi lot tool Ref 21620 Y Fig 3 h ith m echanism fitted on Mecanindus pins progressively tighten screws Remove starting motor crown wheel locking tool R e fit gear...

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Page 149: ...ns Description of gear box Tightening torque values Specific tooling Removing and re fitting the gear box on the vehicle Overhaul of gear box Reprint or trandation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 150: ... E iiUiiP4 D c G 059 CHRYSLER 160 160 CiT _180 Reprint or tran1lation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permiuion from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 151: ...ocking the lst gear In rotation with the output shaft The forward di splacement of thIs synchronIzIng ring A has the effect of Interlocklng the 2nd gear in rotation with the output shaft I F31I 1 The tachometric rat os are as follows Fig 1 A For vehicles fitted with 361 engine w 5 threads X 15 teeth Y Z 9 10 B For vehicles fitted with 3 1 eng ne w 5 threads X 14 teeth Y Z 7 8 Gear box oil capacity...

Page 152: sleeve g sliding on a driving hub h GEAR BOX c e Y9 13 The sliding sleeve Incorporates inner teeth designed to be meshed with synchronizing crown b with outer teeth brazed on the internal face of idler gears Asynchronizing snap ring c fitted Inside a recess machined under the crown wheel teeth ensures progressive speed equalization as the sleeve traverse 1otl on proceeds Fig 4 A Neutral positio...

Page 153: ...s locks the sel ectad gear In position Synchronization is achieved effortlessly by us ing the forces converted by the system itself The displacement of stop d is lim ted to prevent any self locking effect Notes on 1st gear synchronization The illustrated system Fig 3 Is identical for the 2nd 3rd and 4th gears the arrangement is howevsr different for the l t gear As the 1st gear is used for startin...

Page 154: ...l 1 0 n1 8 A c H GEAR BOX T his tenon is intef r J with a liding tumbl er D w hich slides or grooves on the shaf t of gear centrol lever E on the gear box The side movement of the sl iCing tumcl r is controlled by a selector finger F interlocked with a small rod G the displaw nent and rositi on of which are con tra11 ed through a 1inkage connected with the gear contra1 system nsequ ently the selec...

Page 155: ...n the three shafts Fig 9 opposite notches of an appropriate shape The size and position of these notches on the shafts are such that when a gear is mga9ed ball H enters the notches of both unsel ected gear control shafts thus preventing them from moving An additional locking system prevents the lst 2nd shaft and the 3rd 4th shaft from moving simultaneously This safety locking system is controlled ...

Page 156: ... C Manual gear control lever D Yoke E Selector bar J E H GEAR BOX A Traverse motion Manual lever C when actuated t ransversely causes the pivoting motion of yoke D to w hi ch selector bar E 1s keyed t the end of thi s har a sel ector rod F whic h is adjustable in length transfers thi s move nGnt to selector lever G on the gear box Thi s movement selects the 1st 2nd range 3rd 4th ran Je or reverse ...

Page 157: ...f selector rod F Before assembly the latter must be brought to the pre adjustment 1ength of 159 1 mm Fig 12 The adjustment must not exceed 5 mm so as to leave a minimum of 6 mm of thread in me h between the swivel case and the rod B Gear shifting system No adjustment As gear control rod I is not adjustable its length is such that when gear shifting lever J on the gear box Is in neutral manual 1eve...

Page 158: ... support bracket to gear box 1 6 Exhaust support bracket to gear box 2 2 SPECIFIC TOOLING FOR OPERATIONS ON GEAR BOX Desvfl stand Ref 149 32 1ong bush 20814 j Output shaft locking lever 21618 S Intenaediate shaft locking claws 20803 Y Intermediate shaft bearing extractor 8604 R Input shaft bearing extractor 15933 G Wrench for output shaft nut 20818 VI Output shaft bearing extractor 15525 F F tting...

Page 159: ...nds to push the plunger out of the bore D efore removal operations are undertaken thcrd0re the rlunCJer must be held in its cylinder FiQ 2 Remove rear s pensi en cross member from engine rlrive uni t 4 fas tening oin ts on body 2 Joi nts on gear box Fig 3 Jisconnect both wires on r versinQ light contactor Fig 3 4028 _ _Y Fig 4 4029 Disconnect propeller shaft on gear box flange T he 11 f lector11 r...

Page 160: ... correct y to mesh the Input shaft I th the clutch plate grooves until clutch housing comes Into contact with cylinder block Fig 7 4032 Note Before undertaking the re fi Hfng operations It Is advisable to check the condition of the input shaft grooves and If necessary to apply some Molykote aerosol to enable the clutch plate to slide more easl 1y Fit screws fastening the clutch housing surround to...

Page 161: ...Recover flat and plastic washers and spacers Remove clutch housing with fork clutch bearing and sleeve assembled on same Fig 2 4384 Fig 3 Unlock transmission flange fastening swivel nut on the output shaft Loosen swivel nut using a 32 long bush Ref 20814 J and immobilizing the flange with a special lever Ref 21618 S Fig 4 Remove transml ssl on flange Rooove tachometer tappl ng Fig 4 1 4385 4386 Re...

Page 162: but do not remove It Fig 6 Fig 6 4388 Fig 7 4389 Unloc output shaft bearing retaining plate on upper half housing but do not remove it Fig 7 Remove upper half housing Unlock both bearing ret ining plates on lower half ho Jsing but do not remove thCl l Fig 8 4390 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 Reprint or translation even partial is stridly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 163: ...ntling the gear control system Remove locking ball retaining pl ate recover 3 springs and 3 balls Fig 10 3 4393 Remove 1st 2nd gear shaft and fork Fig 11 Re ove 3rd 4th g ar shaft and fork Fig 12 Recover Interlocking roller and ball Fig 12 4394 Re print or translation eve n partial is strictly prohibited without written permission fram CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER lbO lbOGT 180 ...

Page 164: ...control shaft Ftg 15 Recover seal and Its metal cup Fig 14 4396 Remove gear sel edi on and contro1 s1 ding tumbler and reverse 11 tight spot11 spring Fig l 6 Overhaul of intermedia te shaft Hold intennediate shaft in vice with both claws Ref 20803 Y Extract circlip then remove reverse gear Fig 17 Fig 16 4398 CHRYSLER 160 lbOGT 180 Reprint or tran lation even partial is strictly prohibited without ...

Page 165: ...taining washer Fig 18 4400 5 Fig 19 4401 Before re fitting the front bearing rem EI Iber to fit its inner retaining snap ring on the shaft Fit front bearing in position using a 2 x 34 tube Fig 20 Fit bearing retaining washer In position I f it is difficult to fft it manually use 24 x 3 tube then fit circ1 p Fig 20 4402 Reprint or tron lotion even portio is strictly prohibited without written permi...

Page 166: ... shafts vertical y The operator may us the 3 l eg Fig 22 4404 Fig 23 4405 fl ange alread y used for the overhaul of Simca l3Ll 1501 gear boxes grooves are identical Engage 4th gear ti1en use special wre11ch Ref 20818 Fig 22 to loasen inrut shaft be Jring rehini ng nut Remove inrut shaft 1nd recover pi lot bearinq Remove nut on output shaft front end usi ng special wrenc h R f 208113 II Fig 23 Remo...

Page 167: ...09 Fit bearing on output shaft using a 36 x 45 tube 210 mm in 1ength already used for gear box overhaul on Simca 1000 and 1100 the snap ring on the bearing outer race must face opposite side to 1st gear Fig 25 Fi t Jrd gear then lrd 4th slider and hub assembl y Fit a new nut on the front end of the output shaft and use special wrench Ref 20818 VI to ti gh ten ii Tightening torque is 15m daN Fig 26...

Page 168: ...bearing on Input shaft using the 210 mm 1ong 36 x 45 tube wl th the snap ring on the outer bearing race facing opposite side to gear Fia 30 Fig 30 4411 I I G 056 Fit pi lot bearing In position on output shaft Fit input shaft on output shaft Engage 4th gear Fit a new nut on the Input shaft r1d lock l t in position using special wrench Ref 20818 W Tightening torque is 15111 daN Fig 31 Lock the nut I...

Page 169: be in the same plane I e a plane perpendicular to the gear box longitudinal centre line Fig 33 Fit selector finger In position Fig 14 Fasten selector lever on its shaft remember to fit seal and its metal cup between lever and half housing Tightening torque 1 25 mda N Fit reverse shaft and fork Fig 13 Tighten to 1 25 mda N torque F t Interlocking ball on reverse shaft 9 Fig 33 4414 rnake sure th...

Page 170: ...f teeth fac ing outwards tachometer screw deflector washer Fit gear box rear cover with a new paper 4418 gasket Check condition of lip seal replace it If necessary with fitti ng too1 Ref 20875 X f i tted w i th s1eeve Ref 15522 C Fig 36 Tighten scr8ws to l 75 m da N torque Fit transmission flange with a new sheet metal lock on the output shaft Tighten it to 8 m da N torque Lock swivel nut Fit tach...

Page 171: ...automatic transmission Removing and re fitting the automatic transmission Replacement of automatic transmission components Removing an re fitting the tachometer tapping rtemoving and r e fitting the extension eprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without wrillen permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 173: ... not recommended to allow the transmission to operate when Idling with a ratio engaged and the car stopped for long periods In cases of traffic congestion drivers are advised to switch to ncu tral posi tl on N 11 Transmission control 111 Manual control The A 904 automatic transmission Is controlled by a manual selector which provides the following combinations P Parking This position allows the ve...

Page 174: ...even if the driver accelerates beyond the maxi m um prescribed engine speed 112 Automatic interlock Automatic transmission interlocking is controlled by an hydraulic system with w hich shifting into the three forward ratios is dependent on the load JS rep resented by the position of the accel erator pedal which is l inked with the kick down valve the speed as represented by the speed of the output...

Page 175: ...ould select position 2 second ratio or position 1 1st low ratio when the gradients require driving with F4ti 3 the accelerator pedal fully down for 1 km or ore This precautionary measure reduces gear box and converter overheating which could otherwise result from such conditions 1 Towing the vehicle If gear box has broken down Lift rear of vehicle for touring or remove propeller shaft If gear box ...

Page 176: ...nd ex er t 2 p res ure O tnc revarsc si r of lh pump bl vi S The fl11id rlri ven from the rcachr ti en f0 r lilrliCif at es ill corJtrollin be driving pUI I U nder the se cord i ti ons be torque is st8r r cr l up from 2 1 1 wh n ths i rbire is motionless i e when with r anuz l selectCir lever in fJOSi li ons R 1 7 or D the vc hirle is s top erl with the cngi n run11ing at full speed to 1 1 w oen t...

Page 177: ...etary gear set Tl and these three units are therefo re running at the same speed The ou tput shaft ratio therefore is 1 Bl X X 5 B2 RL Ou tput shaft reduction ratio X 408 X 408 689 X 408 689 1 X 454 Reverse Through clutch Cl the input shaft drives planetary gear sets Tl and T2 Planet gear carrie r T2 immobi 1i zed by brake 82 drl ves crown Y1heel T2 lnterlor ked with the output shaft in the opposi...

Page 178: ...towards the control units c lutches and servo systems is by means of 1 2 and 2 3 valves w hich depending on their respective positions open or close the supply systems for these units see Fig 3 CJ CJ CJ D D D IIi G 058 1 Delivery valve 2 Mafn pressure regulating valve 7 Throttle valve 8 Gear down valve 13 14 15 16 Rear clutch R Servo 3 lubricating pressure regulating valve 4 1 2 shfft valve 5 2 3 ...

Page 179: ... into a grarluall y i ncr eas ing pr essure depe dent on the incr ease in engine speed It is this pressure dependen t on the S Jeed of the vehi cl e whi ch tends to ild uate l 2 and 2 3 shift valves to sh ift into the corresponding n ti os 2234 Accessory units for bet ter oper ation These uni ts have b en incorpo rat ed to avoid certai n secondary ope rati onal effects w hich would oth erwis e be ...

Page 180: ......

Page 181: ...w Oil sump to gear box setscrew Neutral con actor to gear box 3 3 1 7 3 3 Front band ad justment screli lock nut 4 Rear band ad justment screw 1ock nut 4 8 Screw fastening extension support cross member to extension 2 5 Screw fastening ex tension support cross member to body 2 5 Screw fastening filter to valve box 0 4 Reprint or I ra nslation even partial is strictly prohibited without written per...

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Page 183: ...e in position npn 1800 Assembly except Sweden Fig 1 G 052 Kick down control ad j ustment Adjusting the kick down control must be carried out after the accelerator control has been adjusted as per engine specifications With the butterfly valve closed make sure that kick down lever on gear box is butting in forward position with the return spring into place the kick down stop Is Inside the gear box ...

Page 184: ... and tighten lock nut Re fit oil sump using a new gasket Re fill transmission Adjustment of front band The front band adjustment screw is on the left hand side of the transmission housing Re11ove pipe taking oil from gear box towards cooler Fig 3 Loosen adjustment screw lock nut then unscrew nut about 5 turns Check that adjustment screw turns freely in housing Fig 2 4277 Fig 3 4 278 Tighten adjust...

Page 185: ...t consists in finding out the engine speed as obtained in D position with throttle wide open This test is designed to check the correct op eration of the converter reactor and of the gear box clutches Before this test check oil level and bring engine to its nonnal op erating temperature Apply vehicle brakes Do not pursue test beyond t ime required to obtain the result nor in any case beyond 5 seco...

Page 186: comes from the torque converter set the vehicle on a lifting ramp and run the engine under lo acceleration in positions Dand N and listen for noise under the torque converter housing Surr mary Faults Incorrect adjusbnent Defee ti ve converter Defective gear box J epair operations Adjust correctly Replace converter Replace gear box and converter CHRYSLER 160 160 CiT 180 Reprint or translation ev...

Page 187: systam to cross member Fig 2 Fig 2 4300 4301 1 Fig 3 4302 Remove bolts fastening cross member to body Fig 3 Unlock and remove 4 bolts fets tening propeller shaf t to cifferential nose Remove 2 screws fastening transmission relay un it to body Proceed slowly to clear propeller shaft from extension anrl rcl lov e it Disconnect speedometer c2bl e Fi g 4 Fig 4 4303 L Reprint translation even partia...

Page 188: ...end piece fitted at end of pulley to rotate the crankshaft Mark diaphragm converter relative position Fig 6 4305 Fig 7 4306 Remove 4 screws fastening gear box cross m ember to body after placing a vessel under the gear box in order to recover the oil running from th extension w hen the engine drive unit is tilted rearwards Remove 2 screws fasten ng cross member to gear box and remove cross member ...

Page 189: ...ragm or a converter proceed as fo l lows the heavy point of the diaphragm is marked with green paint the light point of the converter is marked with blue paint Bring th ose two ref marks face to face with an accuracy of 60 and connect converter to diaphragm For the remainder of re fitti ng operations proceed in reverse order from removal procedure but remember to check oil level check selection sy...

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Page 191: ... con tact a11 owing the oil to flow in a vessel Move selector lever to 11 P then to N and check that t he lever contact straps controlling the switch are correctly located In the contactor holder on the housing Screw contact and new seal In housing and tighten to torque Test contact again with an electric bell Add oil to transmi ssion to correct l evel Reverse light contact is t hrough both outer ...

Page 192: ... produc e noise in tho tachometer tappi ng Also check that th ere is no oil in the speedometer cable sheath Pl ace pinion in rosi tion in adapter R otate uadapter pinionu assembly so tha t the numerical reference shown on th e adapter 39 45 which corresronds to the num ber of teF th on the pinion 41 teeth for 160 GT and 180 43 teeth for 160 model faces the extension housing ref 8rence mark Fig 2 w...

Page 193: ...screws the plate and t he gasket from ti1 e bottom of the extens ion housing beari nCJ hce aC a ns t the surport F ig 3 Remove sc rew s fas t eni g ex tension to hous i ng irlely or en th e circl ip w hich is vi si bl e throuqh ti extension o Jcnin and pull ex tension gent ly frr m out1 1ut shaft bearing F g 4 Pull extension qently towards rear to bri ng parking brake control shaft butt beyond paw...

Page 194: circli i maki nQ sur8 it is correctly seated in rear bearing Q ronve Fit sc rew s fastening ox tension hot sing Place gasket plat e and 2 screws on botton section of transr liss on housing bt ring face against supr ort lie fit exhaust su Jpo rting cross mer 1ber Re fit ex t ens ion suppoding cross mo lllbc r R fit propeller sil ft Re fit tachometer tap Jing asse iJly Top up 1 i til oi l to D J ...

Page 195: spec ifications Tightening torque va lues Specific tooling nemoving a nd re fitting the propeller sha ft Overhaul of propeller sha ft Reprint or tran lation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 196: ...Fig 1 0 L K N _ r llli O ______ M J P _______ G T G 031 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L_______________________________ ...

Page 197: ...o th e underframe F51I 1 T il e rear end of the half sha ft has 1 Jrooved S indle P designed t rec eive the fixed jaw O of the univarsal joint Jsed for linking with be rear half shaft H ear half srwft Fixed jJw Q of t 1e front universal joint is coupled with groovad spindl e P of the front half shaft by means of a central screw R and a bearing washer S Th is coupling also enabl es inner bedring ra...

Page 198: ...shaft and rear half shaft 5 25 SAGA flexible joint to propeller shaft front flange 5 25 SAGA flexIble oint to gear box output shaft flange 5 25 Transmission relay to underframe 2 2 SPECIFIC TOOLrnG Tool 20893 C Stand 20938 W Bearing ring 20939 X Washer 209 0 C BearIng fork 20941 Z CHRYSLER 160 16061 180 Reprint or translation even partial Is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRY...

Page 199: ...tial flange Re ove screws fastening trans I sslon relay to body Fig 3 Reeove propeller shaft RE FITI ING OPERATIONS Fasten transaisslon relay to body Couple propeller shaft to differential flange Fit new sheet metal retainers Couple propeller shaft to gear box flange Fl t exhaust pipe supporting cross aember Fit both exhaust pipe suspension rings Into place Fig 1 4029 Fig 2 Fig 3 Reprint or tr n l...

Page 200: ......

Page 201: ... rom the suppliers and is coupled afterwards with the front half shaft in production Consequently the rear end of the rear half shaft and the rear universal joint jaw do not carry initial reference marks If the rear universal joint therefore Is to be dismantled operators m ust show these two reference marks Remove transmission flexible joint Fig 1 Loosen the flange seal ing cork lining sheet etal ...

Page 202: ...peration on opposite bearing Fig 6 4039 Fig 7 4040 Push cross pin to one side and tnsert washer R ef 20940 C between cross pin and bearing with washer chamfer on side of cross pin recess Fig 7 Strike until bearing is fully extracted Repeat sam e operation on opposite bearing Clear fixed jaw with hollow cross pin from rear half shaft jaw Fig 8 Place fixed jaw cross pin on supporting fork Ref 20941 ...

Page 203: ...side of cross pin recess Fig 10 Strike un til bearing is fully extracted Fiy 10 4043 3 Fig 11 4044 Repeat same operation on opposl te bearing To dismantle rear universal joint proceed lfke wise Ex tract flexIb1e re1ay fro111 front ha1f shaft by striking on half shaft with a small bronze ha er Fig 11 Extract both clrcllps used to retain the ball bearing Fig 12 Fig 12 4045 Reprint or tre nalation ev...

Page 204: circl ps Fig 14 4047 Fig 15 4048 Make sure tha t universal joint jaws are neither badly distorted nor cracked If one of the half shafts shows a fault requiring its replacement the propeller shJft complete must be replaced These half shafts indeed are not supplied separately si nee they are dynamically balanced once assembled Make sure that the relay rubber ring does not show marks of ageing or...

Page 205: spindle nylon cup facing ou tside Use r ress to fit a bearino Fig 16 then fi t a retai ning snap ri ng in its groove Turn rear half shaft jaw over pl ace it on bearing ring Ref 20939 X then repeat operati on on opposite side Fi g 17 Manual ly check that uni versal joint operates correctly These m ust be no tight spot Proceed likewise to re assemble rear universal joint Fi t a circ1ip in posi ti...

Page 206: ... one another Tighten flexible joint fastening bolts The nuts must be on shaft side Fig 22 Couple both transmission half shafts with reference 111arks facing one another Use 8 mm Allen wrench to tighten central coupling screw Note prior to fitting the propeller shaft on the car use approximately 7 g of Shell Retinax A grease to fill the plastic cap which lubricates the gear box flange fastening swi...

Page 207: ...lues Specific tooling rtemoving and r e fitting the differential Overhaul of the differ enha l Gener al s pecif icatior s Tight ening torque va lues Specific tooling depoving and re fitting a wheel shaft eplacing a wheel shaft bearing Reprint or tran lation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 208: ...CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 W l32l Reprint or translation even partial is strictl y prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 209: ... 3 o 723 c 11 43 11 41 4 1 reverSe 0 303 or or 0 256 0 268 X 0 en 1 0 408 u 2 0 639 E 0 3 1 L reverS c 0 454 Total ratios 160 160 GT 180 0 0719 0 0752 0 119 0 122 0 184 0 190 0 255 0 263 0 077 0 0797 0 104 0 107 0 175 0 181 0 255 0 263 0 116 0 119 Reprint or translation even partial Is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE F6 I 1 Speeds at 1000 r p m for a theoretical...

Page 210: ... extraction 20833 M Extractor for differential bearings and rear axle flange 15526 G Tool for fl ttfng front and rear aring races in rear axle housing 15524 E Fitting bush for rear bearing race 20808 D Fitting bush for front bearing race 21633 R Dummy pinion 21627 K Comparator with fitting rods 14773 W Dummy differential 21628 u Dummy differential removable washers 21629 Y Fitting tool for differe...

Page 211: ... differential housing Remove rear suspension cross bar Fig 2 Fig 2 4060 Fig 3 Loo se 1ower and upper suspension ann 1inkage spindles on differential housing but do not remove them 4061 Slacken hand brake cable on equalizer 160 m odel Unlock both rear wheels Set rear of vehicle on pins then remove wheels after marking the r position Remove rear springs and flexible crowns Fig 3 On 160 model D iscon...

Page 212: ...onnec ting hand brake cable from same Fig 6 On 160 GT and 180 models Disconnect brake tubes from rear disc brake yoke flexible pipes Plug tubes and flexi ble pipes with drain screw caps Remove flexible pipe ret lining fas teners Unlock and remove screws fas tening brake yokes to banjo Remove brake yokes but do not disconnect hand brake cable fromsame F g B 4064 Fig 7 G 041 2 a30 CHRYSLER 160 160 6...

Page 213: ... brake deflectors Fig 9 4066 Fig 10 4067 The following operations are common to 160 160 GT and 180 models D sconnect 2 brake tubes from banjo three way connection Remove these 2 brake tubes Ex tract fastener retai nl ng 3 way connection r1d leave connection attached to flexible pfpe Place an hydraulic jack bearing against differential housing Fig 11 Fig 11 4068 Reprint or translation even partial ...

Page 214: ...d on thel r differential housing linkage supports Fig 13 4070 Fig 14 4071 Fit lower arm linkage spindles in position nu ts facing outside Do not lock these spindl es in position Locate upper arms in position on differential housing then fit linkage spindl es Into pl ace nuts facing inside but do not lock thffll in position Fig 14 Use adhesive tape to retain sprino flexible crowns in position In up...

Page 215: ...orbers to di fferentf al housing then remove hydr su11 c jack Fig 17 Fig 17 4074 Fig 18 4075 On 160 model Place brake anchor plates In position on banjo trumpet tubes aftP r replacing the paper seals then ff t wheel shafts in trumpet tubes Fig 18 Fasten brake anchor plates and sheet metal flanges to trumpet tubes Fig 19 Tightening torque 5 mda N Fit drums Fig 19 4076 Reprint or translation even pa...

Page 216: operations are common to 160 160 GT and 180 models Set car on its heels Tighten w heels Lock suspensl on anu 1 nkage spindles Fit fastener retaining 3 way connection to banjo F t both brake tubes Anchor hand brake cable retaining fasteners to car body 160 111odel Adjust hand brake cable 160 model F t rear suspension cross bar Couple propeller shaft with diff erential fl ange Replace sheet meta...

Page 217: ...4081 Remove di ffere11ti 1 bearing caps Check If there is a reference mark on one of the bearing caps and on the differential housing If nec8SS lry ma e punch marks Refllova rlifferenti al case as assembled Fig 3 if differential bearings are to be kept fo r re assembl y take appropriate steps to avoid mixing outer beari n races n loc k flange nut immobil izin J flenge with torQue bar Ref 21630 S F...

Page 218: ... Q Fig 8 Drive rear bearing race out with mandrel extractor Ref 7306 D Fig 6 G 042 5 55 2a 45 I I I I 0 1 0 Ot I t 3a 45 Fig 7 4084 Use extractor R ef 15525 F fitted with fork R ef 21634 J to extract rear bearing on differential p1n1on Take the precaution of insertirg the bearing bush which Is part of set Ref 20833 M between the extractor screw and the differential pinion Fig 9 Recover adjustment ...

Page 219: ...e a noi seless operation nd a lon life for moving parts Fig 10 4087 3 Fig 11 4088 1 Adjustment of differential pinion position in relation to crotn wheel 2 Adjustment of differential pinion taper bearing pre load 3 A djustment of differential taper bearing pre load and bevel gear set tooth play Note prior to undertaking any adjustment operation make sure that differential pinion and crown wheel ar...

Page 220: ...auled use initial spacers Fig 14 4091 Fig 15 4092 The thickness of adjustment spJcers is calculated a follows Fit differential p1n1on rear bearing race in position in differenti al haus ing using tool R ef 15524 E and fitting bush Ref 20808 D Fig 11 Proceed likewi se to fit front bearing race in position using fittir g bush Ref 21633 R Fi g H Make sure that bearing races are correctly in contact w...

Page 221: ...omfront to rear in order to take note of th e m 1nimum reading on the comparator Fig 11 The final thickness of requ ired spacers Is equal to the m inimum readi ng shown on the comparator red figu res plus or minus the positive or negati ve gear cutting correction factor shown at the end of the differenti al pinion T he gear cutti ng correction factor m ust always be read In 1 100 of a mm Prepare s...

Page 222: ...e of these compon8nt is to be repl aced w hen the differenti al is being overhauled retain the initial sr cer stack The thickness of required adjustm ent spacers is calculated as follows C n differential pinion with dis tanc e pi ece in positi on fi t a length of 1 5 mm dia soldering wire in pl2 ce of adjustment spacers Fig 20 Important do not use any other typP of wire Fit differen tial pinion wi...

Page 223: ...of crushed wire in 3 points Fi g 24 A verage thesr J ne suremen ts to obtain the final thickn ess of required spacers Stack up requf red spacers measure spacers one by one wit micro eter screw gauge taking tolErance limits into consideration sel ect those spacers which wi 11 produce the exact final s tack thickn ess required Thickness of avai 1able spacers 07 10 1 2 15 30 50 Proceed with test asse...

Page 224: ...e wrench Lauravi a C 1C8 40 ex tension and Lauravia C E 5 S end piece Se t torque wrench sll ding gauge to half the prescribed torque value Fig 27 4103 Fig 28 3 Adjustment of differential taper bearing pre load and bevel gear tooth play 4104 T his adjustment is acbi eved by modifying the shape of both diff eren tial bearing caps It must be carr ed out whenever a new di ffer ent al bearing is fl tt...

Page 225: ...em on their respective bearings Fit di fferenti al case in position in differential hous ing then fit both differential ad justm ent nuts Fi g 30 Fit bearing caps in accordance with their reference marks Ti gh ten screws mJnually Use wrench Ref 21635 K to screw both differential adjustment nuts in position Allow a sl igh t amount of tooth play to be present Fig 31 Tighten bearing cap screws to 3 m...

Page 226: ...aps Loosen the nut on th e opposite side to the crow n wheel t eeth and reti gh t en the nut on the side of Fig 34 41 10 Fig 35 411 1 the crown w heel tee th by the sar e amount Check too th pl ay again If play obtained is exc essive proceed in opposi te manner Tighten beari ng cap screw s t o f inal ti aht en ing torque of 7 5 mda N u e sheet metal retainers to lock ad jus tmen t nu ts in positio...

Page 227: ... The outer bearing race is held in a recess in the differential trumpet tube by QCans of a sheet metal web screwed on the trumpet tube The brake drur 1 or brake disc and the wheel are fastened at the outer end TIGH rENING TORQUE Cl da N Brake anchor plate and bearing retaining webs 4 75 SPECH IC TOOLlllG Facom U41 inertia extractor nheelshaft bearing extractor 20840 G Fork for wheel shaft bearing ...

Page 228: ...connected Fig 2 Fig 3 M Fig 2 4113 Use a Facom U41 Inertia extractor fitted w ith a plate to be m ade by the operator to the dimensions shown on Fig 3 Once wheel shaft is removed hold brake anchor plate to banjo trumpet tube by m eans of 2 c rews RE FITTING OPERATIONS Fit a new pap er seal on brake ancho r pl ate Insert w heel shaft in trumpet tube then remove both screws us ed to hold the brake a...

Page 229: ... 6 4116 160 GT 180 MODELS REMOVAL ffiOCEDURE Unlock rear wheel Set rear of vehicle on pins then remove wheel after marking its posi tl on Disconnec t hand brake cable from yoke Unlock anrl remove s rews fastening yoke to ban jo Fig 6 Remove yoke withou t d sconnedi ng pipe from same Fig 7 Do not all ow yoke to hang from end of flexibl e pip Fig 7 4117 Reprint or translation even partial is strictl...

Page 230: ... deflector in position on banjo trumret tube then fit wheel shaft in trumpet tube Fig l O Fig 9 4119 Fig 10 4120 Fasten brake def1 ector and sheet mEdC1l web to trumpet tube Fig 11 Ti gh teni ng torque 5 m da N Fit disc Fasten brake yok e to trumpet tube Tigh tening torque 6 5 m da Repiace sheet metal retainers Re connect hand brake cab1e Set vehicl e on its wheels Tighten w heeL Fig 11 4 121 CHRY...

Page 231: ...g and band on 111heel shaft also using a 45 mm lono tub8 111ith an outer dia of 42 mm ar d an inner dia of 33 mn bca ri nl on th e band FiQ 3 Place sheet e1etal 111eb in position betwem bear ing and shaft ou ter end with col l r facing end of shaft Place shoulder of bea ring inner race i n pos iti on on shaft recess side B and lay be fitted ei ther IJay Fig 1 Fig 2 4122 Fig 3 rint or trons lation ...

Page 232: ......

Page 233: ...and re fitting a front suspension spring rtemoving and re fitti ng assembled ball thrust bearing and spring support Kemoving and re fitting a front suspension shock absorber Removing and re fitting a front suspension lower ba ll joint Removing and re fitting a front suspension lower arm Removing and re fitting a wheel play tie rod Removing and re fitting the front suspension cross member Reprint o...

Page 234: ...Jrinc s differentic l double action fig 2 1 W l315 telescopic shock absorbers stabilizer rod at front cross bar for lateral stability at rear W l316 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited wilhoul written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 235: ... e bail thrust bt rinQ is h ld hy a SDring surport rigidly fas tened to the fender fl ange l ig 1 1 ft st tbi l iu r rod f i tterl hehi nrf th e cross m em ber and pi voting on tw o be ri ngs fas t ened to t he si rJ e lh8rs connects hotli susr ensi on anns threu91 2 vr rtic ll fl oating ti e rods T l lo R l a 1d l ll reaction tie rorfs w hich are not rJ ustJbl o in 1ength anrl which are made intu...

Page 236: ...g compressor 21617 R Specfal grip for extraction of shock absorber 21625 R Compressor for ftttlng shock absorber 39973 N SPECIFIC TOOLING CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 237: moun ting brackets to suspension cros r cmber F g 2 Set engine holding support see section A0 1 11 Specific tooling F g 2 to bear agains t f8nder fl anges Fig 3 Take the precaution of removing the Ignition distribu tor cap R un a rope under the crankshaft pull cy and fasten it to the holding support Fig 1 Fig 2 4059 Fig 3 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without writte...

Page 238: ...d te 1ri l S to Si de m Cfli JrS Recover be3r i 1 ru o er pJrts and supports D isconnact Jrak e bb es from flex ible pi pes E xtract fl exible pipe re taining f ls teners Remove wheel play t ie rods Fig 7 Set an hydrnulic jack to tJear u lder the suspensi on cross m ember then rem ove 4 screws fastening the cross member to the si de m embers Fi g 8 Hold each suspensi on unit wi th a N i re anchore...

Page 239: ...I TTING THE STI l RING AND ReNT SUSP SION ASS LY Pbse assembl y in r Jsi tion unrler cC r Fig 12 Place ass emhly on an hydraulic jack bear ing agains t the suspension cross m ember Fi t assembl y In posi tion with l reat care 3Ild f it s t ce ri Q fl ex ible joint to sliaft Fit cros member fas tening screws but do not lock them Fig 10 4319 Fig 11 Fig 12 Fig 13 Reprint or tran lation even partial i...

Page 240: fasteners Connect brake tubes to flexible pipes Fit wheel play tie rods Fasten stabilizer rod to side manber Fig 15 4324 Fig 16 4325 Fit key used for assembly of flexible joint with steering shaft Allow engine to bear on suspension cross member by unscrewing lock nut Fig 16 Remove engi ne holding support and rope Fit Ignition distributor cap Connect battery Set car on its wheels Tighten nuts of...

Page 241: ...ber are to be replaced Remove 3 suspension unit to fender fl ange upp er fastening nuts Fig 19 Fig 19 4328 Fig 20 4329 Unlock front wheel Set front of car on pins then remove w heel after previously marking its position D isconnect brake tube from flexible tube and yoke Extract flexible pipe rehlining fastener Use extractor Ref 15532 E Fig 20 to uncouple the steering knuckle Remove 2 screws fasten...

Page 242: ...suspension unit in position on car Fasten Tighten shock absorber rod upper fastening nut its upper section to fender flange Nut tightening torque 1 5 to 2 m daN Insert knuckle In Its housing on stub axle Tighten both knuckle fastening screws to 1 8 to 2 6 mda N torque Fig 23 4332 to 5 5 to 7 mdaN torque Fig 24 Fit central cap In posl ti on Fig 25 Bleed brakes Set car on Its wheels Ti gh ten wheel ...

Page 243: ...fter marking its position Fig 27 4261 7 Fig 28 4262 Disconnect brake tube from flexible pipe Fig 26 Extract flexible pipe retaining fastener Unlock and remove the screws fastening the yoke tr the stub axle Rerr ovc the brake yoke 111i thout disconnecting f t Jbe f rom the yoke Fig 27 Remove hub cap using tool Ref 4025 K Fig Remove hub nut t hP n remove hub and disc as assembled Fig 29 Fig 29 426 l...

Page 244: ...bsorber to stub axle Fig 32 Clean end of shock absorber and e11minate the MUd and traces of oxidation which may be present Fig 31 4336 Fig 32 4337 Use grip Ref 2162J R to loosen stub axle from shock absorber F 9 33 Proceed as follows to finish extracting the stub axle place a 5 mm thickness gauge in stub axle slot place a 10 mm long 10 mm dia d shnce p ece in stub axle threaded hole fit screw in t...

Page 245: ...m thickness gauge Fig 36 Pemovc thickness gauge screw and distance piece Fig 35 4340 9 Fig 36 4341 Finish fitting king pin using tool Ref 39973 N fas tened to the spring compressor and bearing against end of stub axle Fig 37 Fit screw fastening shock absorber to stub axle Tighten sc rew to 11 to 14 5 mda Ntorque R emove susrension unit from spri ng compressor Locate suspension unl t in position on...

Page 246: ... retai ner Tightening torque from 6 to B S m da N Fi g 40 Fit flexi bl e pipe retaining fastener Fit a new hub skirt nut Adjust hub play Fi g 38 Connect brake tube to flexibl e pipe Lock skirt nut Fig 39 Couple steering knuckle Tif htening torque Fit hub cap 7 m da tJ Fig 23 81eed bra es Set car on ts wh eels Ti Qh ten wheel CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly pr...

Page 247: ...ring G rease tool screw knuckles md screws Fig 42 4344 Fig 43 4345 Com press spring tigh tening each screw 3ltemately Fig 41 until the upper tum of the spring is no longer bearing against its cup Remove nut on shock absorber rod then rem ove spring support and upper cup Fig 42 Relieve spring and remove it Fig 43 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission ...

Page 248: screwing in each screw alternately Fig 45 4347 Fig 46 4348 Jhen spri ng is sufficientl y com pressed pl 1ce upper cur on spring Fig 45 To set 1 t in correct di rrdional rosi ti on turn sho k Jbso rbrr ro J Fit sr ring S Jfli Ort in rosili on Fit nlol hut ri not lock it Fi J G Reli eve sprin Extract suspens ion unit fron sp rin j COo lf rr sscr hy turni nr it around i ts own J X i to cl 0 r chw ...

Page 249: ...r bearing against its cup Remove nut on shock absorber rod then rem ove spring support Fig 47 Fig 49 4351 Fig 48 4348 tlli FI l TING OPr TIONS Fit spring surport in position on shock absorber rod then fit nut but do not tighten H F ig 48 Relieve spring bk e su re upper cup is set in correct directional position Extract suspension uni t f rolil spring compressor by turning it around its own axi s t...

Page 250: ... rn spri ng compressor with tool base bearing against brake fl exibl e pipe tab If th e area of the shock absorber body w here the stub axle is to be fit ted is ru sted or covered w itr di rt dirty paint or grease etc eli minate th ese with an emery cloth 3nd ligh tly smear this area with grease for easier fi ttir g of the stub axle The stu b axle slot being spread open fit it on the shock absorbe...

Page 251: ...en separate knuck1e from stub ax1e Fig 54 Remove knuckle Fig 55 Fig 54 4356 Fig 55 4357 RE FITTING OPERATIONS Place knuckle cone on suspension arm Insert knuckle in Its housing on stub axle Tighten both knuckle fastening screws to torque of 1 8 to 2 6 mdaN Tighten nut fastening knuckle to suspension arm to torque of 5 5 to 7 mdaN Fig 56 Set car on its wheels Tighten the wheel Fig 56 4358 Reprint o...

Page 252: ... Uncouple knuckle from lower suspension arm using extractor Ref 15532 E Fig 58 Remove both screws fastening both small plates to the an Swivel lower small pl ate to enabl e ann to be cleared downwards Fig 59 Lower the ana to c1ear It from the 1ower knuck1e and stabilizer rod tie bar Fit a nut on the stablli zer rod tie bar in order to retain the stacking of flexible rings and cups Remove a linkage...

Page 253: ...arm then fit Its 2 fastening bolts but do not lock them Tighten lower knuckle fastening nut to torque of 5 5 to 7 mdaN Fig 62 Set car on its wheels Tighten the w heel Tighten both bolts used to fasten both l inkage plates to torque of 4 to 5 m da N Tighten wheel play tie rod linkage spindl e to torque of 6 to 8 m da N Re connect the stabilizer rod tie bar to the arm Make sure flexible rings and cu...

Page 254: ... but do not remove them Remove wheel play tie rod with rear sllentbloc Fig 65 Fig 64 4366 Locate tie rod in position with its sllentblocs Ti ghten nut fastening wheel play tie rod to body to torque of 6 to 8 mda N Fit wheel play tie rod to suspension arm linkage spindle Ti gh ten both bolts fas teni ng the 2 linkage small plates to torque of 4 to 5 mda N Tighten w heel play tie rod linkage spindl ...

Page 255: ...g 67 Rem81Aber to remove lgnl t on distributor cap Fig 68 4239 Fig 69 Run a rope under the crankshaft pulley and anchor it to the support 4314 Raise the engine by tightening the hook nut Fig 68 until both engine mounting brackets clear the cross mea ber by a few 111 ll metres Fig 69 Separate rae k body from cross 11 ember but disconnect neither the knuckles nor the flex bl e jol nt Fig 70 Fig 70 4...

Page 256: ...ross member Fl t arm to cross member 1i nkage spl ndl es In position with screw head facing rear but do not lock same Tighten cross member fastening screws to torque of 7 m da N Re c nned wheel play tie rods to suspension arm Fasten rack to cross member Allow engine to sit on suspension cross member by 1ooseni ng hook nut Remove eng ne holding support and rope Re fl t lgni tion distributor cap Con...

Page 257: ... a rear suspension spring emoving and re fitting a rear suspension lower arm Removing and re fitting a rear suspension upper arm Removing and re fitting the r ear axle and rear suspension assembly Reprint or tronslation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 258: ...lower section to the differential housing 2 R H and L H thrust bearings coming Into contact wl th the differential trumpet tubes when bumping takes place a cross bar fastened on the one hand to the rear axle and on the other hand to a bracket made Integral with the underframe and limiting the transverse displacements of the body and providing the required stab ll ty when cornering Fig 1 I G 2 r n ...

Page 259: ...It together with Its f1exIb1e crown FIg 2 Fig 2 3948 1 Fig 3 3949 RE FITTING OPERATIONS Use adhesive tape to hold spring flexible crown In position In upper cup on body Fig 3 Fit spring either directional setting Is suitable With the parallel articulated jack bearing against underside of differential housing compress sprlno checking that It Is fitted In correct position as well as the flexible cro...

Page 260: ...inrll e i position nut fac ing o tw ards but do no t lock it Set parall el articulated jack to bear against undersi de of lower ann end Use adhes ive bpe to hol d sp ring fl exibl e crow l in posi tion in upper cup on body Fit sp ri ng ei ther dired i o J l s c tti t is suitable Fi g 7 Compress spri ng until suspension arm is in positi on on i ts linkage support on diffe rential housing C h8ck tha...

Page 261: ... susp ension ana R FITTING O PERATIONS Locat e suspension arm In position equalizer spring 1ever towards rear for R H rear ann Fit both l inkage spindles in positi on nut towards inside for l inkag e on diffe renti al hous ing nut toward o t i de fo r l inkage on body Lock both linkage spindl es Anchor the br k e equaliz er spring Reprint or translation e ven partial is strictly prohibited without...

Page 262: Fig 11 Disconnect hand brake cab1e from i ts adjustment rod fig 10 4372 Fig 11 4373 Extract each sheath fromboth brackets on borly Set rear of vehicle on pi ns suffici en tl y high to allow the wheels to cl ear the fenders w hen the operation Is completed Remove rear springs and flexi ble crowns Fig 12 Place an hydraulic jack to bear against the differential housing Disconnect brake tube fromdi...

Page 263: ...r suspension a sembly by rolling it over the rear wheels RE FITTING OPERATIONS Place assembly under car running the hand brake Fig 14 4376 Fig 15 4377 cable over the exhaust Fig 18 Faste exhaust strap Fit both exhaust silencer holding rin s Place an hydraulic jack to bear against under side of differential housing Raise assembly with great care then place upper suspension arms In position on body ...

Page 264: ...flexible crowns Set car on Its wheels Fasten cross bar to body nut towards rear Fig 18 4380 Fig 19 4381 Lock suspension ann to body li nkage spindles Fit fas tener retaining flexible p pe to body Conned brake tube to flexible pipe Connect hanci brake cable Ad just it Connect prope11 er shaft to differentia1 flange Replace sheet m etal retainers Fasten shoc k absorbers to lugga je trunk floor Fit s...

Page 265: ...smantl _np and re assembling the steering column demoving and re fitting a flexible joint or a steering universal joint Removing and re fitting a steering rack bellows ADJUS ThlENT OF CAR BALANC ADJUSTivli I T o B FdCJ KT VHEEL SET GE ill El RY Checking the front wheel set geometry Adjustment of toe in Reprint or tran1lation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permiuion from CHRYSL...

Page 266: ...CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 W l322 Reprint or tron lation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 267: ...e RACK PINION Th e rack pi nion is connected to the lower section of th e steering shaft by means of a flexible joint STEllillfG SHAFT The steeri ng shaft in two parts connected by means of a needle cardan joi nt is housed in a sheet l etal sl eeve fastened In its upper section by means of two sc rews to the steering column su lpo rt and in its iowe section bymeans of a shell fastened in fou r poi...

Page 268: ... ei l equiv l ent to l n cr 1 l i llr0U J I e e 1i 11j c1e red by bellows R e fit steeriny rack b ll o s 2n f st en it wit col l ars in corred rlirect i0nal seHinCJ F ig 1 Re fi t nc k Fig 1 FILLING THE STEERING RACK G 017 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or tran lation even partial i strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 269: ... of the rack and re fit it in the position shown on Fig 3 i e with the upper flexible joint cross pin parallel with the steering rack centre line Place both half yokes in position on steering rack Place steering rack in position tighten the 4 fastening screws Fig 2 3956 Connect steering knuckles Fit key used to fasten steering flexible joint to lower half shaft Arljust toe in Note after this opera...

Page 270: ...g 6 Loosen both screws used to fasten steering column tube to dash panel and lower the steerin9 column Fig 6 3959 Remove 4 screws fastening the combined switch shel Is Remove shells Remove combined switch 3 setscrews Disconnect junction boxes used for electric connections with main hamess Clear combined switch harness from its retaining tab on steering column tube Remove combi ned switch Fig 7 396...

Page 271: ...he steeri ng column tube supporting bracket to the dash panel and rem ave tube t OVING THE UPPER STEERING SHAFT from removed tube T urn ignition key to ignition position Extract upper fl exible ring using the steering shaft as an extractor Fig 8 R emove upper steeri ng shaft H H MOVTh G THE LOWill FLEXIBLE H ING From r emoved tube U nc linch lower fl exi ble ring two tabs folded down to an angle o...

Page 272: ...a position that the notch used for the automatic return of the traffic indicator control is inclined at an angle of 20 to the horizontal Fig 12 as seen from dri ver1s position r_ Fig 12 G 019 Fasten shell to toe board Fit combined switch and its shells in position fasten same Fit and fasten steering wheel fit steering w heel centra1 cover Locate screws fastening the steering column tube to the das...

Page 273: ...screws fastening steering rack to Its support brackets and lower the rack In order to separate the flexible joint from the lo11er steering shaft Fig 13 R emove steering wheel central cover Remove steering wheel Pull on lower steering shaft to gain access to the universal joint fastenlnl to the upper steering shaft f t1ark position of universal joint in relation to upper steering shaft Rem ove uni ...

Page 274: same In position Fig 15 3966 Fill steering rack body w hich will be placed vertically with a quantity of oil equivalent to 150 cm3 through the opening cleared by the bellows Fit new bellows In position and fasten It fitting the coll ars Fig 16 in the correct eli recti anal setting Re f t knuckle and lock nut Re fl t steering rack Adjust toe ln CHRYSLER 160 160 CiT 180 Reprint or translation ev...

Page 275: ...ards the outside of tht car m ake a chalk m ark on the tyre at the outer ent of th e li ght beam this mark rep resents th e high point of the warping effect 1 if the warpinQ effect exceeds 1 5 r m replace r1m tum whe el so that the chalk mark is on a vertic J l lin e runni ng through the wheel centre 1i ne al low wheel to r es t on platform remove rejector stands and reset th 1 vertical l y i l i ...

Page 276: ......

Page 277: ... aster cylinder to servo brake Servo brake to pedal set Pedal set to body 3 way connection to body 1 75 Piping to connections and fl exibl e pipes 1 25 Flexibl e pipe to brakes 2 Leak indicator to fender fbnge l 75 H nd brake rod to equalizer Hand brake to body 2 25 Ho ldinQ flange for wheel shaft bearing and rear brake anchor plate 5 JO m m 1 SPECIFIC TOOLING Pliers to push Teves calli per piston...

Page 278: ......

Page 279: ... rtemoving and re fitting a fr ont brake calliper emoving and re fitting a front brake disc and hub Changing the front hub bearings Ch anging a front disc s Jlash shield H econditioning 8 brake calliper Reprint or tramlation even partial is strictly prohibited without wriHen perm ission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 281: ... means of two assembly rods held on the cal li per by means of two extensible r tainers cross shapad spri ng contrals the return of the shoes and prevents the occurrence of any noise or vi brations w hen they are no t in use On the other ha 1d the widt l of thi s spring is such that the ri sks of dam age to the disc through contact with the brake shoe backin are practicall y eliminated for the bac...

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Page 283: ... This kl t t onhins 4 brake shoes 2 cross shaped springs Operational procedure Unlock both front wheels Set front of vehicle on pins then remove wheels after marking th r pos Hon For each side Remove sheet metal splash shl eld from calliper Extract both brake shoe retaining pins using a pi n drl ft Fig 1 then ex tract cross shaped spring Remove brake shoes Fig 2 Reprint or tranalation even partial...

Page 284: ...o rlisc until play is reduced to functional c1earance value Impo rtant notes for the replacemen t of brake shoes operators if justified by the degree of wear are arlvi sed to rep1ace a11 brake shoe assemblies In any case if only f ron t w heel or rear wh e brake shoes are being repl acerl d is imp er 1 t1ve that the brake shoes of a complete axle should be replacerl and this always with linings of...

Page 285: tening cal l iper to stub axl e Fig 6 4250 3 Fig 7 4251 R emove calliper Fi g 7 RE FITTING OPERATIONS F o s t en calliper to stub axle Rep lace sheet m etal retainer Tightening torque 7 5 m rla N FIg 8 R e connect brake tube to f lexi bl e pipe and calliper Fl t brake shoes 81eed brakes Press several times on brake pedal to bri ng brake shoes closer to disc un til play is reduced to functional ...

Page 286: ...r to stub axle Remove brake calliper but do not disconnect Its tube Fig 9 Fig 10 4262 Fig 11 4263 Remove hub ca using too1 Ref 4025 K F g 10 Remove hub nut then remove hub and disc as assembled Fig 11 Recover small bearing washer Rmove hub and di si assembly screws Fig 12 Separate hub from disc Fig 13 CHECKING THE DISC Criteria for acceptance of a disc Maximum warp for each friction face l mm on g...

Page 287: ... lit Fit disc and hub as assembled to stub axle Fit a new hub skirted nut Adjust hub play Fig 15 lock skirted nut Fig 16 Fi t hub cap Fit calliper and brake shoe assembly to stub axle Ti oh ten screws to 7 5 mda rl torque Fi g 17 Rep lace sheet m etal retainer Note when subs1i tuting a new disc for a disc w hich for instance was w0rn it may happen that owi ng to Its greater thickness fitti ng the ...

Page 288: ... A lvanfa EP 2 grease Fig 18 4270 Fig 17 4269 Fit large hearing ou ter race in positi on us no sleeve Ref 15522 C with fitting tonl Ref 21623 P Fig 20 Fit large bearing Inner race then insert a new lip seal using the sl eeve and fitting tool previously used but turned over for this application Fig 21 Fit small bearing outer race using sleeve Ref 15522 C with fitting tool Ref 21624 P Fig 22 F t sma...

Page 289: ... and an ou ter diameter of 60 after rounding off the edge of the tube bearing against the splash shield Fig 23 Set spl ash shield in correc t dlrecti ona1 posi tion then hold It w ith the screw fastening it to the stub axl e Cl inc h sp1ash shi e1d to stub ax1e in three points at 120 to one another Fig 24 Re fi t disc and hub as assemb1ed Fig 23 Fig 21 4273 Fig 24 Reprint or tranJiation even parti...

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Page 291: ...overs Use tool Ref 20837 R to hold piston in half calli per bore on the side of the holes used for fastening to the stub axle then remove opposite piston by Injecting compressed air through the feeding hole bleed screw closed proceeding gradually to prevent It f om escaping brutally F g 2 Remove too1 Ref 20837 R Remove other piston by in jecting compressed a r through feeding hole bleed screw lo s...

Page 292: ...rosi t e In i ts bore It should sli de freel y by h 1nd since its rin seal lias been removed Fi g 5 Hol d tli is piston in its bore us ing tool Pef 70837 R then remove secord pi ston by G r3duall y in jectir o comp ressed air throuQh t 1c feedi ng hol ble ed sc rewclosed F i 6 Remove too1 then rcr 1ove pis ton insertcd with out its scz l wiJi sh can he extracted easi 1y by hand Use a bl ade w ith ...

Page 293: ...3 Fig 8 4260 Re assembly operations Use anti corrosion grease Ref 28533 L lightly to smear calliper bores and pistons remember ri ng seal grooves Fit a new ring seal also lubricated in each calli per groove M anually Insert each piston in its appropriate bore M ake sure not to fit i t askew Use pliers Ref 20839 T to push each piston in turning piston slightly in order not to damage the ri ng sea1 ...

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Page 295: ... fitting a brake drum J3 V Changing the brake shoes J3 V Removing and re fitting a wheel cylinder J3 V Remov ing and re fitting a brake anchor plate Reprint or lran lation even partial i strictly prohibited wilhaut written permiuion from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

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Page 297: ...meter 22 mm Brake linings Gr2de D ON Jl 16 D eveloped length 189 r 1m Useful l eng th 165 mm idth 40 m l Thickness 5 mm 2 ffedivc friction ar c 66 cr 1 per lini ng F2s tcn erl by meanc of 8 rivets Drum Type single circular rib r J derial C2St iton O uter di am eter 270 5 mm Inner di r tGr 228 6 or r aximur Jcceph 1 1nr 2r dia Jeter after rsfac in0 229 5 Jm Reprint or tran lation even partial i str...

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Page 299: ...1 m mover the diameter in relation to the nominal di ameter If the drum after refacing and although It may meet the maximum permissible diameter of 229 6 mm still shows scratches or Is still out of round by more than 1 mm it must be repl aced Also to keep rear brakes in correct balance condi tion the opposite drum must be refaced to the same d m ensi on RE FITTING OPERATIONS Fit drum and fas ten i...

Page 300: ...hand brake cable Fl g 3 Fig 3 4282 Fig 4 4283 Use pliers Ref 7331 V to disconnect the lower return spring Remove both springs retaining the brake shoes to the anchor plate Use a screw driver to compress same and apply swivelling effect to release them Fig 4 Remove brake shoes Fig 5 Hold wheel cylinder pistons to prevent them from falling out Fig 6 Fig 5 4284 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or tran...

Page 301: ...ondary shoe Remove shoe linkage bar after extracting Its retaining spring Fig 9 Fig 7 4285 4286 3 Fig 8 4287 Remove hand brake 1ever after ex tracti ng Its fastener Re assembling the brake shoes All springs clips and fastener must be rep1aced Fig 9 4288 Reprint or tran lation even partial is trictly prohibited without written permiuion from CHRYSlER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 302: ...n position on brake anchor plate Fit sprl ng used to retain it to anchor plate Use a screw driver to press on spring and turn It to lock it in position Fig 12 Fit primary shoe In position on brake anchor plate Fit linkage bar into place in notch of toothed segment lever Fit spring used to retain it to anchor pl ate Fl t lower shoe return spring Fig 13 then fit upper return spring Place toothed seg...

Page 303: ...ed screw cap to p1ug ft Remove screws retaining the wheel cylinder to the anchor p1ate Remove wheel cylinder Fig 15 RE FITTING OPERATIONS Fasten wheel c lfnder to anchor plate Connect brake tube to wheel cylinder Re f t brake shoes Bleed brakes Reprint or tran lation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 304: ...nin0 brake plate to banjo Fig 16 Fig 18 2 aJoo Fig 17 4296 Extract w heel shaft using FacomU41 inertia extractor Fig 17 fitted with a plate made by the operator to Jhe dimensions shown on Fig 18 Remove brake plate Fig 19 G 041 54 54 t ef 14 145 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 305: ...Fi t wheel shaft bearing in its housi ng on t rum pet tube Fig 20 Fig 20 4298 7 Fig 21 4299 Fasten brake pl ate and sheet metal backing plate to trumpet tube Fig 21 Ti ghten ng torque 5 mda N Fi t hand brake sheath in posi tion on brake plate Fit 111heel cyl inder Rep rint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 307: fitting a rear brake hydraulic cylinder J4 V l1emoving and re fitting a rear brake disc J4 V Removing and re fitting a rear brake yoke J4 V Removing a nd r e fitting a rear brake splash shield Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permi ion from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 309: ...iper assembly helrl to the yoke by moans of 2 keys each being retained by 2 safety fasteners and 2 srrl nys These 2 springs have the function of keeping the sliding call iper ass b ly under tension on the yoke nd of preventing any vibration or noi se which might otherwise ensue The sliding calliper assembly is compris ed of Acast iron surport A li gh t alloy hydraulic cylinder mounted on 2 slots o...

Page 310: ... shape by the disphr emen t of the pisto11 du ring the braking operuti on returns to its nonnal shape and pushes the piston back leaving a functi anal c1ea ra 1ce between the disc and br tke shoes This also const itu tes an lU tomatic take up ystf3 1 which compensates for l in ing wear hen the hand brake is being used push rod K actuated by the lever 111h1ch is Interlocked with the cable displ zce...

Page 311: ...over 3 di s t nce corrrsronrling to th e function al clear nce betnoan the rllsc a rl shoe br 2kss Thre0ded head C which cannot turn in th opposite direction to t1 1c loosening effect owi ng to the effect of leli al sprinQ 8 ret lned in a recess in the piston remains In t e S Jr a posi ti an Owing to the function of t 1is systcn as lining wear is increasing with he pis ton ovin g out of the bor o ...

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Page 313: ...k both rear wheels Set rear of vehicle an pins then remove rear wheels after marking their position Slacken hand brake cable on equalizer Disconnect hand brake cable from callipers Extract the 4 pins from retaining keys on each calliper Fig 1 With a pin drift remove both calltper retaining keys Fig 2 Press downwards on calliper then remove ft from yoke without disconnecting the flexible pipe Fig 3...

Page 314: ... Ref 21645 V Fig 6 Fig 5 44 29 The pis ton groove must be facing side of bleed screw and m ust be parallel with the arms of the hydraulic cylinder Thi s requi remen t r ust be met if subsequent com plete bleeding is to be achi cverl Engage one side of call iper be twe n spri ng rin and key area E ngage other side of calliper in pos iti on compressing both spri ng pins Engage lower key ret lining c...

Page 315: shoes if the amount of wear justifies it It is advi sable to repl ace all shoe ass emb11 es If only front wheel brake shoes or rear wheel brake shoes are being repl aced it is imperative ln any case tha t all shoes of the same ax le should be repl aced and this always with linings of the same type On the other hand the ful l efficiency of new brake shoes is only ahcieved after running In hetwee...

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Page 317: ...ect hand bnkc cabl e from calliper U nl ock flexibl e pipe on calliper but do not unscrew i t Fig 2 4059 4425 Fig 3 4426 Extract 4 fasteners on calliper retaining keys Fi Q 2 Use a pin drift to rem ove both calli per retaining keys Fig 3 Clear calliper from yoke pressing on calliper downwards then remove it unscrewing ft f rom f1ex Ible pIpe FIg 4 tise a b1eed screw cap to plug end of flexible pip...

Page 318: ...ely Use a 3 mm dia spindle Fig 7 to push stop stud In then remove hydraulic cylinder sliding it do nwards Fig 6 4435 Fig 7 4436 Note rJever remove hydraulic cylinder without opening wings of supporting bracket RE FITTING OPERATIONS With the supporting bracket wings opened up engage hydraulic cylinder on supporting bracket slides holding the stop stud and Its spring In position Fig 8 See Fig 9 for ...

Page 319: ... until all the air has be8n evacuated Fig 10 4439 Fig 11 4440 R emem ber to ret1 1rn piston to its original position I e with the groove on bleed screw side and parallel with the wi gs of the suprortino bracket fl t bleed screw Screw calliper on fl P xi bl e pipe but do not loc k it in position Engage one side of the calliper between the srring pin and the key bearing area on the yoke Engage other...

Page 320: ...connect hand br jke obl e Lock flexible pipe to calli per Fig 14 4432 Bleed brake hydraulic syst lf l Press several times 0n bnke rerl l to bring brake shoes closer to rl isc until rlJy is reduced to functi onal clearance vJlue Set car on its w he ls TiQhte wh eels Adjust hand brake cable Fig 15 4116 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written...

Page 321: ...ed providing its thickness is C reater th ln 9 rm If the di sc aft r refacing and although it may eet the 9 mm mi nimum thi kn es s requirem ent sti 11 shows scratches or does not 8ect the cc p hncr criteria it must be repbccd rtE FI ITING OPEAATIUNS r ten f1 isc to wheel shaft Cl C ln di sc if necess ry F s t Jn 1ol e calliper and brake shoes ns assenb1 r l e llace shect m eta1 r ehiner Tighten i...

Page 322: ...e Fig 18 Remove yoke Fig 19 Fig 21 2 a 30 4441 Fig 19 4442 HE FITTING OPERATIONS Fasten yoke to trumpet tube Replace sheet metal rcb ir er Tighteni ng torque 6 5 m da N Lock the screws Re fit brake shoes See procedure for Changing rear brake shoes G 041 54 54 t 114 145 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permiuion from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 323: ...g splash shield to banjo R emove wheel shaft Fig 10 usi ng a FacomU 41 Inertia extractor fltted with a plate made by the operator to the di mensi ons shown on Fi g 21 Remove brake splash shield RE FITTING OPERATIONS Locate brake splash shield in position on banjo trumpet then fit whee1 shaft in trumpet Fig 22 Fasten br2ke splash shi eld and sheet metal flange to trumpet Fig 23 Tightening torque 5 ...

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Page 325: ...linder Description of dual circuit master cyl inder Description of brake equalizer Adjustment of brake equalizer emoving and re fitting the single circuit master cylinder Removing and r e fitting t he power brake Jlemoving and re fitting the br ke e r va1izer Reprint or tran lation even pa rtial I trictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 G T 180 ...

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Page 327: ...n adjustable lever and a spring allows the hydraulic pressure in the rear system to be distributad depending on the vehicle load and in proportion to each front system hydraulic pressure 1evel Each braking system i e mixed discs and drums for vehicles with 1600 c c engine or 4 disc brakes for vehicles with 1800 c c engine is fitted lith a specific equalizer spring the resilience of which is adapte...

Page 328: ...the vehicle is running and the brakes are not being appli ed the opening to the atmosphere b is closed the vacuumhole a s open and allows the vacuum effect from the engine inlet manifold to be communicated between both chambers d and c on either side of diaphragm 9 Diaphragm 9 of driving piston 1 is then balanced in a vacuum and the latter is then held in the rest posi tion by spring 3 Position of...

Page 329: ...sses reaction plate 5 which changes shape enters cavity e and pushes pl unger 4 aga1nst flap valve 7 When this displacement is achieved both atmosphere and vacuum holes a and b are closed and thE power brake is then said to be in the holding position or balance position Return to rest posltion Figs 1 and 2 When the brake pedal is released control rod 6 driven back by its spring ll drl ves also plu...

Page 330: ...der the effect of its spring 8 remains stationary and comes into contact with its seat 9 During this first displacement which is very short there Is no increase In pressure and a small quantity of fluid is discharged through the piston central drilling then via pin 2 towards the equal zer tank From that Instant the piston Initiates a displacement of the column of fluid towards the receiver cylinde...

Page 331: ... unti 1 it omes into contact with sheet metal F1g 6 stop 4 which is interlocked with rear system piston 3 5 Once this contact is established rear system piston 3 moves and initiates braking on the rear wheels in the usual manner The rear system retains its f u11 effi ci enc y Case of a f nult in rear system e g a Jenk Pressure in the rear system is nil both pistons move without any resultant hydra...

Page 332: ...gral wi th the multipl e stage pi ston BRAKE EQUALIZER G 066 A ring seal 5 providing the required outer seal ing between piston 1 and the body A r ing seal 6 providing the required Inner sealing between th e body and piston 1 A sealing cap 7 A dust cover 8 The equali zer is connected wl th the R H rear suspension arm y means of a spring R and an adjus table l ever L CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint...

Page 333: ...s the communicat ion between A and B w hich all ous a new hydraul ic pressure increase to take place in the rear sys tm However instantaneously force F4 resulting from the hyd raulic pressun applied against section S2 causes multipl e s age pis ton 1 to slide again 111hich causes flap valve 2 to close The pi s ton is t hen in the same position fl ap valve closed as in paragraph 1 but with the esse...

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Page 335: ...fect Is predominantly applied on the rear wheels the tension of the equalizer spring aust be released by loosening adjustment screw A Fig 2 If braking on the rear wheels lacks In efficiency the equalizer spring tension 1ust be Increased by screwing in adjustment screw A After each adjusbent operation tighten lock nut B w hil st holding adjustment screw A In position Note the reduction ratio of equ...

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Page 337: ...ylinder Remove equalizer tank If master cylinder is being replaced RE FITTING OPERATIONS Fasten equalizer tank to master cylinder Tighten torque 7 mdaN Fasten 111aster cylinder to power brake Connect clutch release master cylinder supply tube to equalizer tank except on auto atic transmission model Connect brake tubes to master cylinder tube A for rear brakes to front connection tube B for front b...

Page 338: ...ove push rod spindle D from brake pedal Fig 3 Remove 4 nuts E fastening power brake to dash panel 4420 4421 Fig 4 Remove power brake taking care not to damage brake master cylinder tubes Fasten power brake to dash panel Connect push rod to brake pedal Connect vacuum pipe to power brake Fasten master cylinder to power brake Fig 5 4059 4422 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 Reprint or translation even partial ...

Page 339: ...rake tube to equalizer rear opening master cylinder supply tube to equalizer front opening see Fig 7 section J5 l 3 Fig 7 4424 Fit fastener holding flexible pipe to body 81 eed brakes Adjust brake equalizer Note The equalizer lever spring must never be removed The useful length of the spring is ndeed preset by the suppliers Consequently the equalizer Its lever and its spring are supplied as a Spar...

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Page 341: ...gram 1971 spec i fic for Ita ly K1 I Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for Pinland Lebanon K1 I Farhal wiring dia gram 1971 specific for Norway K1 I Partia l wir i ng dia gra p 1971 spe cifi c f or Sweden K1 I Partial wiri ng di a g ca m 1971 s pecifi c for Swi t zerl and K1 I Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for Czecho slova ki a K1 V emoving and re fitting the harne ss Reprint or translat...

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Page 343: ...Basic wiring diagram 1971 Reprint or tronalotion even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE 1 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 344: ...ace panel front face pc nel under front bu per back pane1 back panel cluster X cluster X under front bumper back panel cluster X L H 1A1 post inner back pane1 back panel cluster X cluster X cluster X cluster X cluster X cluster X cluster X B C Post Lug age trur k glove box on control plate near air conditioner control uncer cowl panel in condi tion er unit uncer instr panel or L H fror eel arch in...

Page 345: ...switch under steering wheel lever on combined switch rheostat VJ control fuse 1 fuse 1 fuse 1 fuse 1 fuse 1 fuse 2 fuse 2 fuse 2 fuse 2 fuse 2 fuse 2 fuse 2 1ever on combined switch simultaneous lever on combined switch control lever on combined switch switch 0 on pedal set stitch AD on gear box common with alternator function HA common with main beam function pressure switch J on engine gauge Z o...

Page 346: ...Basic wiring diagram 1971 Reprint or tran lation even partial ia strictly prohibited without written permiuion from CHRYSLER FRANCE 1 K11I 3 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 347: ... G rey Green 3P Red White 0 6 11 Grey 4 White R ed 0 6 llB G rey 5 ll hite Red 1 4 llC Grey 8 R ed Yel low 1 11E G rey 9 R ed Blue 1 ll F Grey 9A Red G reen l llili G rey Red J T 110M Section in mm2 l 3 1 1 1 2 0 6 3 0 6 2 0 6 1 1 l 1 _ 1C 1 3 W ire N o M ain llR Grey llS Grey 12 Grey 12A G rey 128 Black 12C G rey 13 Grey 14 G rey l4A Grey 22B Blue 220 Blue 22 B lue 22A B lu e 22T Blue ZZR Blue C ...

Page 348: ...ellow 2 80 Wh ite B lue 2 ll rl11 Black Je 1 33 B lue Grey 1 81 White B lue 1 132 Black y 1 33A Blue Grey 0 6 90T Ye11ow B lack 1 11011 1 40 White G reen 0 6 92 Yell ow Red 0 6 Iluw I 1 lCk 2 41 Green 0 6 93T Yellow 0 6 51 Green White 1 94 Yellow Whi te 1 y i 2 60 Brown 0 6 1 4 16 2 70 Whi te Brown 1 4 110 B lack 160 GT 3 70T White 0 6 3 180 71 W hite Purple 1 llOA Black l 1 71A White Purple 0 6 1...

Page 349: ... ire COLOUR No Main Secor dar 11OG Black ll OH Black Jl lll Black 132 Black I Section in mm2 2 0 5 1 0 5 K1tr 3 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 351: ...ough 1A1 post lower inner panel unfasten metal wire Strip lo111er part of 1 B C1 post and disconnect R H rear door switch Remove rear seat and rear seat back 1 Remove parcel tray and strip R H three quarter panel Disconnect luggage trunk light Remove defrosting nozzles Disconnect combined switch stop light contactor trafficator m ain switch Clear harness from air conditioner Remove L H door sill e...

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Page 353: ...Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for II Automatic Reprint or translation even pa rtial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE K1 I 5 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 354: ...1 10 l OV 11 11R 14 Light Wire Power Colours Numbers lW 14 148 116 14 and battery 15 w orange 33A 1 2 w white lOV llOV COLOUR Section in ii1 ai n Secondary mm2 red 3 red 2 gre 3 grey 0 6 grey 2 grey 1 red on E1ay side grey 2 black on harness side CONTROL PROTECTIO N contactor W contactor WA on gear box starting r elay EH contactor WA on gear box fuse 2 oosi ti on R after igniti on Wire COLOUR Sect...

Page 355: ...u i 0 1 I Reprint or tra nslation ven partial is strictl y p rohibited witho ut writte n permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE I__ K11I 7 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 357: ...Partial wiring diagram 19 71 specific for Germany Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE K1 I 9 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 358: ... white 42 84 II I W ire N o lliai n 3 wni te 3C white 11 grey 1 I 1r grey 11 R grey 22 b1ue I 23 b1ue 24 blue IIi re Numbers 41 llOA 23A 11OA 22A llOA 22A llOA 41 72A 73A 11 O A 72A 73A 11 0A ll O T 70 81 llOA 33A 3C 70 70T 110 81 llOA COLOUR Secondary red yellow blu e yell ow C O NTROL PROTECTION on combi ned switch under steering w heel fuse 1 on combined switch under steering wheel on c o bi ne...

Page 359: ...G rin or translatio n even pa rtial i strictly prohibite hout written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE I I N u y N N N K1ti 11 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 361: ...Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for Austria Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE K1 I 1 3 CHRYSLER 1b0 1bOGT 180 ...

Page 362: ... H radiator side panel ED Light VIi re Power Col ours Numbers 12 v 50 A h 4 VI white 41 11OA 40 VI white 23A llOA 45 II white 22A llOA 5 VI w hite 44 41 44 238 81 110A 21 II orange 72A 73A lOOA 21 w w hite 33A 81 110A COlOUR OF WIRES CONTROL combined switch under steering w heel combined switch under steering wheel combined switch under steering wheel combined switch under steering w heel or relay...

Page 363: ...h I I rffit 77 I rr i iltd ll jj J I L _____ _j L__ ___ J L r 1 L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l K1ti 0 a 15 rr i i i CReprint or tron lation even partial i trictly prohibited without written perminion from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

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Page 365: ...Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for Denmark K1 I 17 CHRYSLER Reprint or translation even partial Is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE 160 l60 6J 180 ...

Page 366: ...iator R H side pane1 ED 2 back panel C 2 under front bumper B Light Wire Power Co1ours Numbers 12 v 50 A h 4 II white 41 11OA 40 il white 23A ll OA 45 II white 22A llOA 3 w orange 72A 73A 81 11 OA 81 11OA 21 II white 33A 21 II orange 72A 73A llOA COLOUR OF WIRES C O NTROL combined switch under steering wheel com bined switch under steering wheel com bined switch under steering wheel common with tr...

Page 367: ...ll l i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j i _j 4M t c R 117 CHRYSLER FRANCE pe rm ss o n from utw wront ten_ _____ rohibited Wllho 1 is stnctly P even portia tran lat on Repnnt or CHRYSLER 160 GT 180 160 ...

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Page 369: ...Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for Italy Reprint or tron lotion even partial is triclly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSlER fRANCE K1 1I 21 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 370: ...ear buaper D 5 white 2 R H and L H front fenders BA BB 3 VI orange COLOUR OF WI RES Wire Numbers 23A llOA 22A 11OA 33A 41 72A 73A CONTRO L PROTECTION combined switch under steering wheel m ovable fuse lO A com bined switch under steering w heel m ovable fuse lOA AD switch on gear box fuse l combined switch under steering wheel fuse 1 common with trafficators fuse 2 Wire COLOUR Section No in M ain ...

Page 371: ... Tiki _1_ H I __ _ ___ _ _ 1 1 I ill j I I i I Ill i r __________ l__ i ___j u l 23 CHRYSLER Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE 160 160 GT 180 CXl a ...

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Page 373: ...Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for Finland and Lebanon K1 I 25 _ eprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 374: ...ace panel A 45 II white 22A 11OA under front bumper B 21 II arange 72A 73A llOA radiator R H side ED 81 llOA panel b ck p oel _ _ C 21 II white 33A radiator R H side ED 81 llOA panel Vehicles for FINLAND are fitted with a 50 A h battery COLOUR OF WIRES CONTROL combined switch under steering wheel combi ned switch under steering wheel combined switch under steering wheel lever on combined switch en...

Page 375: ... i 1 1 II _ I I I I I I I I I r 1 I l Hi ____j I ___ Jj I I I I i i I I I I R 11 9 Reprint o r translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 377: ...Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for Norway Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission fro m CHRYSLER FRANCE K1 I 29 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 378: ...17 22 23 24 Light IIi re C ONTROL Colours Numbers wh i te 41 11 OA combined switch under steering w heel white 23A llOA com bined switch un der steering wh eel white 22A ll O A combi 1ed switch under steering w heel orange 72A 73A lever on combined switch llOA 81 ll O A end of dipped main beam lever 81 llOA end of dipped main beam lever white 33A switch on gear box orange 72A 73A comm on with traf...

Page 379: ...________ r _ I I I I I l L L_______________ I I I I I rit I I I I II a__L 0 C L I lr 31 0 N a CHRYSLER Reprint o r translatio n even pa rtial is strictly prohib ited without written perm ission from CHRYSLER FRANCE 160 _160 GT _180 ...

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Page 381: ...Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for Sweden Reprint or translation even partial Is tlrictly prohibited without written permiuion from CHRYSLER FRANCE K1 I 33 CHRYSLER 160 160 6T 180 ...

Page 382: ... v 50 A h 4 w white 41 llOA combined switch under steering wheel 40 w white 23A llOA combined switch under steering wheel 45 II white 22A 11 OA combined switch under steering wheel 45 II white 22A llOA by lifting dipped main beam lever 21 II white 33A AD warning switch on gear box 21 II orange 72A 73A VIII waming switch on instrument panel llOA 2 II red llOT 70 VM warning sw tch 2 II red llOT lOT ...

Page 383: ...z UJ Cl UJ 5 II N y N N N K111 N a 35 CHRYSLER Reprint or tran lation even partial is strictly prohibited without written perm inion from CHRYSLER FRANCE 1bO 1bO GJ 180 ...

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Page 385: ...Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for Switzerland Reprint or translation even partial is strklly prohibited wilhout written permission from CHRYSlER FRANCE K1 I 37 CHRYSLER 160 160 CiT 180 ...

Page 386: ...m engine compartment at F 12 v 1eft 50 A h radiator R H side panel ED front face panel A 45 VI radiator R H side panel ED COLOUR OF WIRES Light Wire Co1ours Numbers 81 llOA yell or 22A 11 OA 81 llOA Wire No 22 23 24 81 CONTROL at end of dipped main beam lever by lifting dipped main beam lever at end of dipped main beam lever COLOUR Sectl on in Main Secondary mm2 b1ue 2 blue yellow 2 blue b1ue ye11...

Page 387: ...39 SWITZERLAND 1971 1 l i jl I I i I I Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE R 1 22 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 389: ...Partial wiring diagram 1971 specific for Czecho slovakia Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE K1ti 41 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 390: ...41 llOA A 40 II white 23A llOA A 45 VI white 22A llOA A 45 VI white 22A llOA C 21 II white 33A B 21 II orange 72A 73A 11 OA in VN 2 II red lOT llOT ED 81 llOA ED 81 llOA Wire COLOUR No Main Secondary 3 white 3S white 10 grey lOT grey llS grey l7_j black green CONTROL PROTECTION combined switch under steering wheel fuse 1 combined switch under steering wheel combined switch under steering wheel by ...

Page 391: ... __ _ ___ ___jll I r 1 __j I II I Lsu i L L i I _ _ I I Lt rr I I II I 7 E I II r 1 I E I r fi_ L _ LB 1 r 0 J Vl 0 I u IJJ N u CHRYSLER Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRAN CE 160 160 GT 180 ...

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Page 393: ...per and windscreen washer control Remov ng and re fitting the windscreen wiper motor AIR CONDITIONING Specifications Removing and re fitting the air conditioner cont rol plate Removing and re fitting the a ir conditioner Repair operations on air conditioner Dismantling and re a ssembli ng the air conditioner Dismantling and re assembling the air conditioner motor Reprint or translation even partia...

Page 394: ...moving the clock Jisconnect both clock supply wires on printed circuit Remove clock spreading retai ning lugs open demoving the printed circuit Remove indi cators water temperature and fuel gauge On revolution indicator r emove both nuts fastening the con tact strips O n pri r ted circuit remove both screws fasten ing t he contact strips then remove strips Remove screw ho1ding earthing wire to pri...

Page 395: ight and main beam contral 2 Tr aff1 c indi ca tor control 3 Windscreen wiper and windscreen washer control K2 r 1 1011 121314 G 022 7 Instrument panel lighting rheostat on 180 model 8 Light indicator switch for back 1ight de frosting on 180 model optional on 160 and 160 GT models 9 Location for radio 10 Conditioner air distributor 11 Heating cock control 12 Ash tray 12 Air conditioner blower r...

Page 396: ...l cluster with dual mileage indicator speedometer electric clock and revolution indicator Description of printed circuits Cluster 2 4 dial dial Main beara indicator light A A Earth B 8 Th ennometer c c M Ini111um fuel D D Fuel gauge E E Charge F F after ignition G G Oil H H Instrument panel 11 ghti ng I I I Per anent J Traffi cators K K Breaker Rev indicator L WATER TEMPERATURE INDICATOR Fig 5 Wat...

Page 397: ...It is possible to replace the variable resistor by a new transmitter which will be considered as standard after checking resistance values with a Metrix instrument placed between transmi Her earth and terminal B Fig 6 Check pointer devi ations corresponding to resistance values shown on Fig 7 0 A 310 60 8 97 10 C 0 to 15 Fig 7 Z 1751 Reprint or tran lation even partial i trictly prohibited without...

Page 398: ...1ock or revo1utl on indicator B F g 1 Clear c1ock or revo1utf on Indica tor from housing Disconnect supply 111ires ftom back of instrument Ret ove Instrument Re fitting opera t i ons For re fitting operations proceed in reverse order fro11 removal procedure Fig 1 4007 rl r1 tOVING r ND r E FIT l ING TH C01lBINlill s nTCH demoval procedure Disconnect battery Remove steering wheel centrai cover Remo...

Page 399: ...ct windscreen wiper motor supply wires Fig 1 1 Remove assembly Release linkage rod fromm otor Remove 3 screws fastening the windscreen wi per motor to the plate Remove windscreen wiper motor t FITTING OP iliATIONS To re fit motor proceed in reverse order from removal oper2tions G 025 Reprint or tran lation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER...

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Page 401: ... positions 1 and 2 Operation of windscreen washer electric pump Electric windscreen washer hydraulic diagram Fig 2 Fig 1 Fig 2 I Hydraulic diagram for electrically controlled windscreen washer A Suet on system 8 Deli very system C El edrl c pump D T ank Reprint or tran lation even partial is striclly prohibited without wrillen permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE K41I 1 G 024 Z 1752 CHRYSLER 160 160 18...

Page 402: ...D squeeze the rubber pipe and the fluid Is delivered from pipe C Detail of a cycle Fig 4 Fig 4 WINDSCREEN WIPER Fig 3 E D irection of rotation Z 1753 Z 1754 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or lran1ialion even partial i1 trictly prohibited without w itten permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 403: ...rged in a flap distributor controlled by a lever A Fig 1 which can be moved horizontally The distributor allows the air flow to be directed either towards the defrosting nozzles 1 or towards the floor 2 or again to ards both at the same time lever placed between l and 2 fhe heating cock control B is a progressive action control The blower air output is adjustable by means of printed circuit rheost...

Page 404: ...g and blower control wires Fig 3 Remove central embelll sher Remove both screws fastening the air conditioner control plate Fig 4 Fig 2 3996 Fig 3 Remove both sheath retainer setscrews Clear control cables Fig 5 Extract plate dE FITTING O PERATIONS Proceed in reverse order from em oval operations Fig 4 4008 4009 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or tran lation even partial is strictly prohibited wit...

Page 405: ...suppiy pipes Clear defrosting nozzles from bolts on dash panel Remove nozzles disconnect air conditioner wires Clear hamess runn ing in front of ai r condi ti oner Clear and remove air conditioner KE FITTING OPERATIONS Locate air conditioner in position on car Fit 3 air conditioner setscrews in position Re fit both defrosting nozzles Lock air conditioner and nozzle setscrews Re connect wires re fa...

Page 406: ... on central embellisher Re fit centra1 embe111 sher Re fit knobs on centro1 1evers REPLACING THE BLOW ffi CONTROL Disconnect battery Remove control lever knobs Clear instrUinent panel central embell sher which Is held by 4 screws Disconnect blower control wires Ex tract b1ower con tro1 Re fit new control re connect wires Re fit central embellisher Re fit knobs on control 1evers CHRYSLER 160 160 GT...

Page 407: ...and bracket Remove both nuts retaining the flap control plate Remove air conditioner Fig 1 Separate air conditioner half housings Fi9 4 Remove half housing retaining hooks Clear air conditioner upper fastening rei nforc emen t Fi g 2 Fig 2 4014 Fig 4 4016 nt or transla tion even partial is strictly pro hibited without writte n permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 408: ... nuts fastening the piping supporting plate Fig 7 Pull to remove radiator Fi g 8 Fig 6 4018 Fig 7 40 19 RE ASS iBLY O P ili ATI ONS Locate radiator in position in air conditioner half housing Re fit piping supporting plate re f t radiator hoses Re fit thermostatic cock and Its angle bracket Re fit rods retain ng the thermostatic probe R e fit m otor Re fit half housing Re fit fl ap contra1 p1ate R...

Page 409: ...emove 4 nuts fastening the motor half hous ings 3 Fig 10 4022 Punch m ark both half housings and separate th ED Fig 10 Reraove armature Remove brush holder flange 1 1 ASS iBLY OPERATIONS Locate armature in brush holder Locate assembly in posi tlon in half housing Fasten bolts Locate the other half housing in position in accordance with ref marks punched at the disoantl ing stage Assem ble both mot...

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Page 411: ...rille L145 Instrument panel L2 C TRAL SECTIOO L201 L209 Front door L210 L219 Rear door L3 REAR END L301 aear bumper eprint or translation even partial is llrictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 412: ...Front bumper Reprint or tranalation even partial Ia atrictly prohibited without written permiuion from CHRYSLER FRANCE L1 01 1 CHRYSLER 160 160 180 ...

Page 413: ...tings Fig 2 Clear buaper bar BUMP c R FITTINGS Longitudinal f ittings Remove stone shield Fig 3 Reoove 1 1 screws fastening fittings to front fender flange Figs and 5 Clear fitting Cr oss fittings Remove 1 fastening screw to front fender flange bracket Fig 6 RE FITTING OPERATIONS Proceed In reverse order to rB oval procedure ...

Page 414: ...Fig 1 3971 Fig 4 3974 Fig 2 3972 Fig 5 3975 Fig 3 3973 Fig 6 3976 ...

Page 415: ...fasteners in the lower section Fig 2 Remove 7 setscrews from front grille 4 in upper section 3 in lower section Figs 3 and 4 Fig 2 3978 Fig 3 3979 L ii l ITTING OPEl ATIONS Check condition of fastening nuts To re fit proceed in reverse order to re1oval operations Fig 4 3980 epri t or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160GT ...

Page 416: ...Instrument panel Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L14s 1 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 417: r condl tl oner con tro1 1ever knobs Reaove 2 2 central e belllsher setscrews Figs 14 and 15 Clear centra1 eabe111sher disconnect both supply wires and reaove both air conditioner control lighting bulb holders Rnove central eabelltsher To re fl t saae proceed In reverse order RNI OVAL OF ACCESSORIES Reaove floor bracket fascia cluster central eabelllsher lnstruaent panel crash pad R H and l H v...

Page 418: ... 6 Instrument 1 c uster NEL COMPONENTS 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sheet met 1 a panel Vent lator R H Fascia R H Central embell h l s er Ash tray Glove box lid r L Rep i r trans otion even part I aa as stricti y prohobited with out writt en permission I rom CHRYSLER FR NcQ 11 L1 45 1 G 054 CHRYSLE 160 160 GT R 180 ...

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Page 420: ...Fig 1 3983 Fig 3 Fig 2 3984 Fig 4 L14s 1 3985 3959 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 421: ...2 L145 1 Fig 5 Fig 6 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 3986 Fig 7 3988 3987 Fig 8 3989 ...

Page 422: ...Ftg 9 3990 Fig 11 Fig 10 3991 Fig 12 I L145 1 3992 3993 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 3 ...

Page 423: ...4 L145 I 1 Fig 13 Fig 14 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 3994 Fig 15 3996 3995 Fig 16 3997 Reprint or tron lation even portiol is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE _ _j ...

Page 424: ... Fig 17 3998 Fig 19 Fig 18 3999 Fig 20 Reprint or tran lation even partial i strictly prohibited without written permiuion from CHRYSLER FRANCE L145 1 4000 4001 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 5 ...

Page 425: ...L145 6 1 I Fig 23 4004 Fig 21 4002 Fig 22 4003 Fig 24 4005 Fiq 25 4006 ...

Page 426: ...Front door Reprint or tranllation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L2 o1 L2 os 1 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 427: ... and seal 15 Glass channel 16 Rear glass channel bracket 17 Remote control lever 18 Remote control 1ink 19 Remote control spring 20 Inner latch rod housing 21 Inner latch rod 22 Lock mechanism 23 Latch rod 24 Door 1atch 25 Latch bearing gasket 26 Latch fastening clips 27 Outer handle 28 Outer handle link 29 Outer handle fastening bracket 30 Outer handle seal 31 Outer handle fastening hole seal Cor...

Page 428: ...1 Fig 1 Fig 2 f II I 1 V l____j l i 4126 4189 Fig 3 Fig 4 L2 01 L2 09 1 4190 4129 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 429: ...01 L2 09 2 1 v Fig 5 Fig 6 CHRYSLER 160 160 CiT 180 J 2 __ if 4191 Fig 7 4132 4131 Fig 8 4133 o c Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 430: ...L2 01 L2 09 1 3 r 1 1 Fig 9 4134 Fig 11 Fi g 10 Fig 12 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE 4193 41 94 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 431: ...L2 01 _ L2 09 4 1 Fig 13 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 4195 Fig 14 G 048 Reprint or tran1lation even partial i strictly prohibited without written perminion from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 432: ...Front door Reprint or translation even partial is trictly prohibited without written permission from CHR SLER FRANCQ L2 01 L2 os 3 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 433: ...m rear lower glass section E xtract window regulator mechanism Fig 19 Fitting operations For fitting proceed in reverse order Important check that rollers are correctly engaged in lower glass sections Repl acement on door still retained on car Remove parts 1 Arm rest 2 Window regulator handle insert 3 Window regulator handle 4 Remote control handle 5 Remote control handle inner gasket 6 Trim panel...

Page 434: ...g 15 4196 Fig 17 Fig 16 4197 Fig 18 J I I i Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L _ _ _ __ L2 01 L2 09 3 4198 4199 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 435: ...L2 01 L2 os 2 3 Fig 19 Fig 20 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 4200 Fig 21 4202 4201 Fig 22 4203 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permissio n from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 436: ...L2 01 L2 09 3 3 Fi g 23 G 049 Fig 24 G 050 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCCJ CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 437: ...Front door Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L2 o1 L2 09 5 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 438: ... seal 9 Outer weatherstrip 10 Lower window regulator guide 11 Window regulator mechanism 12 Glass 15 Glass channel REPL CEivL T OF REAR GL1 SS CHANNEL lACKET Ref 16 Removal procedure Unscrew channel bracket fastening Fig 28 Pu11 downwards to c1ear and extract g1ass channel bracket Fig 29 Fitting operations Engage channel bracket in position Fig 30 Screw fastening in lower area Replacement on door ...

Page 439: ... Fig 25 4204 Fig 26 4205 P Fig 27 Fig 28 L2 01 _ L2 09 5 4206 4207 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 440: ...L2 01 l2 09 2 5 t Fig 29 4208 Fig 31 4210 Fig 30 4209 Fig 32 421 1 ...

Page 441: ...Fig 33 Fig 34 l f f 1 4212 Fig 35 4213 Fig 36 L2 01 L2 09 5 3 4214 4215 Reprint or tran lation even partial is trictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 1bO 1bO GT 180 ...

Page 442: ...L2 01 L2 os 4 5 Fig 39 4218 Fig 37 4216 Fig 38 4217 Fig 40 4219 Fig 41 4270 ...

Page 443: ...Front door Reprint or translation even partial Is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L2 01 L2 09 7 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 444: ... 5 Remote control handle inner gasket 6 Trim panel assembly 7 Inner weatherstrip 8 Paper seal dislodge glass channel on lock side Fig 31 16 Rear glass channel bracket 22 Lock mechanism disconnect remote control link Ref 18 on lock side C Fig q J inner latch rod Ref 21 on lock side B Fig q 3 latch rod Ref 23 D Fig 1j 3 outer handle link Ref 28 remove lock fastening screws Important before reassembl...

Page 445: ...Fig 42 4221 Fig 43 4222 Fig 44 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L _ l2 o1 L2 os 7 4223 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 1 ...

Page 446: ...L2 01_ L2 09 2 7 Fig 46 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 Fig 45 4224 4225 Fig 47 4226 Re print or tran lation even partial is strictly prohibited witho ut written permission fro m CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 447: ...Front door Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission trom CHRYSLER FRANCE L2 01 L2 09 9 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 448: ...ontrol handle 5 Remote control handle inner gasket 6 Trim panel assembly 7 Inner weatherstrip 8 Paper seal dislodge glass channel on lock side Fig 31 27 Outer handle disconnect handle link Ref 28 on lock side Fig 37 E PL 4 CEMENT OF DOOR FRAME REAR AND UPPER ENffiELLISHERS Removal procedure Dislodge upper and rear embellisher from door fra e Fig 53 Fitting operations for fitting proceed in reverse...

Page 449: ... I I Fig 48 4227 Fig 50 Fig 49 4228 Fig 51 3 print or translati n ven partia strictly prohibited without_ _ rille permissi from CHRY LER FRANCE L2 o1 L2 09 9 4229 4230 _ CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 450: ...L2 o1 L2 09 2 9 Fig 54 4233 Fig 52 4231 Fig 53 4232 Fig 55 4184 Fiq 56 4 185 ...

Page 451: ...Rear door Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L21o L2 19 1 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 452: hole seal 26 Lock mechanism 27 Door block 28 Door frame rear bracket ffiEPARING THE NEW COMPONENT Correct form setting Check aspect of outer panel Paint In accordance with nature of lacquer used DISMANTLING ffiOCEDURE Preparatory OJ rations Disconnect battery lower window Remove door unscrew lower and upper hinge fastenings Figs and 5 Take door to repair station Dismantling operations Remove pa...

Page 453: ... 1 Fi g 2 41 26 Fig 3 4127 Fig 4 16 r 1 r c 19 10 Reprint or translation e ve n partial is striclly prohibited without writte n permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE l l2 10 l2 19 1 i 1 9 11 4128 4129 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 454: ...L21o L2 19 2 1 Fig 5 Fig 6 4130 4131 _ J Fig 7 4132 Fig 8 4133 CHRYSLER 160 _160 GJ _180 L Reprint or tronslation even partial is s rictly prohibited without written per CH R FRA ...

Page 455: ...Fig 9 Fig 10 J r 1 1 l I l l I 1 4134 4135 J Fig 11 Fig 12 L2 10 L2 19 1 4136 4137 CHRYSLER 1bO 1bO GT 180 3 ...

Page 456: ...l2 10 l2 19 4 1 Fig 13 Fig 14 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 4138 G 044 Fig 15 Fig 16 I 4139 4140 ...

Page 457: ...Rear door Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L21o L219 3 CHRYSLER 160 160 CiT 180 ...

Page 458: ...l procedure Unscrew glass lowerfng guide lower and upper fastenings Figs 21 and 22 Slide guide downwards until glass lower roller is cleared Fig 23 Extract glass lowering guide Fig 24 Fitting operations For fitting proceed in reverse order Important check that glass lower roller Is correctly engaged in glass lowering guide Replacement on door still retained check operation of window regulator With...

Page 459: ... Fig 17 4141 Fig 19 Fig 18 4142 Fig 20 I I Re print r tra s la n even partial is strictly r ibited without writte _ f J _____ ___ __ n perm sSton rom CHRYSLER FRANCE L2 10 L219 3 4143 CHRYSLER 1bO 1bO GT 180 ...

Page 460: ...L21o L219 2 3 Fig 21 4145 Fig 22 4146 Fig 23 Fig 24 i 41 47 4148 CHRYSLER 1bO 1bO GJ 180 G rin or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without w ritten permission from CH ...

Page 461: ...Fig 25 4149 Fig 27 Fig 26 4150 Fig 28 _ L21o L219 3 4151 4152 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 3 ...

Page 462: ... 4 3 Fiq 29 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 A Glass channel bracket B Gl ass channel C G lass lower edge I I G 045 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 463: ...Rear door Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L21o L219 5 CHRYSLER 160 160 180 ...

Page 464: 33 and 34 Fitting operations Locate channel in position in corner Ref A position upper part and fit side parts into p1ace Press on channels to achieve full fitting Fig 35 Replacement on door still retained on car With glass set in top position remove parts 1 Arm rest 2 Window regulator handle insert 3 Window regulator handle 4 Remote control handle 5 Remote control handle inner gasket 6 Trim pa...

Page 465: ...6 2 Fig 30 4154 Fig 32 Fig 31 4155 Fig 33 L Repri t r 1 ra_nslati n even partial is strictly prohibited without written permin ion from CHRYSLER FRANCE L21o L219 5 G 046 4156 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 466: ...L21o L219 2 5 0 Fig 34 4157 Fig 36 4159 Fig 35 4158 Fig 37 41 60 I l CHRYSLER 160 _160 GJ _180 Reprint or translat on even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission lr H Sl R A ...

Page 467: ...Fig 38 Fig 39 4162 r I 4161 Fig 40 ri t or ir l tion even partial s strictly hibi d witho t written permission irom CHR SLER FRA _ _ _ __ _ __ _ j L2 10 L2 19 5 4163 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 3 ...

Page 468: ...Rear door Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L21o L219 7 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 469: ...portant check position of handle gasket before tightening check operation of lock and handle Replacement of outer handle or lock mechanism on door still retained on car Removal procedure With glass in top position remove parts 1 Anw rest 2 Window regulator handle insert 3 Window regulator handle 4 Remote control handle 5 Remote control handle inner gasket 6 Trim panel assembly 7 Inner weatherstrip...

Page 470: ...t Fig 41 4164 Fig 43 Fig 42 4165 Fig 44 l Reprint or tran lat n even partial i trictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L21o __ L219 7 4166 4167 CHRYSLER 160 160GT 180 ...

Page 471: ...L21o_ L219 2 7 Fig 45 4168 Fig 47 4170 Fig 46 4169 Fig 48 4171 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 cR r tran lation even partial i lrictly prohibited without written permiui i om CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 472: ...Fig 49 4172 Fig 51 Fig 50 4173 Fig 52 Reprint or tran lation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L2 10 L2 19 7 3 4174 4175 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 473: ...L21o L219 4 7 Fig 54 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Fig 53 4176 4177 Fig 55 4178 Reprint or translation v n partial is strictly prohibit d without writt n permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE ...

Page 474: ...Rear door Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE L21o L219 9 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 475: ...ip 8 Paper seal 13 Rear glass channel bracket 28 Door frame rear bracket REPLACJ lvlENT OF DOOR FRAME FRONT AND UPPER EMBELLISHERS Removal procedure Dislodge door frame front and upper embellishers Fig 58 Fitting operations For fitting proceed in reverse order Miscellaneous for complete stripping of door On dismantled door remove or fit parts 29 Door rear corner inner embellisher Fig 59 30 Trim pa...

Page 476: ...l21o L219 9 Fig 56 4179 Fig 58 4181 Fig 57 4180 Fig 59 4182 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 477: ...l2 10 l2 19 2 9 Fig 61 i I J f l CHRYSLER 1bO 1bO GT 180 Fig 60 4183 4184 Fig 62 4185 Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE I L_ _j ...

Page 478: ... to back panel Fig 1 Re ove 1 1 screws for fastening to rear fenders Fig 2 llli FITTIKG OPEH ATIONS Proceed in reverse order i Fig 1 398 1 Fig 2 r L_ Rep _ _ nsl alion even pa rtia l i _lr c _h_i iled wi ul wrille n permission fr m CHRYSLER FRANCE LJo1 1 3982 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 479: ...N1 I N1 V 1 UTCZL JJI 0 Description o component u0its Operations on r 8dio Reprint or translation even partial is strictly prohibited without written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 ...

Page 480: ...e resistor 22 ohm approx imately The radio bal ance is fitted under the instrument panel by means of 2 screws which can be reached fromunderneath Fig 1 Front loudspeaker yellow reference 2 R ear loudspeaker green reference 3 Radio set RPotentiometer type resistor 22 ohm approxlrna te1y G 020 N1 r Roof aerial Aerial rating 12 pF Aerial cable rating 55 pF Coil interference protection capa citor Elec...

Page 481: ...and remove loudspeaker Re fitting opera tions Proceed in reverse order Fi g 2 3968 Fig 3 3969 FRONT LOUDSPEAYillR Removal procedure Re111ove loudspeaker screen held by 2 screws to instrument panel top Remove loudspeaker setscrews Clear and disconnect loudspeaker Fi g 2 Remove loudspeaker ae fit t ing oper at ions Proceed In reverse order Fig 4 3970 CHRYSLER 160 160 GT 180 Reprint or tra nslation e...

Page 482: ...ut Remove aeri a1 e itting operations Proceed in reverse order AERIAL CABLE emoval procedure Remove aerial Remove radio set Unfasten cable from windscreen opening frame Clear cable from underneath instrument panel 2 Gradually pull on cable aerial end and remove cable ke fitting operations Insert radio set end of aerial cable through cut out in upper section of L H upper A post Run cable in upper 1...

Page 483: ...AL lE 46 8 803 00 F SI EGE SOC IAL 13 6 C H AMPS c LYSEES 75 PA RI S V II I R C Se ne G6 B 140 7 Ed i ti on 1 0 1 0970 Ref P O 2 1381 M Reprint or translatio n even partial is strictly prohibited w ithout written permission from CHRYSLER FRANCE CHRYSLER lbO lbO GT 180 ...
