Completing the installation
After replacing the diffuser and depolarizer, re-install the projector components and complete laser
1. Re-install the integrator assembly and other projector components removed to access the
integrator assembly.
2. Complete the following laser configurations:
Run LiteLOC calibration.
See the "Performing the LiteLOC
v1 calibration" topic in the Upgrading the color sensor
board instruction sheet (P/N: 020-103100-XX) or LiteLOC
calibration for cinema
projectors instruction sheet (P/N: 020-103436-XX).
Create or adjust the laser configuration files.
Create MCGD files.
Create PCT files, if applicable.
Technical support
Technical support for Christie Cinema products is available at:
Christie Professional Services: +1-800-550-3061 or [email protected]
Replacing the Cinema 4K-RGB diffuser and depolarizer
Replacing the Cinema 4K-RGB Diffuser and Depolarizer Instruction Sheet
020-103544-05 Rev. 1 (08-2022)
2022 Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
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