Freeze-dryer Epsilon 1-4 LSCplus
Freeze-dryer Epsilon 2-4 LSCplus
3 Safety
30 / 148
Version 04/2014, Rev. 2.13 of 01/12/2021
• sb
Translation of the original operating manual
Pos : 62 / 200 C hrist/ 360 GT-BA Labor-Pilot (ST ANDARDM ODU LE)/ 030 Sic her heit /030-0060-0030 Gefahren durch uns achg emäß e Aufst ellung @ 36\m od_1436261069141_68. docx @ 267141 @ 3 @ 1
Hazards caused by improper set-up
Risk of injury caused by poor accessibility of the freeze-dryer
In cramped spaces or locations with poor accessibility, sharp edges and
corners may protrude into the work area.
This may lead to injuries caused by impact hazards or grazing hazards.
• Ensure that the freeze-dryer is set up freely accessible!
• Comply with the fundamental health and safety rules and regulations
as well as with the rules and regulations for the prevention of
Pos : 63 / 010 U nivers almodule/ Leerz eile @ 0\m od_1202116244500_0. doc x @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos : 64 / 200 C hrist/ 360 GT-BA Labor-Pilot (ST ANDARDM ODU LE)/ 030 Sic her heit /030-0020 Sic her heit Epsilon/ 030- 0060-0040 G ef ahren durc h uns ac hgem äßen Ansc hluss @ 36\m od_1435840514604_68. docx @ 266739 @ 3 @ 1
Hazards caused by improper connection
Risk of injury caused by escaping media or other consequences of
improper connections
Improper connections may lead to problems, e.g. a hazardous electrical
incident or the escape of media (depending on the configuration of the
freeze-dryer e.g. hot water, nitrogen, hydrogen peroxide), at a later time
during the operation of the freeze-dryer.
This may lead to severe damage to health or even life-threatening injuries.
• Ensure that the supply and disposal connections are established by
competent and specialised persons under consideration of the
corresponding connection specifications (see chapter 5.2 - "Supply
and disposal connections" and chapter 10 - "Technical data")!
• The connections to the on-site pipes must be force-free and torque-
Pos : 65 / 010 U nivers almodule/ Leerz eile @ 0\m od_1202116244500_0. doc x @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos : 66 / 200 C hrist/ 360 GT-BA Labor-Pilot (ST ANDARDM ODU LE)/ 030 Sic her heit /030-0020 Sic her heit Epsilon/ 030- 0060-0050 G ef ahren bei der ers ten I nbetriebnahm e @ 36 \mod_1435841852015_68. doc x @ 266753 @ 3 @ 1
Hazards during the initial start-up
Risk of injury caused by consequences of transport damage, or
improper connections (e.g. escaping media).
Leaks after the transport, set-up, and connection of the freeze-dryer may
lead to problems, e.g. the escape of media (depending on the
configuration of the freeze-dryer, e.g. refrigerant, heat transfer medium,
hydraulic oil, nitrogen, hydrogen peroxide, etc.), at a later time during the
initial start-up of the freeze-dryer.
This may lead to severe damage to health or even life-threatening injuries.
• Prior to the initial start-up of the freeze-dryer, all of the supply and
disposal connections must be checked for leaks by specialised
Pos : 67 / 010 U nivers almodule/ Seitenw ec hsel @ 0\m od_1202116244312_0. docx @ 105 @ @ 1