Controls the speed at which compression takes effect.
Advancing the control clockwise speeds up the attack time so that
the compressor controls signals faster, allowing less of the initial
transient through controlled. Turning the knob to the
position operates a switch that changes the way that the control
circuit behaves and can be useful as a
production effect
certain programme material.
Varies the time taken for the compressor to recover full
amplification when the signal falls below the compression
threshold. Advancing the control clockwise speeds this process up.
The release time is variable between 2.5 seconds and 0.25
This is a balanced switched attenuator connected
between the output transformer and the output socket. Attenuation
is variable in 4dB steps between -8dB and +4dB.
Panel Meter:
This is an electronically biased meter that directly
indicates the amount of
gain reduction
in dBs that the compressor
is achieving. For adjustment of the ‘zero’ position see the
Maintenance section.
Meter Presets:
Located in the centre of the panel below the
Power and Stereo Link switches. Top preset adjusts the right hand
meter, bottom preset the left hand meter.
Stereo Link:
In the ‘down’ position this switch connects the
control circuits in both compressor channels together. this function
is useful when treating a stereo signal and avoids “image
wandering” by applying equal
gain reduction
to both channels.
Operating the switch to the down position allows mains
AC power to flow, linking the wonderful thermionic devices
together with the
neon. Slowly electrons start to get very
excited, the panel meters rise to the ‘0’ position and the com-
pressor is ready for use. Provided the mains power is
plugged in
or a fuse has not blown, of course! (
see Maintenance section
Located in the Chiswick Reach logo on the front panel -
glow orange! The logo is a stylised map of the very spot on
the banks of the river Thames where the compressor was conceived.
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