Circulating Route of Organs and
Stimulating Therapy
When we stimulate the points on the circulating route, stimulation is delivered to the
organs via circulating route, so they have the effect to improve the functioning of the body.
For example, we can get the effect if we press the back of our hand for tooth pain, top of head
for hemorrhoids, foot for stomach problem, This is called ‘Remote-Control
Therapy’, which is most recommendable in finger-pressure and massaging.
Remote-Control Therapy
What are the Circulating Route?
There is circulating route of energy in human body, needed for harmonizing and normal
functioning of all of the internal organs (liver, heart, spleen, heart, kidney, gall, small
intestine, stomach, large intestine, urinary bladder). Therefore if we stimulate certain points
of such route on the skin which are connected to each organ, we can get the effect
of therapy for symptoms and diseases. At the points, circulation may be stopped in case of
having some trouble in the body. Therapies using such points are finger-pressure.
massaging, acupuncturing. maxacautery, etc., and for infra-red are magnetic and heat
steaming is most effective therapy.