Temperature Control
The marks on the knob are the temperature grades, not
the exact number of the degrees of temperature.
"OFF" shows a forced STOP and "7" shows the coldest
setting. Turn the knob from "1" position to "7" position, the
temperature setting decreases continuously.
Set the knob to "4" position in normal use. But it can be
adjusted to the setting that best suits your needs.
The appliance isn’t frost free model and it need to manual defrost
When the refrigerator works for a period of time, the top chill compartment will be
covered with a layer of thick ice. It may increase the power consumption and reduce
the cooling efficiency. Please do a manual defrost when ice is thicker than 10mm or
the door can’t be closed properly due to too much ice.
When defrosting, cut off the power,
open the door and remove food to a shady
cooling place, wait for 2 or 3 hours, let the temperature rise naturally till ice gets soft
or melts. Then wipe away ice and water.
Notes: Please only use plastic scraper to remove ice if required.
Never use sharp metal tools and it might damage the gas pipe which
will avoid warranty.
The drip tray will collect water from chill compartment. Please
empty the tray regularly to void overflow.